
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Promises of Joy

I love discovering buds on plants, the anticipation of watching them fill and then flower is wonderful, especially if the plant is a new to me. Last week I planted out a Ned Kelly Grevillea, which will grow up to 2m/yards high, is fast growing and has orange red flowers throughout the year - so the tag says.


In my first year of paid work, 28 years ago, I bought a car, Janome sewing machine and a Sunbeam Mixmaster. The car lasted many years but has thankfully been replaced. The sewing machine and Mixmaster are still going strong and are used almost every week. On Monday one of the original mixmaster beaters broke. I was very thankful to be able to buy a new pair of stainless steal beaters on Tuesday. Long lasting reliability is something I treasure in these machines.

Chocolate Caramel Slice is a favourite in our family. Miss O made a double batch yesterday to share with visitors - it's all gone now.....

Our homeschool term started again this week after our short mid-winter break, leaving less time for creative pleasures (including blogging). I'm hoping to have more to share in a few days.

Our white camellias are flowering. I love their pure white hearts dotted amongst their shiny deep green leaves. It's several years since I planted these shrubs and each winter they bring forth more blooms than the previous year - a joy indeed.

Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves 
to recognise how good things really are.
                                                                             Marianne Williamson

Sharing at Tina's Weekend Flowers.


  1. Your white camellias are stunning! And how wonderful that you were able to replace the beaters- not the usual solution to broken appliances nowadays! Happy sewing too!

  2. Lindo tudo e aquele doce apetitoso demais! beijos,chica de volta das férias!

  3. My three year old is right beside me this morning looking at your pictures, and when he saw your sweet treat he said, "Oh, I think that could be yummy!" And he exclaimed, "Such a pretty flower. I think I can smell it." :)
    I hope your school term is off to a good start. I noticed you weren't posting as often. It's hard to keep up with everything isn't it? We start back ourselves on Monday after a long summer break.

  4. I enjoy reading about the different aspects of your life; you are a busy hard to believe it's time for school again...

    What a great shot of your beautiful white camellia...You don't see many white here in NC.....

    Have a great weekend....

  5. The Ned Kelly will be beautiful. I have never seen a white Camellia, the things you learn in blogging. Schooling must fill your day. I bought a Sunbeam mixer when I was first married 44 years ago and it is still going. They don't make things to last these days. Yum the slice looks delicious.

  6. Preciosa la camelia blanca y la otra planta!Muy bonitas las imágenes. Es hermoso ver brotar y crecer lo que sembramos.
    Un abrazo grande.

  7. Will look forward to seeing the progress on this new plant. Bet it will be gorgeous!

  8. Quel fiore di camelia è davvero stupendo...e quella torta....gnammmmmyyyy!

  9. I just come over for this Cake and have a Look at your beautiful Flowers ;-)

  10. Back then, things were made to last. Now they make things cheep so you have to replace them every 5 years if one is lucky they even last that long. The pride of making things to last is no more. BUT you do make things to last, your quilts and lovely photograpy.

  11. Beautiful post! Have a nice day!;)

  12. Always fun to read about your creative, beautiful family, see your lovely flowers and delicious food!! Great way to start the day! Thanks as always for sharing!

  13. Stunning white camelia!!! One of my favorite mother planted a white camelia tree on each side of our front entrance...they were gorgeous!!!
    And don't you just love when you have an appliance that actually lasts forever!!! I still have my mom's Bernina sewing machine...although I don't ever sew anymore...can't say the same about a mixer though..I always use the hand held ones!!!

  14. Might I just say - your pictures are amazing. Really beautiful, they capture the details so fully! Now to make some of that Chocolate Caramel Slice...

  15. I've heard wonderful things about those Janome sewing machines.
    I got a very old Sunbeam Mixmaster at a thrift store for under $7 a couple of years ago, and LOVE IT.
    My beaters are in rough shape though.. Where were you able to find replacements?
    Beautiful photos, as always, Karen!
    They're a joy to look at.

  16. Die weiße Rose ist so wunderschön, ich liebe weiße Blüten!!!

    Einen schönen Sonntag wünsche ich dir und liebe Grüße von Mathilda ♥ ☼


  17. Précious camellia...
    Wonderful camellia...
    I've one in my garden this year : I hope it will be as nice as yours...

    Wish you joy and happiness !!

  18. We live in such a throw away society these days. Nice to see that you still have a couple of long lasting appliances.

  19. Im not alone but for having children still in the home. I do love the things Ive had the longest and cherish them dearly also. Lovely photos.

  20. Awesome pictures of the bud and the flowers.
    Hmmm. Cakes. I love to eat them too!
    Have a nice day :)

  21. Gorgeous post and a reminder to note the joys of life that we take for granted. Thanks for sharing. Marie (

  22. I always enjoy your photos!! The Camilla is perfect!! I have some pink ones that I love but I think I need to be on the look out for a white one.

  23. Beautiful shots all round Karen
    But that quote and that stunning camellia at the end really made my day

  24. Karen,

    I come here and I am full of questions? I hope that is okay. You are busier now with homeschooling and I understand if it takes a while to get back with the answer. Do you school year round with breaks throughout the year? Customarily, we maintain a longer summer break, even thought this summer Charlotte is spending on the average of three mornings weekly doing Math, Latin, and writing, reading and instrument practice is daily.

    I am serioulsy considering making the chocolate caramel slice, thank you for the recipe...I think(smile).

  25. Mam nadzieję, że kwiat będzie kwitł cały rok i jestem pewna, że ciastko córki było pyszne. Pozdrawiam.
    I hope the flowers will flourish all year and I'm sure her daughter was delicious cake. Yours.

  26. your white camellias are stunning!! i love the variety of all your pics... what a collection you've been assembling!!!
    ^)^ linda

  27. Your photography is simply stunning. Sigh, I'm still learning.......

  28. I love to look at your pictures, they always are gorgeous! Your camellia is a pure beauty. My grandmother had one in her garden and it's always a kind of nostalgia moment when I see one.
    The chocolate caramel slice looks so "yummy"! :-)
    Have a nice day!
    Greetings from France

  29. Unas magníficas imágenes...un abrazo desde Murcia...

  30. I always enjoy reading your post my friend. I love that last photo so pretty..


  31. Love the beautiful pictures of flowers, the cake ... and the words of Marianne Williamson

    It's fine to read this post.

    Greetings from Bavaria far away of Australia, Heidrun

  32. I love it when a well-loved, hard-working appliance actually lasts :) I use the same mixer as you, wouldn't change it for any other. Your dessert looks delicious and your last photo is breathtaking.

  33. That white camellia flower looks so clean and pure Karen. Beautiful - Dave

  34. Karen, I've been away from my computer for several days and have missed commenting. I love your posts, and photos and it's always a JOY to stop by. The chocolate caramel slices are so luscious, and yummy...thanks for sharing the recipe from the blogger's source!

    Also, in your previous post, you certainly had a wonderful week of amazing desserts, and just adore the beautiful scenery! xo

  35. Hello Karen,
    what a wonderful and interesting post.
    Love the amazing camelia and the yummi cake and...and...

    Wish you a nice weekend,

    Thanks if you visit my blog

  36. So many beautiful bits of life! I don't know which photo I like more : the white camellia or the tiger walking through the blocks. Both make me smile for different reasons.

  37. Beautiful series! I love the softness in the last shot.

  38. Lovely to see what you all re getting up to. A glorious rose indeed. I too have some flowering totally our of season for me.
    the caramel slice looks utterly delicious.

  39. Thank you Arija. The flower is a camellia, very soft and beautiful.


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