
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Penning, Painting and Pinning

The painting and penning above with the children was inspired by pinning - of the PINTEREST kind! 
Late last month I finally decided to join Pinterest as a beautifully visual way of organising and bookmarking ideas I want to remember.  

I find myself scanning through one board after another, like Alice in Wonderland. What a wonderful source of inspiration, feeding the mind with creative images and ideas and so easy to share with the children or others. I love having a feast of fresh images to ponder as I drift off to soothing water for a weary mind.

Do you have a very favourite Pinterest board or creative ways of using Pinterest? I'm all ears.   :)

One of my friends and her daughter (who lives in another state) use Pinterest as a way of sharing fabric/pattern ideas to help co-ordinate sewing/buying for the grandchildren, keeping each other up to date with what they like or have in mind. You are allowed up to three "Secret" boards which would work for this type of sharing, gift ideas or more personal interests.

UPDATE: One of the biggest features of Pinterest for me is being able to easily organise and see my Pins or bookmarks. This makes finding something later much easier. You can of course delete pins too. You can change the placement of your boards on your home page but don't seem to be able to adjust pins within a board - they stay in chronological order of pinning.

Another brilliant advantage is being able to log in to Pinterest from any internet device and access your own Pins or new ideas. This is great when away from your usual computer/device or when upgrading to another computer.


  1. lovely graphics

    from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    =^..^= <3

  2. I haven't dared join Pinterest for fear I'll spend even more time in front the computer and even less time in the garden or writing my story. Glad you are enjoying it. It must be a good resource for home schooling.

  3. That’s why I hadn’t joined Pinterest until now Diane, however I’m finding it complements my blogging and blog reading well. Sometimes I just feel like browsing - Pinterest is perfect for that and also bookmarking those posts/photos I want to keep/remember. I’m thinking a little less time blogging and a little on Pinterest will be an even more creative and refreshing mix.

  4. I love Pinterest! There is always inspiration there! Do you know you can look up what others have 'pinned' from your blog too?! That makes for interesting browsing too!

  5. It does make interesting browsing - some of my photos I wouldn't have thought to pin (some of the nature ones) but they are there. One of my first and simplest quilts has been pinned about 100 times. It all depends on who pins your photos as to how many times they are repinned.

  6. Karen
    I LOVE pinterest, I have lots of boards,
    I enjoy being organised (on paper at least) and pinterest really allows me to do this. I may go weeks without looking but find it a great way to gather ideas and thoughts for all areas of my life

  7. I have never ventured into the world of pinterest. I have no idea what it is so maybe after your enthusiastic post I will take a peek.

  8. Myślę, że do dobry pomysł chociaż zabiera czas. Jednak i dzieci mają zabawę. Pozdrawiam.
    I think that's a good idea, although it takes time. However, and the kids have fun. Yours.

  9. I love Pinterest, it makes things so easy! :-)

  10. Hi Karen, I am your newest follower. I love your blog and I am so happy to have found you. I'm adding you to my front page blog list, so that I will never miss a single post. I would be honored to have you as a mutual follower, come visit and see if you like my site.
    I'm a retired wife, mother and grandma, who is just enjoying each new day.
    Connie :)

  11. Hi Fun60,
    I first started having a look when I noticed some blog traffic coming from pinterest. I would click on the link and follow it to pinterest. My eldest daughter has been on pinterest for ages and loves it. It doesn’t have the personal connections like blogging but is filled with the best images as people generally only pin what they really like. However just today I found a lovely new-to-me quilt blog through pinterest. I left a comment on her blog about one of her amazing quilts and now we follow each other through Bloglovin’.

    Have a look around pinterest, it may be just perfect for bookmarking images (maybe of places you want to visit or recipes) and even some quotes/articles. You can have several “secret boards” too where you may wish to keep them private, maybe if you were collecting ideas for a gift or something personal.

  12. Lovely colored post Karen.

    warm greetings, Joop

  13. I always like bright colours, great job.


  14. I enjoy Pinterest too, it can become addicting looking at all the pins and boards. I enjoy looking at the recipes and all the nature photos.

    Wishing you all the best in 2014, Happy New Year to you and yours!

  15. I'm getting curious about Pinterest and guess I'll just have to check it out soon! Thanks for the information! Wishing you and your family a wonderful and very Happy New Year, Karen!! Thank you for all the beauty you share with us!!


  16. Well you have inspired me Karen! I actually signed up for pinterest, and then did nothing with it. Not sure if I even remember how to get in to it. Think I will try it out again. Happy new Year to you, and may this be a very special year for you and your family!

  17. I LOVE Pinterest! When I first discovered it, I was really obsessed and it took at lot of my time. Luckily, the novelty wore off a little bit and now I only use it when I come across something online I'd like to save (like a quilt pattern I'd like to try). I like to refer to my boards often as they are a good reminder of my style.

  18. What beautiful pen and paint artwork! Pinterest is a great source of inspiration and information as well as a great way to keep organized as you are stating! Almost all my pinterest boards are sewing related - Robert Kaufman pinned a few of my quilts even which really drove traffic to my blog for a few weeks (and still does although not to the extent a fresh pin does).

  19. That’s exciting Elise! A few months ago Tasha Noel Horsley pinned several photos from my Simple Life quilt post- made with her Simple Life fabric range. This brought a lot of traffic (and still some now) to my blog and was one of the things which made me look into Pinterest seriously. Sarah Fielke has pinned a couple of my Sunlit Treasure quilt photos as it’s made with a pattern from her book.

  20. I adore Pinterest and use it for teaching ideas, and all kinds of other things.

  21. You are certainly an enthousiastic new pinterest member Karen ;) I don't have my own pinterest account or whatever it's called but I think it's inevitable while searching the internet for creative ideas you end up on pinterest at one point or another so I have been strolling through that marvelous world before. I LOVE your pinterest! Will be making those felt birds I saw and wow, those quilts, so much inspiration!
    Me on the other hand, I am going backwards. Bought myself a book on sewing with a chapter in it about quilting... everything by hand... I'm just not a sewing machine lover I'm afraid. It's backwards all the way for me ;) Even in these days of internet I still love a new book.

  22. Ah yes, pinterest is rather like falling down the 'magic hole of wonderland'. It takes one on a neverending journey of delightful inspiration!!

  23. welcome to pinterest Karen! The fabric looks so pretty!

  24. Lovely colored post Karen!Great work! :)

  25. I LOVE pinterest.. My favorite things to pin are recipes.

    Wishing you and your family a happy 2014.


  26. I wish you a fantastic 2014 Karen! ;-)
    Gert Jan Hermus

  27. I'm totally hooked on Pinterest. :)
    Since we don't have television, I consider it my "down time" .. a place where I can sit down & scroll through all the inspiring ideas.
    It's great!

  28. Życzę Ci szczęśliwego Nowego roku !
    I wish you a Happy New Year!


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