
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Written Treasure

Written treasure, that's what inside those envelopes. "What do you want for your birthday?" was last week's question from the children. I've never been one for gathering many belongings, preferring to have nothing rather than something I'm not fond of. What I really wanted was a written/artistic snapshot from each child, something which expressed the essence of who they are now as well as their hopes and dreams. 

On my birthday I was presented with 8 envelopes neatly tied in a bundle, one from each child. Reading them quietly brought laughter, love and tears of appreciation. A priceless, timeless gift. Yes, there were chocolates also, enough to share with all. 

My patient, loving husband gifted me with a beautiful laptop, my first ever computer of my own - although he would have given me one years ago if I had wanted one then. I've always protested that I didn't need one, was happy to share....but now seemed the perfect time and a great way to mark a special decade birthday. Maybe one year soon I'll even consent to owning a smartphone.

Over the last week I've finished sewing my cut pieces, ironed and trimmed each block. I'm not sure if I have enough blocks yet but there is certainly enough to make a good start. Sometimes I like to sew with a general plan rather than exact measurements and quantities - anyone else like that?

Our Nashi Pear tree is currently in blossom, I love their delicate flowers. Maybe we will have fruit, maybe not. The flowers are enough of a gift on their own.

Sharing at WIP Wednesday


  1. WIth those luscious fabrics I can't blame you for wanting to start sewing! And what a wonderful gift from your beautiful children! Many happy returns Karen!

  2. Fantastic gift in my opinion - and looove the fabrics! :-)

  3. Happy birthday to you. Sounds like a fabulous birthday! Your quilt blocks look so nice and neat. I too often sew without exact measurements. I don't have the patience of some people and like to just plunge in :-)

  4. Happy Birthday and what a special gift from the children. Priceless and so personal. hugs

  5. Happy Birthday!!! Great gift from your children!!! You must be a good mother. Your work is so beautiful:)

  6. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin. Bardzo sympatyczny i z pewnością miły prezent dostałaś od dzieci. Był bardzo osobisty. Mąż też się się świetnie spisał z prezentem. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
    Happy birthday. Very nice and certainly got a nice gift from the kids. It was very personal. Her husband also is a great gift wrote with. I greet warmly.

  7. What a great idea from your children. It deserves imitation. I think that a bit improvisation on undertakings (it doesn't what) makes it more valuable for the future than working along a strict plan with a pre-definite outcome. Thats not the way how great ideas are born.

  8. Happy Birthday, health and many lovely letters each Year for you, dear Karen.

    Greetings ba Heidrun

  9. A very happy birthday to you! The envelopes from your children -- so sweet.

  10. Belated Happy Birthday greetings to you dear Karen. Those 8 envelopes are filled with priceless gifts from your children.

    What a wonderful gift from your husband too. Enjoy.

    Lovely photos as always and your blocks are so colorful and happy looking. I come away from your blog feeling inspired and rested.


  11. Happy Birthday my friend. Sound like it was a great one. What your kids got you is a perfect gift indeed.. Have fun on your new computer.


  12. Touching gift! Nothing would or could be better! I love looking at that stack of freshly cut and ironed blocks too!

  13. What a wonderful birthday gift from your family.

    The fabric pieces are lovely.

  14. Happy birthday! What a bundle of blessings you received. I would have cried all the way through those letters. Tears of joy, of course.

  15. Oh what lovely gifts from your children! I love that idea! And I'm sure the laptop will be a blessing. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! It sounds like it was a special one.

    Your quite blocks are SO pretty! I love all those delicious colors. I can't wait to see it all put together. Some day when my children are older I'd like to attempt a quilt of my own. I check out books from the library about quilts from time to time, just enjoying the beautiful designs and colors.

  16. Priceless gift for your birthday. Belated happy birthday by the way. Good luck with the quilts.
    Flower is really nice:)

  17. Happy Birthday!!! That is such a wonderful gift from your children. So special!

  18. You really are a creative allrounder Karen! :-)

    Many greetings from the Netherlands,

  19. What a lovely thoughtful gift from the children as well as the one from your husband! Hope you birthday was wonderful, I am so glad I have met you through blogging and you are a wonderful friend. I wish you many more happy and blessed years!

    Your quilt is coming along beautifully! I know how it is to have more of a general idea than a full plan for quilting. I love the freedom it gives, allowing you to change your quilt as you go and adapting for what you like.

  20. Cherish the written treasures of your children it must be the best present ever.

  21. Happy birthday!
    You are realy happy!!!

  22. The cherry chocolates are also treasures. :-)


  23. I know you will treasure those letters forever. I would prefer this type of gift anytime over an object......As the kids grow older, I am sure you will bring them often to remember the special birthday wishes that each one had for you on this special day. Happy Birthday...

  24. Happy Birthday!
    Don't laugh, but I currently work on 2 computers next to each other.
    I love your stacks of fabric.
    Oh yes, I also love my smartphone. I have several apps that I use to earn money and gift cards all day long.

  25. What a perfect Birthday gift!! I had to chuckle, because I finally caved on this birthday and allowed a smart phone to be foisted onto me. Half the time I have to pass it to my 15yo so she can make it do what I want. . . ;D Enjoy your new computer!

  26. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you have a very loving/giving family :)

  27. You've been given many treasures - from your Family and from Nature. Happy Birthday!

  28. Happy birthday - guess that makes you a Scorpio too. What a lovely gift to treasure and re-read when you have down days, enjoy your very own laptop. I would. Mine was today - I got choccys too - I think they are essential birthday treats.

  29. Better late than never, Happy Birthday !!!Lovely moments and photo's thanks for sharing.

  30. Hi dearest Karen, such beautiful words and images from you again. Happy Birthday!
    Smartphone, apps, widgets, I know the words but it's a world unknown to me otherwise and can't see why I'd need one either. I did use one once I borrowed to make the pictures in the rose garden in Kortrijk last summer. That would be something I'd love about it, to have it with me all the time and being able to take more pictures of random things that come on my path.
    Enjoy your laptop!
    Did you change to google+ or not? I wondered.

  31. Happy birthday!! =)

    I love to sew with a general plan and not exact measurements. I am so seriously math challenged.

  32. Karen, this place is so full of beauty, and what a special gifts from your children! Your pear blossom is perfect!

  33. I would love to get a glimpse inside those envelopes - it's for your eyes only though and I'm just being nosey because I can sense how precious each one would be. I have only recently explained to a quilting friend about your magical stairs quilt, is it ok if I send her some photos of your development?
    Thanks for your serene and soft photo at the end. Renee.

  34. A very happy birthday to you Karen for a few days ago. I am with you when it comes to gifts. I have a collection of handmade bookmarks from my kids over the years. Each year when they've asked me what a want for my birthday, I've said, just make me a bookmark! Precious, and oh so interesting how they've changed. Ros x


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