
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

And Then....He Looked at Me!

Oh no! Is he dead? I was standing near the back door looking for some ribbon in the cupboard when he flew in, around and hit the glass door on his way back out. He just lay there on the floor beside me for several minutes. I wondered if he'd broken his back.

Then he looked at me...he was alive! Within a couple of minutes Master J had gently covered him with an old cloth and relocated him to our back deck.

There he sat for a few more minutes before flying away in the blink of an eye!

I had often wanted a closer look at these pretty little Silvereyes, native to Australia, New Zealand and the south-west Pacific islands, however I never expected to see one sitting still right at my feet like this one did yesterday. 

Sharing at Wild Bird Wednesday.


  1. What a beautiful little bird. I have never seen one before.

  2. I love this! I have had the same experience with a few birds that flew into our sunroom windows...what an incredible recovery you captured!

  3. A small life nearly lost but regained - such good fortune. My very best to you.

  4. I love seeing these little birds flitting amongst the shrubs in my garden. I never thought I would get to see one so closely - especially the details around the eye. I am glad he was able to fly away Thank you.

  5. Poor little bird. I hope he fully recovers. It is amazing how he just picked up and flew off like that.

  6. Oh how fortunate for both of you…the bird lives and you get a great close-up so we can clearly see why they are named 'silvereyes'. Beautiful!

  7. Que maravilha!! Lindo e que bom que estava vivinho!! beijos,chica

  8. What a lovely one.

    Greetings, Joop

  9. Amazing feathers and eyes. Very nice photo!
    Jette Majken

  10. Great photos, Karen and a happy ending!

  11. Maybe he was just practising for a part in 'Swan Lake'.

  12. Its always sad when a bird fly into glass, but lucky that it escaped death. As bird you don't expect hard air that you can't see. Still a beauty it is. I wonder why it is called silvereyes and not something with yellow in it or do you have already to much birds called with yellow.

  13. Jak to dobrze, że ptaszkowi nic się nie stało. Zdjecia zrobiłaś cudowne. Pozdrawiam.
    How good it is that the bird was hurt. Pictures did wonderful. Yours.

  14. Hi SC, good question. We do have several similar looking small birds with yellow, one is called a yellow-faced honeyeater. I guess the tiny silver/white eye feathers make this one distinct from the others.

  15. The silver eye is a beautiful little bird.
    I often have birds flying into our windows, but miraculously, if you do as you did, they perk up very quickly and fly away.

  16. Oh goodness - he sure LOOKED pretty dead, maybe it was a zombie bird?! :-D

  17. So ein hübscher Vogel und schön, dass er doch noch lebt.

    LG Mathilda ♥

  18. What a beauty, I'm so happy he recovered. I always put them in a safe place hoping they will survive, it's so nice when they do!!

  19. Beautiful little bird and great close-up photos. I'm glad it was able to fly off again.

  20. Poor little thing! I'm glad he was okay in the end.

  21. My heart breaks when I see that happen, as it does occasionally on my windows. Not all are happy endings so I was greatful to see that yours was. Such a beautiful bird and such wonderful pictures, especilly the macro ... you were blessed with a moment. I hope the little bird lives a long life now.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  22. My, you do have beautiful creatures come avisiting, Karen!! The bird is beautiful...and....your photos.....amazing!!

  23. It happens to me... so pleased it was OK

  24. It's a miracle to meet such a lovely tiny birds in your home. Never before heard about a silvereye and see such eyes. A good end that he fly again ... Lovely pictures <3

    Greetings by Heidrun

  25. I'm so happy he recovered! Beautiful images!:)

  26. I am so happy your pretty Silvereyes was Ok. The window strikes are awful for the birds. Beautiful bird and photos.

  27. Good thing he took off. I had a Western Tanager fly into one of my window and it took me a month to rehab him!

  28. Just beautiful! Oh... Just so beautiful. :)

  29. Absolutely beautiful. Glad he is okay!

  30. What a sweet bird, I'm glad it survived!

  31. Bless your hearts, and you did exactly what should be done. Birds go into shock very quickly, and once they do, it is unlikely that they will survive. The security and warmth of the blanket was just what was needed.

  32. I love happy endings, and this one was beautiful as well. The detail in your close ups is magnificent!

  33. Beautiful bird!
    Close encounter!
    Fantastic photos!
    Happy ending!

  34. Such a serendipitous event. The bird has white eyelashes rimmed round the eyes. I'm glad that everything turned out fine for this little birdie.

  35. A very lucky little bird. We have so many hit our windows and not survive. I hate to hear a thud and know it is another precious bird.

    Great photography.

  36. What an awesome moment and glad he survived it!
    Great images.

  37. Wow, stunning bird, and great story. I'm so glad he was okay!

  38. What a sweet surprise and a blessing for you!

  39. I'm so glad the bird was okay! Loved your photos!

  40. What a beautiful little bird!
    We see this happen with wood peckers a few times. One flew into our window & landed on the ground right beside me while I was outside. He was laying, wings sprawled, unmoving & I expected the worst, but at a closer look, I saw it was still alive & blinking. After several moments of being stunned, off he flew again!
    I'm glad your little bird had a happy ending & you had a chance at a closer look (and wonderful photos!0

  41. Oh wow, so glad for this happy ending. Your pictures of him were very impressive, so detailed. Can you imagine the conversation he had with his family once he was back up in the trees. What a story he'd have.

  42. Ha ha - had me fooled with that title and then the 1st photo. I thought it would lead to a story of a teenage girl swooning because a heart-throb had thrown a glance her way ;>)

    Glad all turned out so well - and the bonus was the great shots you got of this little beauty.

  43. great close-up shots! love the details...happy weekend!

  44. Oh, my, tragedy ends well. Glad he flew away. He was such a beauty to behold.


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