
Thursday, January 15, 2015


Our first ever sunflowers (all two of them!) are in bloom - aren't they a spectacular flower! In fact they are in Miss E's colourful little garden. She planted the seeds herself and now they are taller than me! The collage below backtracks about three months when we surprised her with her own mini garden bed just after we set up our main beds. The middle photo is E patting down the sunflower seeds.

Above is the same view this afternoon.....Yep, it's mid summer. The climbing beans have finished and the cucumber vines have invaded everywhere way beyond their garden bed. 

Found this Lebanese cucumber early today - the (biggest) one that got away, hiding under leaves.

The Lilly Pillies in our front yard have nearly finished fruiting while the next set of flowers (below) are beginning to grow. I'm enjoying snacking on a few of these tart natives - the easiest of seasonal, local foods.

 I'm endeavouring the make the most of the last two weeks of our summer homeschool break, especially while it's too hot to enjoy gardening or much of anything outside except maybe the swimming pool! A baby sized soft organic Plus quilt, quite a pleasure to work in the cool while enjoying the air conditioning.

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.


  1. I love the colour that abounds in a vegie patch. The produce packs a colourful punch. Yes Sunflowers, are spectacular. Wouldn't they look lovely in a field en masse? Your plus baby quilt soothes the eye, Karen..such a pretty shade.

  2. I’ve often admired photos of fields of sunflowers - and what a great backdrop they make for quilt photos too.
    Alas we have no such fields near here but have driven past some several years ago…..

  3. Your garden is looking very productive, and pretty. Sunflowers are a favourite of mine too. I love your plus quilts, very soothing design.

  4. It's great that the daughter has its own garden, where it grew such beautiful sunflowers .. you collect waryzwa in your backyard, and we have winter, but very mild. There is no snow and it's warm. Beautiful you got a new icon. Regards.

  5. Sunflowers always bring a smile to my face. Such joyous photos filled with colour.

  6. Hi! I'm visiting from Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday. This little quilt is such a beautiful colour! And wow! Those veggies are amazing!

  7. I really love the soft colour of your new quilt. And so nice Miss E. has her own garden it's so educative for children to grow their own food and flowers. The pictures of the sunflowers she has grown are gorgeous!

  8. Wonderful! Sunflowers surely bring smiles! Well done, small gardener :) Even the fruits have adorable names in Australia..."Lilly Pilly" :) your beautiful plus is breathtaking...

  9. beautiful. all of it! (although, I admit I am having to fight envious feelings for your glorious sunshine ;-)
    Your plus quilt - I love that you use squares and rectangles instead of all squares (that always seems like extra work to me) did you do the maths yourself? or did you find a tutorial somewhere? I, of course, CAN do the maths to figure these things out, but I'm always pleased to find that someone else has done it for me :-)

    Happy New Year, my sweet stitching friend! I hope that this year offers fewer challenges than 2014 did
    ~ Tracy

  10. What a wonderful garden you guys have. I just love sunflowers. I do hope you enjoy the rest of your break.


  11. So wonderful to see summer pictures. Here is dark and cold. Wintertime!

  12. Hi Tracy (The Momma), would love to be able to send you some of our sunshine and heat….. :)

    I found this layout for a plus quilt while researching quilts for sale online and loved it’s simplicity. As for the maths, I did that myself to fit the size I planned- but made a little mistake which saw me unpicking, trimming and resewing the rectangles yesterday morning. I’ve reworked my dimensions to have it ‘right’ for next time. So this quilt will end up slightly smaller than originally planned…..

  13. Oh Summer! Lovely sunflowers!
    Have a great weekend, Karen!

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

  14. I miss that fresh goodness from the garden. Nice to see your family enjoying it!

  15. Looks like Miss E has green thumbs already. Love the shots of the sunflower. Good idea to stay inside and work on that lovely quilt.

  16. So pleasant to enjoy your garden pictures while I look out at my snow covered garden!! Sunflowers are my favorite summer flower!!

  17. Hi Karen, it's so nice to see the warmth of summer! Your garden looks so inviting, and I'll look forward to seeing the honeyeaters.

  18. Oh, we have winter Time here .... I have such a Design for summer!
    xoxo Heidrun

  19. Love Miss E's sunflowers, and I'll bet she is very proud of them too. Lilly Pillies... very cute but have never heard of them or seen them before. Your garden veggies also look great !


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