
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Cloud 9 and Christmas Delights

Some more delicious Cloud 9 organic fabrics have arrived from the US. I love the colours and prints, the Cirrus solids collection combines beautifully with many Cloud 9 collections. However I don't like how these solids crease so badly and take considerable ironing, the darker the colour the greater the problem. Cirrus solids are heavier than the Cloud 9 lightweight quilter's fabrics, they are a broadcloth yarn dyed fabric with a more distinct weave with a slight shot appearance (and not one solid ran colour as I washed them). The fabrics above are still wet, drying after I hand washed them this morning.

* Colour above is Coral, not Salmon-oops!

I'm labelling each Cirrus selvedge scrap with their colour names for future reference.

Now I have some more variety to add to the Wildwood HST quilt I began a little while ago. The two+ week wait for parcels from the US gives one plenty of time to consider plans for new quilts....

Miss E senior arrived home from college late Saturday night, just in time to participate in our much looked forward to tree decorating on the weekend after the twins' birthday. This year various ones were taking selfies and time-lapse recordings of the process. These days my husband and I stand back and watch the action with delight, rejoicing in seeing the children celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season and reminiscing on the changing seasons of parenthood.

Yes, that is our door wreath, and just like last year, it became embedded in Miss N's hair....

Gracie is singing as usually, this time using a tree decoration as a microphone! Thank you for your encouraging comments regarding her singing in my previous post. She was so well received by the coffee shop owners and customers that she has been asked to sing there again this Saturday morning.

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.


  1. Looks like a bit of elbow grease is needed to iron those wrinkled fabrics. I bought some more organic cottons from Spotlight this weekend; I am amassing a pretty collection. It seems there's oodles of fun to be had with the beginning of the Christmas festivities in your home!

  2. Dear Karen, what a lovely Post! Filled with love to each other and harmony. Filled with Fun and little surprises.

    Cheers Heidrun

  3. Hooray, E is home:) Yes so know what you mean about standing back and watching this changing scene. had one of those moments tonight:)

  4. So you have what you sew the new beautiful quilts. We are happy watching the joy of children when dressing the Christmas tree. Yours sincerely.

  5. Isn't Christmas fun?! The fabric colours look so beautiful but I don't envy you trying to iron all those creases out. I must admit that is why I don't prewash my fabric!

  6. What gorgeous fabrics! I love those wild wood fabrics and those solids look delightful - glad to hear they didn't run too!

    Your Christmas set up looks like fun too! Your family is always full of such brightness and happiness and it is always a joy to see your beautiful pictures. You can really see the joy singing gives Miss Gracie here and I hope her next singing engagement goes even better than the first!

  7. How fun!! It is notable that all your children are in shorts, instead of sweaters while decorating!! May the joys of the season fill your home!!

  8. Very touching moments with your family. Made me miss mine...
    anyway, enjoy your Christmas:)

  9. I always mark my fabrics with the color names, too, so I can order more later if I want. Here's an extra tip. Put a safety pin in the corner next to the name you've written. That way you won't accidentally cut it off and lose your label. It's easy to miss it if the fabric is face down. Ask me how I know!

  10. Thank you Maria, that sounds like a great tip!
    The pieces shown are small end off cuts but for lengths of fabric this would be excellent.

  11. Great idea to write the names of the colorways on the selvedges. It's amazing how many different "whites" there are in my stash, thanks for the tip!

  12. I’ve used an acid free, waterproof pen and it has survived washing well - so many colours, nice not to have to try and remember which is which.

  13. Karen, these fabrics are really beautiful.
    I wish you a wonderful weekend!

  14. Writing on selvages is such a good idea!

  15. So Lovely!!!
    The very best part of the holidays!!
    give them all a hug and tell gracie that we are following her youtube feed :))

  16. Quilting sure is an in depth hobby. The colours are great shame about the creasing. It must be fun to have them all at home for Christmas, enjoy it as it doesn't always last, especially if they get the travel bug or live overseas. Great family photos.


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