
Friday, April 4, 2014

Creative Afternoons

Summer's heat lingers in our corner of the Land Downunder and everything continues to be vibrant and colourful. I'm not sure what butterfly will hatch from the chrysalis I stumbled upon while trimming rambling vines but we are keeping it safe in a jar to see what mystery unfolds. Above our sasanqua camellia has surprised me with what appears to be a large seed pod!

The favourite part of our homeschool week is Friday afternoon which we set apart as a time for creative pursuits (as well as weekly cleaning jobs - not so looked forward to). This afternoon I started sewing together the pile of completed blocks for my Musical Stairs quilt which is a slightly adapted version of Sarah Fielke's Bass Line quilt. It is the perfect time to move ahead with this project as our weather is sure to turn cool next month. Ten neat rows now hang carefully in my wardrobe. Maybe next Friday I be able to complete this quilt top by sewing the rows together.

Today the twins weren't helping me sew, but instead were making delightful music of their own on guitars, keyboard, ukulele and cajon.

Miss E was busy playing out creative dramas with Miss V using her new Superman Lego. Master T took opportunity to enjoy a long bike ride.

Miss O chose to make neenish tarts from scratch. Each of the components was delicious and I'm trying very hard not to eat one of these little delicacies!

Sharing at Work In Progress Wednesday.


  1. Go on- you know you want one of those Neenish Tarts- they look delicious! Good luck getting your Bass Line quilt together!

  2. Fotos lindas,adoro passar aqui! Ótimo fim de semana,beijos,chica

  3. flott innlegg med mange fine bilder ! god helg:-)

  4. I would be trying hard not to eat all those tarts! They look delicious :-) Love your quilt top. It is going to be amazing :-)

  5. Exquisite photos. That first one is really amazing.

    Your quilt is coming along nicely and looks happy.

    The Neenish tarts, oh my, how can you resist eating just one of those delicious looking treats?

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  6. What a wonderful chrysalis!!! It brings back some really good memories :)They are little jewels, aren't they?!

  7. I am loving all the green in your photos today. Sounds like everyone is enjoying there Friday. And your quilt looks so pretty. I LOVE seeing your work.


  8. Not sure how you are resisting those tarts, I would have had my face in that whole plate by now, lol! And, the chrysalis looks by shape to be a monarch, but it should be either bright green or turning black (right before it emerges)...the metallic has really thrown me off here. They don't overwinter as pupa so if it was really cold and freezing by you it could be dead? I'm so curious though to see if anything happens with it.

  9. Okay, I forgot the part about you being in the land down under and the heat, haha. Hmmm, now I'm really curious. Just make sure that if it is in a jar, there are air holes and that there would be enough room for it to dry it's wings.

  10. Friday afternoon would be my favorite part of the school week at your house, too!
    Wonderful creations, all of them.

    That golden chrysalis is magical. Beautiful shots, Karen!

  11. I hope you remember to post a photo of the emerging butterfly.

  12. Lovely and colorful photos as always dear! :-)

  13. Lovely chrysalis -- hope you will post a pic of the butterfly. It's shape reminds me a the Monarch butterfly's chrysalis which is a lovely pale green with a row of gold dots along one of the ridges. Thanks for sharing!

  14. What a beautiful chrysalis this is, Karen, and those tarts look oh so yummy!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Very delicious desert photo! -And gorgeous quilt, such an interesting pattern ...

  16. Sounds everyone us having fun. Lovely family!

  17. How lovely to sit and stitch with your own li'l orchestra playing in the background and all those delish aromas of home baking wafting around and around!! I must say, Karen, your musical stairs is sure looking mighty purty!

  18. Fabulous shot of the Chrysalis!!! We're still experiencing snow...our winter probably won't let up until sometime in April/May!!!

  19. Ya llegó los colores de la primavera...Saludos Tony

  20. Im always so in love with your colorful quilts, this one will be so adorable

  21. Beautiful photos, and the makings of a very pretty quilt. Congratulations to you on trusting that all was going well in the rest of the house while you were sewing.

  22. Such beautiful photos yet again Karen. Those neenish tarts really look delicious. Can't wait to see you quilt done.

  23. Oooh... like so many others have said, your photos are gorgeous! It's all that natural light which is making them come to life. I totally have a hankering to go play with Lego now too! Nice crisp colours in your quilt, can't wait to see it all stitched up. :-)

  24. Love your musical stairs quilt!

  25. Coming to your blog through WIP Wednesday. Amazing photographs. What type of camera do you use? The details are so clear and crisp.

  26. Oh my, the neenish tarts look delicious, and the chrysalis is amazing!

  27. What a wonderful and varied post of all your creative pursuits!
    I'm not sure how you can stop from trying just one tart.


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