
Monday, January 20, 2014

"Life is Too Short to be Busy"

I read a thought provoking article today by Tyler Ward titled "Busy Isn't Respectable Anymore"

This evening I stopped to watch the setting sunlight dancing on the rippling river in the cool evening breeze. 
Stopped. And Watched. Until the sunset, big and red, and it was no more. 

 I've become so accustomed to being unavoidably busy with several young children for many years that I now have to retrain myself to take those moments and decide NOT to be busy. "Life is too short to be busy". Wise words by Tim Kreider.


  1. Beautiful photos and interesting article, but it is very true. Not something we think about usually, but we should. I appreciate the reminder!

  2. So true! Life is short, enjoy the moment. Lovely reflections and images. Have a happy week!

  3. I love this quote, and I am DEFINITELY off to read this article!! :-)

    Thank you, Karen.

  4. Just looking at those photos can slow my breathing down and I can feel a sense of calm.

  5. Glad that you a finding a few short periods to not be busy.... I can totally understand that for you this must be few and far between. Beautiful and reflective shots!

  6. W życiu oprócz codziennych zajęć, musi być czas na to, co kochamy i lubimy robić. Zdjęcia są przepiękne.Pozdrawiam.
    In our daily life, it must be time to do what we love and we like to do. The photos are beautiful. Yours.

  7. Very wise words. I once sat and watched a hummingbird feeding on a Columbine flower in the yard. I sat there a long time until I got a picture of it. It was amazing to watch the acrobatics that little bird went through to get the nectar. I told someone about my experience and she said, "you have way too much time on your hands". I thought about that response for a long was probably true AND I thanked God that I had that time to witness such beauty. what would I have done with that time right then that would have been so much more important?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Lovely photos. Thanks for the link to that article! Even though I moved to the country to simplify things, I still find myself getting caught up with busy-ness. It is strange that it takes work to stop.

  10. I really enjoyed the article you linked to. Very thought provoking. I agree that it's good to take time out for quiet times, especially if there sunlight dancing on water to observe :)

  11. Truer words were never spoken . . . I am going to have to get that glued into my brain. It is just too easy to get busy and miss all the joy that it going on around us.
    Thanks for the reminder :)
    I'm having another Give-A-Way please come put your name in the hat :)
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  12. has to stop and just 'be' and your photos, Karen, helps bring a sense of peace and simplicity to one's life!! Stunning photos!!

  13. When you are busy you also enjoy yourself. Just have fun.


  14. You are right Filip. There can be great joy and satisfaction in being busy yet I believe we also need to give ourselves permission to have great joy, peace and satisfaction without being incessantly busy.

  15. Lovely quote and photos. It is hard to find just the right balance between "doing" and "being". It is good we try ;-)

  16. I am learning not to feel guilty with this discovery as others who have not come upon it yet, think upon it as a wasteful use of 'time'

  17. Preciosas imágenes. Saludos Tony

  18. Wise words! I must remember that.

  19. As soon as I saw it, I fell instantly in love with your first shot - it really is so beautiful. Renee

  20. The sunshine on the water looks like liquid gold; so glad you took the time to be still and then shared the results with us...

  21. VERY wise words! :-)

  22. Just what I needed to hear right now Karen, I find myself feeling guilty if I just dare to 'pause' for a while and just do nothing. I'll remember this quote when that feeling pops up again.

  23. Very wise words Karen. Love these images. They look so peaceful.

    I'm back to blogging again. Looking forward to seeing your blog again this year.

    Happy 2014! Nikki

  24. Beautiful, Karen!
    I totally agree with you. Ann Voskamp says the same thought using other words:
    "Life is so urgent it necessitates living slow".
    Enjoy your week,

  25. Such beautiful photos! And spot on quote!

  26. I agree now to this words: All my lifetime I Must be busy and learned to ist down and listen to whispering wind ...


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