
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sweet Winter

 Little Miss Cupcake (eleven year old Miss O) continues to bake nearly every day. So many tempting delights. I am a self-appointed taste tester of all batters/doughs -someone has to do it ;)
She mostly makes double batches of everything as they disappear so very quickly around our family of ten. Thankfully I am usually content to leave the cooked products alone. I did drink the cup of white tea (thanks Catherine) above but I didn't eat the red velvet cupcake.

Our winter continues to be wonderfully mild. Miss V's calendulas are flowering beautifully, reminding me of miniature sunflowers.

Sharing at NurturePhotography: Gold, Tina's Weekend Flowers.


  1. Such yummy food! Those scones! How lucky you are to have such an accommodating and accomplished 'baker'! Enjoy- even if it is only the delicious aromas!

  2. Well...those scones were the best I've ever tasted and I ate one and a half, with golden syrup and cream...too good to resist!

  3. Love that little creature peeping out on the last photo with his bright blue eye.

  4. The urge to create is in the genes, I believe!
    Your photo's are scrumptious!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  5. Yum, love me some cupcakes! As always, your flower pics are amazing! :-)

  6. I don't think I would be able to resist such treats.

  7. Piękna zima, kiedy kwitną o tej porze roku śliczne kwiaty. Córka Was rozpieszcza pysznymi ciastkami. Pozdrawiam.
    Beautiful winter when the bloom at this time of year, beautiful flowers. Daughter pampers you with delicious cakes. Yours.

  8. Dear O
    I'd love to know what recipe you recommend for red velvet cupcake?

  9. It all likes very good. Especially the cake with the decorated cup is a watering one. If there is some damp coming out it is ready for an magazine ad. Well done.

  10. Oh my ~ the baked goods look so delicious and the flowers are lovely and happy looking.

    You are blessed with Miss Cupcake's love of baking. She is blessed having you as her encourager as well as mother.

    Your photos are wonderful.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  11. Yummy photos!! I would love some of those scones right now with lashings of jam and cream...oh and a cup of tea. 'Tis a lot chillier down here!!

  12. Oh, I wish I had a happy helper in the kitchen! She's quite the baker. xo

  13. Wonderful photos, the cupcake looks so good... lucky you!

  14. Oh my goodness, lucky you being able to taste all those wonderful treats! They look so yummy.

    Your flowers photographs are just beautiful.

    Happy Sunday to you!

  15. Yummy cooking. The scones look perfect for morning tea. Lovely flower photos again.

  16. Hi! The cake looks very delicious. Your macro flower photos are breathtaking beautiful. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday.

  17. Ah, delicious indeed!! What a great young cook you do have!! And your macro flowers are so beautiful!! Great start for my day!!

  18. That cupcake looks delicious! How nice to have a little baker in the house! You must have strong willpower to resist those little goodies!

  19. Ohh, das sieht lecker aus und deine Makros wieder ganz wundervoll.

    Liebe Grüße von Mathilda ♥

  20. I would be leaning over her waiting to be the taste tester...WOW, that looks awesome and perfect. She needs her own cafe' to where she can share her delights and then YOU can put your framed work on display for sale. OMG! those photos took my breath away. WOW!

  21. The colours and sharpness of the two first pictures is out of this world. Very creative.


  22. What an accomplished Patissiere ... I could just reach into the photo and take a big bite of that gorgeous red-velvet cup-cake. 10/10 to Miss O.

  23. Wonderful family member who bakes:)
    Pictures of the flowers are astononishing.

  24. What a lovely mild winter you get there, flowers and everything. Winter here feels like the tundra to me especially when temperatures stay well below freezing all winter. Luckily we are having our wonderful summer right now! You are very blessed not just weather wise but with wonderful children too! Your blog always has such delicious looking treats! I can't believe you can stay away from them...I couldn't!

  25. Another gorgeous post - I like the look of the cupcake holders, as well as the cake itself of course. Those last two flower photos of yours are typical of your beautiful style - which in turn makes them a delight to look at. Renee.

  26. remind me of my mom Karen. She was my tester taster when I first started to bake. She was there to encourage me all the way. Brings back sweet memories :)
    That cake sure looks delicious! And the flower is gorgeous. What flower is that?

  27. Yummy..cupcakes.) The close up of the Calendula is absolutely gorgeous. I have them in different colors in my garden every summer. They are a must!

  28. Karen,
    I am curious to what you call the white fluffy round bread item? And do you eat them with something such as jam or honey?

  29. Hi Cathy - they are scones and they are eaten with jam/honey/syrup and whipped cream. They can also be eaten with butter. There are many varieties of scones including savoury ones like pumpkin which are eaten with just butter. Scones are made with self raising flour and have no yeast -I guess they are traditionally English, and are very common/traditional here in Australia also.

  30. Loving that critter in the last photo! So pretty!
    Thanks so much for joining us in the Nurture Photography Challenge! I can't wait to see what you come up with on Friday when we move on to our new theme: Green/Adventure.

  31. Karen, in case I haven't told you lately, your photography is outstanding!
    How sweet to have a young accomplished baker in the house.. We tend to have a lot of sweet tooths around here.. but so far, our older boys are not altogether masters of the kitchen. :) My husband does quite well, though! He makes many cookies and cakes.
    I adore the photo of the flower not yet opened.

  32. How sweet to have a baker in the house. :) I love that your kids have found creative activities they like to do. The flowers are so pretty, and that's my favorite kind of winter--mild!

  33. I could live with your winters! (o:

  34. Wow!
    Such beautiful clicks and those scones and cupcake looks so tasty!

  35. How nice to have a little baker at home.. Looks yummy. And I LOVE the photo of your flowers. So pretty..


  36. Mmmm - nice photos Karen. I specially liked the scones and the cup and cup-cake photos. Yum... - Dave

  37. Karen, Thank you for your response.
    Scones, I am very familiar with at my house. What you have displayed is what I would call a biscuit, but it seems someone from your lovely country did not know what I meant by a biscuit. A scone is a sort of biscuit, with the addition of a tad of sugar in the dough. Usually our scones are not quite as fluffy...the differences are subtle, but there's a definite difference. Biscuits, we eat with butter, honey and jams(or jellies). They are are also wonderful with gravy. Scones are served with jams, jellies and cream, as an afternoon treat is the norm.

  38. deine Fotos sind sehr schön. Ganz besonders gut gefallen mir das 1. und das letzte

    lg gabi

  39. That 4th flower is just amazing looking. Also wish I had one of those cupcakes right now! Looks yummy

  40. yummy sweets and beautiful flowers! thanx :)

  41. Love the soft focus in the second and last flower pics!!!


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