
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Winter Wonderland

It's wonderful having Miss E senior home for winter break. Whether it's a picnic in the park together, or a trip to the movies with the younger ones or shopping one on one, Miss E has definitely been playing the big sister in a special way. Only one more week to go before she heads back to college/uni in the Big Smoke of Sydney.

Master J has been missing this family time as he has been back in lectures (up on the tablelands) for a few weeks already. Last Friday there was a morning of excitement at his uni campus as snow fell. Master J had never seen snow, in fact none of our children had seen snow except Miss E (22) who was too young at the time to remember. I had to chuckle at his email which accompanied his photos - 
"Well it finally happened. I can now die in peace knowing that I’ve seen snow." 

I promptly replied:
"That’s great news - no point tolerating all that freezing cold without the benefit of seeing a little snow!
Just don’t make any plans to die anytime soon!!!!!"

Still enjoying those beautiful sunsets whenever I can......content to live with warm sunny days and a few frosts instead of the of the snowy cold of the tablelands.

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.


  1. Wondered about those snow pics! Will tell my kids, their dream is to see snow too!

  2. Our family went snow chasing that day. We got all the way to Armidale and saw a little bit on the way. I forgot how cold that place is... But I love the country there none-the-less.

    God has given us wonderful places. I find so much joy in the cold, windy, frosty and snowy places because they are beautiful in their own way. AND then it is great to drive back down to the coast where day time winter temperatures still hang around 20 degrees C!

  3. I always enjoy seeing photos of your family. They are dear.

    Snow sounds refreshing to me as it is very hot and humid here in s.e. FL.

    Have a great day ~ FlowerLady

  4. How fun! Snow IS exciting! Even when you have seen much of it...happy for him!

  5. Winter isn't complete without the magic of snow, glad he got to experience it. I chuckled reading your message back to him :)

  6. It certainly feels like winter when there is snow about!

  7. Gorgeous photos - love the story about your son. I live in Canada, so we don't have that 'problem' here haha!

  8. Funny your son so excited to see the snow. I grew up in Illinois with lots of snow, and it is beautiful, but would prefer a little warmer weather. Not much snow here in Texas. Know you have been enjoying your daughter being at home so much! Love your sunset shot!

  9. Snow always adds that li'l bit of winter wonderland. Lovely photos of your lovely family.

  10. Wow seeing snow for the first time - I can't imagine never seeing it in person before. It certainly is beautiful isn't it, although the cold that comes along with it isn't always so nice.

    Glad to see you are enjoying tie with Miss E while she is home!

  11. Last winter was so weird here, all rain and not one drop of snow and it did feel like something was missing. Must have been wonderful for Mr J to see snow for the first time. Although I wouldn't mind your beautiful winters that look like our springs ;) Guess I'm more of a warm weather and sunshine person afterall.
    Must be great to have Miss E home for a while. Enjoy the rest of your time together!

  12. I need to tell my 7 year old that I now know of a 22 year old Aussie who hadn't seen snow before now! He thinks he is missing out big time!

  13. I sure wish I got excited about seeing snow!! :-)

    It sounds like a wonderful time for both of them, Karen, and that you are so enjoying having Mss E at home. I sure know how that feels.

  14. That last shot is a winner Karen - absolute serenity! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Gorgeous photos and delightful post ~ snow! ~ It is summer in USA and after last winter don't need snow ~ Great family you have and fun post ~ thanks,

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  16. i enjoyed the photos especially the shadow ones.

  17. I can imagine it must be lovely to have eldest Miss E home for a while. Hope you are going ok in terms of your husband's health.

  18. I like those long shadows in the first two shots... beautiful!!

  19. Last photo looks like a painting. Just lovely!
    JM, Illinois

  20. What great pictures and milestones achieved. Congratulations to your son. :)

    One of my wishes in life is to see snow FALL. I've been to Victoria's snowfields, but those elusive falling flakes haven't floated onto my tongue. Yet.

    Dotti :)

  21. The long shadows look wonderful across the grass in the first photos. And beautiful sky colours in the last one.

  22. Wonderful shots! The last one is amazing - truly like a painting!

  23. Great set of pictures! Love the shadows, and the snow scene is poetically soft.

  24. Gorgeous images Karen. There was snow in Stanthorpe the week before last. We wanted to head out that way but it only lasted a day.


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