
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Pieces of Spring

Early spring mornings invite one to step outside and enjoy the sunshine. Jobs, chores, play or in Mast J's case, off to school for just a few weeks more.

Another bird now adds it song to the many winged singers. A tiny migratory Australian Scarlet Honeyeater is proclaiming his territory in our street with a surprisingly loud call. I could hardly believe such a distinct and loud song could come from his tiny body.

Master T turned 14 this week. Our second son, 5th child (and my third natural breech birth). He is 21 months younger than our twins but is now taller than them. He made an amazing sponge cake and a piñata for all to enjoy.

The twins had their second hockey grand final of the season this afternoon. Their AR1 women's team won 3:1 with Miss G scoring the first goal and Miss N being awarded "Player of the Grand Final". A wonderful finale to their hockey season. They are currently on their way to another town 5 hours away for a long day of cricket tomorrow, they love their sport!

An even bigger week next week - more about that soon.....


  1. You live such a fulfilling and rich life! Happy days!

  2. A wonderfully varied series of pictures Karen,
    your photos are beautiful highlights of color and good.

    Congratulations to the ladies of the hockey team.

    I wish you a lovely weekend.

    Greetings from the Netherlands,


  3. There's so many things to respond to with your post. When I saw the first shot of your daughter's hair, I immediately thought to comment to you about your daughter's amazing hair, and then I saw that shot of the close up of your daughter's hair, and just sighed.....
    Can't believe grown up little miss E looks cleaning the pool - so much taller!
    Look at your young men, my goodness, I'm feeling a sense of pride and I don't even know them!
    I didn't get an opportunity to reply about your incredible butterfly metamorphis captures in your previous post - wow.

  4. Great shots. Especially the hair shot. Could be a great editorial ad in a magazine. Also see a big difference in age on the hockey field. Lets say experience against juvenile enthusiasm.

  5. You are so right about the hockey ages. The older team had an average age of 44years, the younger one, of about 14 years! Experience/tactics v's speed/enthusiasm.

  6. What a wonderful selection of photos. You are there on the edge of Spring whilst here the Summer has ended and soon the leaves will be falling.Your children are growing into young adults each with their own interests. How time is just flying by too quickly.

  7. Ouch on the breach births, gave me chills.
    YOUR daughter at the pool is an amazing picture, you need to frame that one, you sure can make that T3i sing but after all you have great subjects.
    Congrats on the birthdays and may he have many more. Great looking cake!!
    Congrats on the hockey season.
    You may not have hummingbirds but where you are you have some amazing birds we will never see here. Would love to hear what that bird sounds like; can you take a video and post it?
    Hope you have a blessed Sunday

  8. Momentos realmente lindos! Parabéns ao filho! Lindos cabelos loiros como o sol, cacheados. Tudo muito lindo aqui! beijos, ótimo fim de semana! chica

  9. You certainly are busy! Happy birthday to your son!

  10. You have a beautiful family, and live in a magical place! Love the bottle brush!

  11. You have a lovely family. The pictures are great!

  12. Congratulations with the victory.


  13. You do indeed have a beautiful family, Karen! Delightful captures as always! I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!!

  14. As always, lovely images from your life! :-)

  15. Welcome Karen!
    Happy birthday to your son.
    Very interesting post and wonderful pictures.
    I send greetings from distant Polish.

  16. fin serie , liker det første bilde best det er kanll !

  17. Greatful children and wonderful Life ... And of course
    Happy ... Happy Birthday to your son :)

    Greetings by Heidrun from Bavaria

  18. Beautiful images!
    I wish you a lovely weekend..;)

  19. So heartwarming updates from the family. They are all beautiful and seems so happy:)

  20. Beautiful family and so much joy. The photos capture that joy well.

  21. Looks like a wonderful start to spring. Happy Birthday to Master T and Congrats to your twins on their victory!

    Can't wait to hear more on the upcoming week :)

  22. As we are entering fall it is nice to see your Spring photos. Lots of wonderful photos my friend.


  23. Bei euch Frühling und bei uns kommt der Herbst, den mag ich nicht so sehr.Es ist nass und kalt.

    Liebe Grüße von Mathilda ♥

  24. LOVE the first fourth and fifth shots!!! Looks like a lovely time with family!!!

  25. beautiful and busy life you have:-) thanks for these lovely details!

  26. Such a wonderful series of images, Karen! Your daughter's hair is stunning. The first image of her by the pool was a lovely use of light. It was lovely to meet some of your children the other week and of course you and Jim. I do hope he is feeling much better.
    Your children's busy sporting lives remind me of my own children throughout their school lives... after school trainings in numerous sports and weekend competitions dominated our lives but, I believe, enriched theirs. Well done on their results.


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