
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Three Facts

Our pastor shared these facts today and challenged us to think of reasonable explanations.....

Historical Fact 1:  Jesus lived, and died by Roman crucifixion.

Historical Fact 2:  The tomb was empty.

Historical Fact 3:  Jesus later appeared to over 500 disciples.

Easter memories 2014:

Miss E and Master J's uni/college mid semester breaks overlap for this Easter weekend only. So lovely to have them both home, the family all together again, very briefly.

Our church's Blue Cross on the Hill has been a red cross on the hill for the last week. Today the lights were changed back to blue.

My Musical Stairs quilt top is now basted in preparation for quilting the layers together.

My husband has started a new course of action to bring an end to his skin problems of the last 24 years. The downside is he will become worse before he becomes better and it could be a very long process, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

Miss E made delicious hot cross buns with cranberries and sultanas, baking them early this morning prior to church.

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.


  1. What a glorious hope :-) So glad you could have your eldest two home with you for Easter, and hope your husbands treatment works quickly and well. I made my own hot cross buns too - so yummy! Happy Easter Karen xx

  2. Best of luck to your husband, with this new skin treatment!

    We had all together on Sat. dinner, because one grand goes back to college, today, Sun. :-)

  3. Pieces of contentment for sure :) Good things ahead! Those hot cross buns made my mouth water!!

  4. Easter is wonderful - and those buns looks delicious! :-)

  5. Have a blessed Easter Karen!

  6. Easter is my favorite holiday!

    Glad your whole family could be together for a short visit.

    The hot cross buns look wonderful.

    Hope the treatment works well for your husband.


  7. Life's happy and difficult moments, but thank God that he is with us all the way.

  8. The most important 3 facts ever in history! What a gift, and totally unearned. So lovely your family is having a little time all together. As children grow, that is harder and harder to come by. Blessings to you and your dear family on this Easter day, and every day!

  9. Your sky is absolutely gorgeous! Why doesn't everyone believe the facts?
    I am so glad to know my Savior!
    Love those hot cross buns.

    May God heal your husband's affliction!

  10. Just like you it was so great to have the whole family home for the whole day on this Easter. Wish you and your family a happy Easter.

  11. So wonderful having them home isn't it:) Very thrilled here:) Clever E making buns! Watched the youtube, oh my! So basically he has to let it run its course!

  12. Have a blessed Easter!
    Beautiful images!

  13. Thank You for the link to ITSAN!! The information there is just fantastic and has helped me to understand tremendously. Best wishes to your husband....may he know he is not alone and that soon he will be free from the cycle of steroids.

  14. 'Tis a glorious message, that of Easter...filled with hope and new life!! How wonderful that you have all your 'children' under your roof, for a li'l while. Ooooh those hot cross buns look delish....I am impressed!!

  15. So glad you were all together for Easter!

    We had hot cross buns, also.. made by a dear friend.

    Glad there is a light at the end of the tunnel with your husband's suffering.. Wishing you all the best!

  16. So grateful, with you, for what Jesus did for us!

    I do hope your husband's course of action will prove successful, and please, I pray, not so hard. In the meantime, just smelling those hot cross buns must make him feel better. They look yummy!

  17. He is risen!

    Loved you sharing....

  18. A very good Easter you had, dear Karen with the Family ... ... And hope for your husband that's getting better with the new action.

  19. Your first picture is fantastic with these clouds.


  20. What lovely memories, Karen. I'm glad your husband is going to give TSW a go. Luckily with doctors as parents and excellent GPs up here, when it was clear that Bec's Eczema was not really responding successfully to topical Steroids, we quickly dropped that treatment and opted for more natural methods. We also found that swimming in salt water was extremely helpful.

  21. Radiant blue sky. Those buns look so delicious and your quilt looks magical and huge.

  22. What a beautiful sky! Your quilt is beautiful and the buns look yummy! Enjoy your weekend!

  23. Lovely shots - and those hot cross buns look delicious.


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