
Friday, June 13, 2014

Succulent Beauty

My succulents continue to delight me. Not only have they grown quite rapidly but their flowers have been interesting to observe.  Black Prince Echeveria, my first succulent, grew a strange mini-plant spike which continued to lengthen and produce red flowers.

The sunlight levels on our back deck seem perfect for them, they began to grow tall and straggly in the lower light of our front deck. They also like to be watered once or twice a week as they don't receive rainfall where I have them. 

Here is the centre of my Violet Queen Echeveria which has grown considerably since I bought her at the end of last year. She is sitting next to Black Prince in the group photos above.

Here are some of the little pups growing along Violet Queen's stem between her "leaves". I find succulent propagation quite fascinating. They can be grown from pups like this, or by pulling off leaves which then start to grow new plants at their base (whether planted or left sitting neglected), or by beheading an older plant and planting the crown/head. The beheaded stem will also start new plants. Some succulents also grow from seed.

There are many beautiful reasons to enjoy low maintenance succulents, they are far more interesting than I had ever thought.


  1. So invitingly green and pretty! The colours are so soft looking - it is easy to see why you are enjoying them so!!!

  2. Those milky white green leaves. Beautiful.

  3. Seeing your beautiful photos I'd want to try and keep some succulents again myself. I tried years ago but without much success, so haven't bought any eversince.

  4. Just so beautiful. I love succulents.

  5. I can't get enough of beautiful succulents and your images are glorious.

  6. You captured the word succulent in your photos...beautiful. God gave us a profusion of flora to delight us.

  7. Wonderful succulents again! Great captures!
    Wish you a very nice Weekend

  8. What beautiful photographs these are, Karen!
    I especially love the first one, So wonderfully soft.

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  9. I adore succulents! I keep a few indoors. Yours are beautiful, and your macros & photos splendid as always, Karen.

  10. The red flowers are beautiful, and especially against the purple grey of the plant. My sister is in love with succulents right now, and we really want to put some in white pots like you have :)

  11. São lindas as suculentas e não dão muito trabalho.

  12. Me encantan las suculentas y las tuyas están preciosas!!
    Un fuerte abrazo y feliz fin de semana.

  13. That first photo showcases that succulent just perfectly.

  14. Your pictures are so beautiful! It makes me want to improve mine, I'm jealous! :-))

  15. So pretty!! My Mother has always been one for indoor plants, many succulents and cactus...this brought her happily to mind :)

  16. Succulents are great! Yours look so pretty!

  17. Great photos. Succulents have such wonderful shapes.

  18. You posted some nice work lately Karen! I enjoyed reading your posts again!! :-)

    Greetings from the Netherlands! ;-)
    Gert Jan Hermus

  19. Wow, stunning photography! So beautiful.


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