
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Construction Update

A little inspiration can go a long way. It was a delight to watch our homeschooled children set about their history projects last week. Each one completed a quality written piece as well as a model/drawing.

Miss N's constructed a Leaning Tower of Pisa (Master T working on his model in the background).

I loved Miss V's coffin inside her opening pyramid.

Miss G wrote a more detailed project to accompany her sketch of the Tower of London.

The front balcony of Buckingham Palace by Master T

I wasn't surprised that Miss O baked a cake for her model. She took the opportunity to try a new recipe, one for white cake which used no egg yolks.

My "tower" grew in height by only one storey during the week.

Another star was also completed..... well as a pile of "bricks" for further construction. Well, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is my hand sewn quilt. A quick trip to a local fabric shop allowed me to buy a little more of the fabric which was the starting point for last week's project work - it holds greater meaning for me now!

Sharing at WIP Wednesday, In Hand EPP.


  1. Those are all wonderfully executed projects ;-)

  2. Love those stars. Thanks for sharing Marie (

  3. My compliments ..... very nice done.

    Greetings, Joop

  4. Beautiful star. How do you have time to homeschool, blog and hand-sew a quilt? (as well as everything else you no doubt do)

  5. Nice school projects. I don't see children do that anymore in the netherlands. Its better if they do I think.

  6. They look great! where did you get the templates from?

  7. Deanne the links are in last week's first construction post (there's link to it in the first sentence).

  8. Your whole family is so creative and does beautiful work.

    I love the first photo of your work in whites, honeycomb, sweet little birds, hearts with flowers.

    Your stars are gorgeous and your needlework so finely done by hand.

    You inspire me, all of you, with all that you do, the life you live and your love for one another.


  9. Gorgeous Project and very creative Kids in your house ;-)

  10. Well, since I last commented on your EPP... I have started doing hexies. I have no idea what I was thinking lol. I am finding it relaxing so far, basting them here and there when I feel like it while watching tv with hubby. I have no idea at this point what I will do with them lol but when I figure it out I will have em!

    Stopping by from the WIP hop

  11. Projetos muito bem executados.Gostei de ver! beijos,chica

  12. A very productive week! The projects look great!

  13. Your childrens' projects are so innovative! What a creative way to learn! Your "tower" has me fascinated!

  14. Wow! A busy week was had by all! I love the hand work you showed. I'm sure it will be a beautiful quilt.

  15. I love all your(plural) projects! The children are doing exceptional work and I "drool over your quilt squares"...don't you just love the hyperbole?

    Have a wonderful day!

  16. You certainly have one talented family. I am so impressed with the kid's projects; they are all so well done....

  17. I don't know whose projects I enjoyed more:yours or your children's!

    Good luck with your handwork. I'm sure it will be a long process for you, but it will be worth it!

  18. Jeszcze jestem z wnuczką na wakacjach. Mam okazję skorzystać z komputera, więc jestem i podziwiam pracę Twoją i dzieci. Są pomysłowe. Pozdrawiam.
    I'm still on vacation with her granddaughter. I have the opportunity to use the computer, so I respect and admire your work and children. They are clever. Yours.

  19. Great to see all the projects and how everyone gives their own twist to it. What a great way to learn about all these buildings.

  20. I´d love to make those buildings myself! :-)

  21. I just adore those blocks you are making. They are such an inspiration to try my hand at some more paper piecing. Do you know how many more you are going to make or are you just seeing how it goes?

    Love all the kid's models too - each model looks like it fits the personality of each kid.

  22. What perfect inspiration! Love how the white cake blends perfectly with those stars :)

  23. The children's must feel a great sense of achievement from this week - well done, I especially liked the representation using cake. Your individual pieces are looking so expertly done.

  24. I love this project! I'll have to add it to our homeschool list (which is even longer than my sewing list).
    Your pile is coming along nicely. I'm not even home and have finished precious little on my EPP.

  25. What great projects these are Karen! Love them all, and ooohh, that cake was a good idea.

  26. The constructions are looking impressive. I do love the pyramid with its coffin, and then pyramid cake to go with it. Well done to them. Years ago when I was doing craft classes at the school where I worked I had the yr 5/6 classes construct buildings - old and modern. The results were amazing.

  27. Very nice work. All of them:)

  28. Your kids are so creative and talented. I love what they have done. They must get it from you my friend.


  29. One day your children will visit those places and remember their project with great affection.

  30. History lessons at your house look fun!! I love the different interpretations and approaches used.

  31. Karen, these are wonderful!
    So creative and so unique.
    Have a great weekend!

  32. Oh, wow, that's so creative and teaches great skills. I so admire homeschooling moms. God bless you and your new year.

  33. What an endearing post. I found you over at Hydee's EPP link. I look fwd to watching your tower grow,

  34. The EPP is so pretty but rather overshadowed by your children's amazing creations!

  35. Pretty colours for your quilt.


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