
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Adjusted Plans

You know how sometimes you have a good idea but it doesn't quite work out as you had planned. Well, I thought I would square up and trim my Peaceful Night quilt before completing the hand quilting along the outside edges. That way I could make sure my quilting lines ran exactly parallel to the binding etc.

It was a good idea, but when I attempted to attach the binding I had troubles with the top starting to pucker against the batting and backing, even though I sewed slowly using a walking foot. After half a side was 'completed' it became obvious the finish wasn't pleasing. So I unpicked the binding and have been very carefully hand quilting the edges except for the very outermost parallel stitching lines. To prevent any of the now-cut EPP hand stitching from unravelling I have added a few little top stitches and some gentle basting stitches along the very edge to help stabilise the sections with a bias cut.

Somehow I had also underestimated the amount of hand quilting yet to do around the edges....
I am now hoping to be ready to attach the binding by the end of the coming weekend, after which the very last parallel-to-the-binding lines will be quilted. Let's hope things go to plan this time, with no puckers - and that I don't run out of black silk thread!

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.


  1. Daunting! That's what this would be to me.

    You do beautiful work.


  2. Teus trabalhos sempre lindos e bem planejados! bjs, chica

  3. Wishing you the very best of luck with this beautiful quilt, Karen!

  4. Like the color combinations.


  5. Hello Karen

    If you do run out of black twist, I have a large-ish cat you may borrow
    to send to the market (but no mice- thankfully).

    I do hope you have no more "altered plans" though.

    Hoping the weekend is a satisfying one.



  6. Your comment made me smile Margaret. I did Indeed wonder if the 'no more twist' lines from The Tailor of Gloucester would become my own as I haven't found any black silk available in Australia. Hoping to have enough....

  7. Oh my - sounds like you have your work cut out for you - but looks like such a wonderful quilt! Once it is complete the beauty of it will outshine the extra work involved, I am sure! Love to see this once it's all stitched up!!!

  8. Thank you Lisa. I have already invested much into this quilt so it deserves to be finished well. It will be good to have it complete and thankfully I can honestly say I love it.

  9. Good luck with the finishing, Karen! This quilt will be wonderful. The backing fabric is yummy, too.

  10. Thanks Steffi, I love the backing too. I had actually bought it a while ago with plans to make a skirt but it wasn’t quite right for the skirt (fabric weight and a little too bold for me to wear). It proved to be the perfect length for the back this quilt - and hides the multi-coloured hand quilting well.
    Strangely enough, just a couple of weeks ago I made a skirt, using fabric I had bought to use as a backing.

  11. Such a stupendous quilt! And such a LOT of hand stitching! wow! Looking forward to seeing it with the binding on :))
    X! Lori

  12. I usually run a long, wide zigzag stitch around the outer edge of a quilt with my walking foot to flatten it out before adding the binding. Looking forward to seeing the finished pictures!

  13. This quilt is so lovely - well worth the extra effort it's taking to get the finish you want. :)

  14. Plans....seem to be most contrary more often than not. Your beautiful quilt will be well worth the extra 'concerns' once it is finished. 'Tis going to be a beauty and the backing fabric is perfect.

  15. It's funny how making quilts often has these little challenges along the way. Your quilt is looking beautiful, at least you know you're on the home stretch.

  16. Gorgeous quilt colors and sure the hand quilting will be well worth it!

  17. I would be biting my nails and wringing my hands if I had to deal with something like this, but you have handled it with such poise as always :) This quilt is going to end up being so beautiful!

  18. Thanks Preeti. I was treating it very gently until I worked out what to do - then I tried to finish it up fairly quickly to avoid any stressful mishaps


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