
Friday, January 3, 2014

Butterfly Dance

Before my friend's baby was born I had already decided NOT to make a quilt. It was Erin's tenth baby, the last three had been boys, and I gifted her a baby quilt for the most recent baby almost three years ago. No, I was not going to make a quilt this time.

But then Erin had a girl, December 22nd...and they chose a delightful real life name for her (Bella is her screen mane). As Christmas came and went I kept thinking about baby "Bella", a brand new blessing to my friend as we all celebrated the birth of our Saviour.

On Boxing Day (Dec 26) I was still thinking of Bella as I painted with my younger girls. Leaving the painting I went to my favoured medium for creating, my fabric stash, and saw some fabrics perfect for a little girl ..... and knew I wanted to make a quilt with love just for Bella. Something quick and easy yet beautiful and useful.

So I washed and ironed, designed and sketched, cut and sewed, cut and repositioned and sewed until I was happy with the quilt top. The butterfly print is the central fabric around which I chose complementary fabrics. Butterfly Dance seemed to be the right name for this quilt.

Very late on New Year's Eve I finished hand stitching the binding on the quilt, which then only needed a label.

Miss G came for a walk with me on New Year's Day to be my quilt holder as I took some photos. Standing in the middle of Fig Tree Avenue, we quickly scuttled off the road whenever traffic came along. This driver stopped, wanting to know what we were doing and suggested we should take photos with his car in them too! So we did.   :)

Yesterday I made a matching card and we headed out to visit Erin, PC and family and to see their beautiful new baby for the first time. As Erin fed baby some of their children watched on as gifts were unwrapped. They all loved the Butterfly Dance quilt - and we all loved little baby Bella.....


  1. Treasured gifts…babies and quilts…both made with love.

  2. Erin was telling me about the quilt this morning, it is just beautiful!

  3. Wonderful gift, so well done, I am impressed!
    Best regards, Marion

  4. Certamente iria agradar esse teu presente tão lindo!beijos,tudo de bom,chica

  5. Wow, such gorgeous work! :-)

  6. Very beautiful work and perfect for cuddling.

    Nice to know that Philippines ranks high in your visitors list :)

  7. Such gorgeous work! :)
    Complimenti, Karen!

  8. Piękny prezent i z pewnością Mama dzidziusia była nim zachwycona. Pozdrawiam.
    A beautiful gift and certainly the mother the baby was delighted. Yours.

  9. What a sweet, colorful and happy quilt for a new little baby girl named Bella.

    You did a lovely job once again.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  10. A quilt is such a wonderful gift, something that she can enjoy for many years, andlove your fabric choices. I have a family member that makes quilts, and i have many of hers which I love everytime I see them

  11. What a wonderful gift for baby Bella.

  12. Das ist so lieb und wunderschöm.

    Grüßle ♥ Mathilda

  13. You made that so quickly. You are really talented and what a beautiful gift that will be treasured for many years.

  14. What a beautiful quilt. And that name is perfect for it. She will treasure it always.


  15. Absolutely beautiful gift, made with heart.

  16. Such a beautiful gift!
    The quilt is perfectly bright & beautiful and I'm reminded that it's been far too long since I've made a handmade card.

    PS: Love the car shot! :)

  17. A sweet story and a gorgeous one of a kind "Bella" quilt!

  18. The matching card! What a gorgeous quilt, and you got the best shots of it. :)

  19. That is beautiful. What a lovely gift.

  20. Karen, what a special gift. I've said to you before about my amazement of a quilter's skills - and then you go ahead and make this in a few days!!! I simply love it. Look at those combinations of colours, and the butterfly theme, and then the whole quilting sewing swirly pattern thing. So SO special - those are the gifts that the receivers think of the givers everytime they use the gift. Hope that your three words/intentions for the year are starting to fall in to place, or at least, show a glimpse.

  21. Beautiful colors! I also love the label you made for the back. it is so perfectly stitched.

  22. I love the colors you used for this. It is so perfect for a baby girl. I'm sure it will be treasured for years to come!

  23. This is beautiful, Karen! It amazes me that you can create something so lovely in such a short amount of time! What a special treasure this will be for baby Bella.

  24. :-) Hide and seek! ;-)

    I hope that you'll have a great week! ;-)
    Gert Jan Hermus

  25. You are amazing!!!
    And this is just gorgeous, Karen.

  26. OMG!!! It is so beautiful! You are such a sweet soul Karen. I'm so touched by your kindness. May you be blessed :)

  27. What a beautiful story and a beautiful quilt. Butterfly Dance will be treasured by its sweet new owner for many years to come.

  28. make it all seem possible for me to try. maybe something small and simple. I love these colors and I share your love of butterflies!

  29. What a gorgeous quilt! You are such a blessing. I'm sure baby Bella will treasure the quilt as she grows up.
    I love the shots with the car... and a street I recognise!! :)

  30. I know the feeling of "I'm not going to this time" and then giving in. how wonderful that you went ahead and made that quilt! it's as special as a tenth baby. sometimes I find that my later babies don't get the attention the first ones did from other people. it's as if they're thinking, "oh, it's just another one of their babies. we've seen them before." but I think quite the opposite. of course a first baby is special, but how many 6th, 7th, or 10th babies are out there?! they are the more rare and unique breed. I think they deserve just as much celebration and recognition if not more. =)

    which reminds me, this spring,a friend is having her 6th baby, first girl, after 7 years of being "done." I need to make her a quilt!

  31. This is totally adorable! Love the colours! Glad I found your blog, thanks for commenting on mine so now I have found you!


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