
Friday, March 21, 2014

Changing Seasons

Pleasant days are accompanying the changing seasons. Our summer cricket is ending slowly with a mix of finals while the hockey season is just beginning.

Yesterday we had a nostalgic last visit to our old town library. Soon after moving to this town I began our homeschooling our eldest (Miss E, who was then 4) and regularly visiting the library. Tomorrow this library closes its doors to the public forever.

 A large new building is now complete, ready to house the town library. A building which includes stroller/pusher/wheelchair access to the children's section, a building with toilets/restrooms, car parking, a floor height above flood levels and room to hold more books, computers and study areas! Our current library has none of these, yet it does hold many good memories for us as a family. We love our library. In just over two weeks time the new library will open, we are looking forward to exploring all that it will have to offer.

Photo from Miss E's College's Facebook page

Our elder Miss E has certainly grown up, in fact she will celebrate her 22nd birthday very soon, her first birthday away from family. She is loving her new stage of life, busy enjoying a wonderful college experience amongst a very small, friendly and caring campus community. Her first day of lectures (late Feb.) included a Matriculation ceremony - here she is being welcomed by the President of the College. Have a very special birthday Miss E!


  1. I love your images of daily life! I hope you and your family enjoy your new library as much as you did the old one!

  2. What a lovely post about your family life.

    Happy 22nd Birthday to your elder Miss E.

    Love and hugs to all of you ~ FlowerLady

    P.S. Is Miss Cupcake still posting to her blog? I've not gotten any notifications in a long time.

  3. The little one for the books is to become a real classic and a good ad for libraries the world over. Thanks for showing us.

  4. A lovely post for the day as always, Karen. It's always a joy to see/read about your beautiful family!! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  5. beautiful images! :)
    have a nice weekend!

  6. Congrats to Miss E! She is a beautiful young lady!

    Your library looks is so nice to check out books to read for free.

    I love seeing your photos of daily life.

  7. Miss E is so a pretty young woman ... She looks so happy.
    Sad that your Library closing!

    Wish you a very nice Weekend <3

  8. Happy birthday to your beautiful oldest daughter! Congrats to her on her successes & happiness where she's at. That has to make being far away for a birthday much easier on a mom!!
    I felt a little wisp of sad nostalgia about your library closing.. But then I thought of our own library, which did the same thing a number of years ago, and how WONDERFUL the new place is. It's a beautiful environment for reading & loving books, more useful & accessible - the children's area is fantastic. So, I wish you all many good memories to come at your new library.

    So many good things in your photos - kids who are busy with their hands & active with their sports. Learning, and creating. I love it. (The potato stamping looks like fun!)

  9. Nice to read updates from you there. Beautiful family you have:)

  10. Have been thinking of E this week, how it will be her first b'day away from home{} Soo excited about our new library and how clever of you to go and get some pics of the old!! Nearly rear ended cars a couple of times looking at the new library whilst driving past!lol

  11. oh and was driving past the cricket nets the other afternoon and saw a girl bowl, said to M, "wow she is good!" got closer and saw it was your girls:) They are good!!

  12. Lovely photos of your busy, daily life. Your daughter is knitting up a storm the colour...will it be a scarf? One of my favourite places to visit is the library....and of course a book shop...many a wonderful hour can be spent,exploring what each shelf has to offer.'Tis wonderful that your eldest daughter is enjoying uni life!!

  13. ....ooops forgot to mention...I love your new header...'tis gorgeous!!

  14. Your daughters are so beautiful! Love the pic of the one knitting : )

  15. I love this adorable shot of your little miss E at the library holding her library bag. Bet you will have many fun times at the new library even if it is sort of hard saying good bye to the old. Your oldest daughters shot at her new college is lovely. It looks as if she is making her mark at her new college, and enjoying her time there. A big change with a birthday away from her nurturing family! Hard to believe that it is fall for you and time for knitting. Keeping all of you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!

  16. Lovely images of your daily life again Karen. Love the concentration that speaks out of the first image.
    Looking forward to pics of your new library, sounds terrific!
    Happy Birthday to Miss E who looks so proud and happy in her academic dress, something only professors wear around here during the special celebration at the beginning of a new academic year.

  17. That was interesting (and a bit sad) to read about the library. Older Miss E looks very happy, I'm so pleased the transition has gone well so far.

  18. your library looks amazing :) And I love your new header photo too - beautiful!

  19. Happy Birthday to your Daughter. And I know you will enjoy this new Library. I wonder if they will open up something new in the old library.


  20. Great to catch up on your blog after being away from the blogging world for the last 6 weeks (and a little quieter for a while before that).
    As always I love how your images can tell a story all by themselves.
    I'm trusting you are all well. It's been so wonderful watching your beautiful family grow up. It's so wonderful to hear that the transition into Uni for Miss E & Master J has been smooth.
    I bet you can't wait for Easter!!

  21. Aww, your big girl is beautiful! I do live to visit libraries, though nowadays I mostly buy the books instead. Still - there´s something special with the smell and seeing all the books! :-)

  22. Love your images Karen. Hope you have as much fun in your new library as the old one. Love your header image too.


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