
Friday, November 15, 2013


One of the things I most value about blogging is how it can serve as a journal of our days and weeks. Sometimes I include photos or a whole post, not because they are particularly inspirational nor technically correct, but because it acts as a record. Each of us has a life which is unique and valuable and worth recording in some way - and not just the big events, but the unposed, everyday happenings.

Here's a little of our past week, the seemingly insignificant things which make our life what it is-
Waiting for Miss O and Miss V's cricket game to begin.
A White Faced Heron hunting in our backyard.
Poppy seedheads - almost as beautiful as the flowers.
Miss E's Super Heroes lego set arrived after a two week wait, she's loves her Super Heroes!
A pair of Spotted Turtle Doves are nesting on top of our solar inverter, I guess it's always warm.
A friend came bearing a belated birthday gift, apologising that she had missed my "big" birthday.
An Australian Wood Duck family on our kerbside this morning.
One of this afternoon's spring thunderstorms. Master J's school was damaged in one earlier this week.

How do you keep a record of your little everyday happenings?

Sharing at A Piece of HeavenWeekly Top Shot, SkyWatch Friday.


  1. Życie jest piękne, bo każdego dnia i w każdej chwili dzieje się "coś". Takie momenty dają nam radość, chociaż czasami też i smutek.U Ciebie były same ciekawe momenty ostatnio. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
    Life is beautiful, because every day and every moment happens to be "something". Such moments give us joy, though sometimes also smutek.U you are inherently interesting moments lately. I greet warmly.

  2. I agree with you about the benefits of blogging. I find we tend to forget things if they are not recorded somewhere. Your family and children will be able to look back on what you've saved as memories for them and of them over the years.

  3. A lovely post again

    wish you all a very nice weekend Karen.

    Greetz, Joop

  4. If I took such wonderful photos as you, I'd blog about the 'everyday', everyday!

  5. Nice collection of your weekly meetings and happenings. But how to keep them so that you have them also over say 25 years. I was lucky to find some electronic memories back but for the same they were gone forever.

  6. What a lovely look back at your week! A great idea for your post. Your children are beautiful and I love the pretty heron! The sky shot is awesome, amazing cloud formation. Great series, have a happy weekend!

  7. Nice collection of your daily life in spring! I enjoyed it very much, because in Germany it's grey and I'm ill for several weeks...

  8. I think it's important to record our mundane days... that is how we spend our lives for the most part. Love the cloud capture. :)

  9. Beautiful photos of your everyday life, Karen. You must have the most wonderful album filled with many happy memories of the simple things that maketh your life. As a gal who loves to write, I love to put my thoughts and reminiscences down on paper.

  10. Great photos. I really loved the clouds. WOW!

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  11. I think I'm in the same boat. If I had time to journal, I would. Blogging seems to take care of two needs. Quilting and. Journaling ; )

  12. Great post!:)
    Have a nice weekend!

  13. Such a lovely capture of the day!! Happy children and birds, beautiful skies and flowers! All those things that make our lives so beautiful and meaningful -- remembered and appreciated!! Thanks, not only for sharing, but as a reminder for us all!!May you and your family have a beautiful weekend

  14. That white-faced heron is beautiful! I don't think we have those here in Louisiana.

    Yes, I sometimes use my blog as a journal. I figure when I go kaput, my kids can go back and learn more about me and their family. And who knows what generations down the road it will impact.

  15. So many wonders in Family and Nature - I like how you record them. My 7 year old granddaughter also loves her legos.

  16. Joyful and interesting moments of your day. Beautiful fotos.
    Have a nice weekend!

  17. I loved the pictures of your every day moments, especially the last one with the clouds is gorgeous. For me blogging is indeed to keep a record of my outdoor life with flora and fauna.
    Have a nice weekend,

  18. Beauty and happiness in all of these photos. I also love the way that blogging journals our days. A lasting view of life in previous days.

  19. So wonderful your pictures!
    It's a good way to record your precious moments. Your photos are vivid! Especially love the third one!
    Have a lovely weekend:)

  20. Love her smile clutching new Legos, they are so great for kids, mine always loved it, instant hit, never missed.

  21. That's a lot of cool happenings for one week. Your cloud shot is amazing!

  22. Many subjects but all sharp and good pictures.


  23. Fantastisk, gode fotografier allesammen. Billeder, der hver i sær fortæller en historie.
    Kærlig Hilsen

  24. You´re so right, I love that with blogging too! :-)

  25. Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on the Weekly Top Shot, #109!

  26. i just adore sharing my simple joys with the blogging community....a group of wonderful peeps!!

  27. turtle doves are my absolute favourite... so nice for you to have their presence!
    Happy big birthday my friend

  28. Little things in life that makes us happy:)

  29. Wanted to ask what the 3rd pic was and then saw you'd described it at the end of the post :-). Thanks. Lovely lovely shots !

  30. What a lovely set of beautiful moments!

  31. I agree with Spare Parts, an amazing cloud! - Margy

  32. "Contentment" is right. Particularly the cloud image. So peaceful, hypnotic, in a sense. Thank you for sharing!

  33. Such beautiful images, Karen!!
    Like you, I try to capture moments with my camera.


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