
Sunday, April 27, 2014

April's Unseen

Experimenting with making stamps from rubber using lino cutting tools

A welcome statue outside our new library

While taking photos of my Musical Stairs quilt top I found this

Good Friday marked the beginning of a withdrawal process from using topical steroid creams for my husband. This was the state of his forehead after 24 years of steroid creams for "eczema" and on the rebound from a long tapered course of oral cortisone which enabled him to participate in our February family holiday. His face and hands are currently the worst. In fact he has had great difficulty using his hands for the last 10 months due to "eczema", being unable to drive etc.

A few days later, covered in petroleum jelly, beginning to look and feel worse and to swell all over etc, we celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary. (Thanks to our children for the cheesecake, lovely dinner and homemade card!) 

Hopefully by this time next year his skin will be well on the way to healing. A good deal of my time is now spent caring for him as the symptoms worsen, it is a long and brutal process on both the body and mind but eventually brings complete recovery.

 Homeschool is due to start again this week - quite a challenging mix of responsibilities. One day at a time.... 

My girls are growing up - Miss O (12) at church

There are only a few signs of autumn in our area

Miss E explaining her creation at a lego competition held in our local shopping centre. It is a lighthouse to protect the people and animals from the sea monsters - a little too creative for the judges I fear.

Looking down river on an early morning walk - with my husband currently unable to work our routines are ever changing

Friday's new adventure!

Still smiling!

I hope your April has had some happy memories too! Life isn't all roses but there is always, always something to be thankful for.


  1. That is the realities of life, but thanks God. Whatever the circumstances are he will get us through.
    praying for you and your husband.

  2. Thank you Joy. At least we seem to have some answers now, even if they are hard ones.

  3. Such a moving post, Karen. Thinking and praying for you and your husband as you live one day at a time. Oh and by the way....happy anniversary!!

  4. Momentos lindos de teu Abril! beijos,chica

  5. Happy Anniversary. Yes life certainly has curves!

  6. happy anniversary!

    oh the poor dear man! it is wonderful that you have complete faith in whatever this treatment is. best of luck to the both of you, while he (you both) go through this treatment.

    what a beautiful family you have!


  7. Beautiful Karen - praying for you and your family at this time of uncertainty and change.

  8. Karen I love all of your shots here, Especially love that little flower that you found when you were photographing your quilt. The depth of field and focus are just perfect. I am still very touched by your journey and loved the photo of you and your husband on your anniversary. you are in my prayers every day! Love to you . I think that miss E's creation was amazing and would have given her first place. i also think this is the first photo I have seen of you, and you are beautiful.... a gentle and quiet spirit!!!!

  9. Prayers for your husband that he begins to heal. Blessings for you all and congrats on 24 years together.

  10. I think you can't be too creative with lego ever. The best possible toy for stimulating creativity.
    Hope your husband gets better soon now. It must be so difficult. You have your hands full from what I read here, never a dull moment. Homeschooling is something not heard of around here so I don't really know how to imagine it but it must take up a lot of time.
    I wish you a busy but nevertheless pleasant week,

  11. I will pray for your husband's healing in the coming year...

  12. I hope the healing process for your husband is easier than expected. Some lovely photos - we have done the Lego building in school hols in NZ too. Miss B turns 12 on Wednesday - they grow up so quickly.

  13. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way, Karen.

  14. Sending prayers your way, Karen. For both you and your husband. I can only imagine what a stressful time this must be. Stay positive and focus on moving forward.

  15. I know eczema is no fun. I used to watch my girlfriends daughter who had a pretty bad bout of it. I will keep you both and your family in my prayers.

    Happy anniversary!


  16. Beautiful pictures! Happy anniversary, and my best wishes to you and your husband, especially for a better health.
    You are very gifted with photographing your children! May I ask how many you have?
    Best, Maryline

  17. Happy anniversary! Love the mushroom you found, too!

  18. Beautifully captured!

    Wishing your husband a speedy recovery!!

  19. Our homeschool year is winding down here! Wishing you a happy anniversary...a precious picture of you both...just think, next year at this time..... God bless you and your household!

  20. nice to see the work she is doing. A lovely girl. :)

  21. Tell Miss E great job riding on two wheels! I sure like her missing tooth & Lego creation as well.

    Happy anniversary to the two of you - you have so much to celebrate with the wonderful family you've created.
    I believe that's the first photo I've ever seen of you, Karen!

    My grandma (who battled fierce eczema for her first many decades) has slathered her hands & forearms in petroleum jelly as long as I've known her. Playing cards with her when I was a child, I remember the cards always had a little bit of Vaseline on them. She still keeps a tub of it within reach at all times.

    Best thoughts with you all as you persevere together!

  22. Little Miss E is certainly growing up! And Miss O has grown up too... what beautiful hair your girls have!

  23. happy pics, thanks for sharing+for reminding us to be grateful! this is so important! sunshine+smiles from tulipland Holland!

  24. oh, Karen, I hope your husband's healing is steady and sure! how trying for all of you. but still so many blessings along the way as you have so beautifully captured. hugs!


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