
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Which was the Favourite?

Was it the Green Lantern coaster which threw you upside down and round and round?

 Was it the Wild West action show with drama and costumes and loud gunshots?

Six of us, including myself in this one, early in the morning.

Seven in this one the afternoon - more in the next "boat".

Or the Wild West Falls Adventure Ride where everyone was tossed and splashed (you can just see the top of Miss E's head in the front).

Maybe it was the Batman drama and the noisy Batmobile?

Or the Batwing Spaceshot which shot up straight up then down so quickly? 
Which was the favourite?

Was it the Looney Tunes Carousel, the Fun Zone or the Bumper Cars?

See these nine of mine? MOVIE WORLD was the favourite theme park of the three we visited recently on Queensland's Gold Coast for each of these adventurers but which ride/activity was the best?

Each one told me the roller coasters were the highlight of Movie World. But which one???

It was the Superman Escape roller coaster which was the favourite of all - except for Miss E who was a little too small.

Those smiles said it all.

But what did I like most - apart from the delight of seeing everyone enjoy themselves???
Well that's a story for another day    :)

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.


  1. I have never heard of Movie World, but it looks awesome!

  2. Beautiful smiles:) Though I'm sure the roller coaster wouldn't have been my favourite- scaredy cat I am.

  3. No more roller coaster rides for me! That's for sure :) I've had the time of my life..25 yrs ago. I rode in all unimaginable ones, especially the Space Mountain in Disneyland! Do go there when you have the chance Karen. I'm sure your kids will love them very much. We have passed the age :(

  4. I can feel the thrill of the rides from this side of the screen - you captured some great photos too.

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    Dad bravely accompanied children in amazing games, I admire. Yours.

  6. I love your roller coaster shots. Really great. Congratulations with such a fun time.

  7. Those roller coaster photos are fantastic! Glad to see you kept your feet firmly on the ground Karen!

  8. How on earth did you get those wonderfully clear photos way up there in the blue, blue sky on the roller coasters?? Gorgeous photos of what seems to be the best of holidays!!

  9. I did try some of the rides, just not the big ones. Someone had to carry all the gear....

    Sarah Lizzie, I had time to practice while I waited for their turn to come up….helped avoid boredom while they queued….plus a little editing later to bring out the best.

    It was a great holiday, a little tiring but great.

  10. Oh, ALL of that looks like such fun! Great shots.

  11. Haha, I can only say, I'd rather stay behind and be in charge of taking the pictures during and afterwards;) But no doubt the kids would just LLLOOOVVVEE this! (tried to make the 'love' look a bit rollercoasterlike here ;))

  12. I just love these photos of your family all having so much fun!! You look as if you have the same job that I have at this sort of event, and you did a great job on the photos. Memories for all of you which will last forever!! By the way, that last roller coaster looks awful!

  13. My goodness, Karen, it looks like this was an amazing time for all!

  14. Oh, what fun!! I do love all of those happy smiles! Wonderful captures of a great day for all of you -- and even better because it was all of you together!! Thank you, Karen, for sharing the joy and laughter!! Great way to start my gray, grumpy day and I am smiling now!!

  15. All these smiles made me smile! Great photos, and ones you will look back on fondly.

  16. Amazing collection of scenes and rides in this post! Awesome perspectives of the rollercoaster.

  17. les photos sont superbes.. je n'irai jamais dans un manège..trop peur :)))

  18. So much fun & adventure!
    I love Miss E's cape and seeing your family all together.

  19. What fun!!!

    I must confess, I'm the one who volunteers to sit out the roller-coaster and mind everyone else's cardigan and bags. Yes, I'm the chicken in the family. Glad to watch from the safety of the ground.

    Have a great weekend. :)

  20. wow så kult og stilige bilder, knall bra serie!

  21. Great photos...and that is what I would be doing. Safe on the ground taking pictures. I tried rides once. That was enough for me! Ha!

  22. How fun! That roller coaster looks like a winner for me:-)

  23. Great photos of the park, they offer so much to see and do there

  24. Well it looks like you guys had the time of your life. What fun photos.



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