
Thursday, February 5, 2015

It Took 20 Candles

Both scenes above were a special part of yesterday, Master J as driver - much more to share over the coming days.

Speaking of Master J, we celebrated his birthday early this week, needing 20 candles to do so. Family is just the best!

Back soon with more details.


  1. Wishing a very happy birthday to Master J, and many more!

  2. So amazing and I know that the 20 years has gone by so fast. He is so handsome and know how proud you are of him! You will soon need to start lying about his age. I told my daughters that when they were 40 I was going to lie about their ages, however, here I am still telling it. Oh well. Happy birthday to your special son!

  3. Nice way of naming a birthday. I will remember it. Congratulations.

  4. A belated congratulations with Master J.´s birthday. Last photo is wonderful!

  5. Happy birthday! :)
    Very nice images!

  6. Such contrasts as in the first two photos are sad, but unfortunately they are. All the best for the Son to celebrate the 20th birthday. Regards.

  7. I look forward to hearing more about your first two pictures, and what a happy birthday celebration it seems you had. Master J and his little sister seem to get along really swimmingly, which is such a blessing :) I didn't realize your oldest was close to my age!

  8. Дуже красиві портрети! Діти такі радісні!

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

  9. Leaving me on pins and needles! But also with the sweetest of sibling pictures! Happy Birthday, Master J!

  10. I can see that older brother is idolised by his young sister.

  11. Happy 20th Master J!
    I absolutely love family birthdays.

  12. Family IS the best!
    Yours is wonderful and makes me smile always. Little Miss is missing more teeth these days!

  13. I do hope Master J had a fabulous Birthday. I am sure he did. You guys do Birthdays right.. Can't wait to hear more about the photos.


  14. That last photograph is simply perfection, Karen!
    Happy Birthday, Master J!!!!!


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