
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Looking Around UNE

The University of New England in Armidale, where Master J is currently studying, has over 21, 000 students, however around 15, 000 of these are external students. UNE was the first Australian university to be established outside a state capital city.

Yesterday we had a look at Booloominbah, the oldest and original building on campus. Today we'll briefly look around the rest of the campus.

One thing which really stood out as we walked around was the huge variety of architectural styles of the various facilities, quite inspiring.

And I loved all the trees!

Master J lives on campus as the uni is nearly 3 hours drive from home. He took us for a quick look around his residential college, including a brand new kitchen facility which has just been installed while most students have been away over summer break.

With a much cooler climate the vegetation is very different to home on the river flats. J saw snow up here last year - the first time ever in his life.

The campus even has a healthy specimen of Wollemi Pine, which was only thought to exist in fossil records until living Wollemis were discovered in 1994.

I can certainly see why J loves it here. The campus is particularly beautiful now as everything is green during our summer months. The air is fresh and crisp, almost like a winter's day in our hometown. J has no asthma at all while living in Armidale. Winter is somewhat less liveable up here but still beautiful.


  1. Very many sdudentów is at this university. In a nice green place it is. Interesting are also the houses where students live. Well, with the Son feels well. Regards.

  2. You have recorded your tour of UNE so beautifully in your photos,

  3. I feel as if I have been on a tour right alongside you and E.

    Is he your first to go away from home? So glad you got the time to visit.

  4. Hi Cathy,

    Both J and E began Uni late Feb 2014 - J at UNE for Civil Engineering and E at a small Catholic college in Sydney (although we aren’t Catholic). E is studying for a Bachelor of Arts in the Liberal Arts - theology, philosophy, literature, history, latin etc. I hadn’t visited either and hope to see E’s college one day. Both head back for the new academic year at the end of the month.

  5. It sure is a beautiful campus and I can see why J likes it. I especially love the big shady trees. Armidale is my favourite country town. I love the university town atmosphere and the beautiful churches and old architecture. They have a nice art gallery too.

  6. Leafy Lovely Green Academic!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  7. I'm seeing a wonderfully green, treed campus! How exciting to be off on a new adventure in a new place.

  8. It is very beautiful. He’s completed one year, another two to go before moving on elsewhere.

  9. Nice set of pictures. Love the trees!

  10. It looks like a wonderful place for a student to be residing and studying!
    Love that huge, huge tree.

  11. Very beautiful surroundings for a university. It all looks very clean and crisp. Thanks for showing.

  12. Thanks SC. It was great to be able to visit, although our son says it’s not as picturesque in winter - and very cold.

  13. That looks like a beautiful green campus. The sign of the sweet animals is gorgeous.

  14. What a lovely campus with all that greenery and beautiful trees. I see why they area is called New England - it doesn't really look very Australian at all!

  15. Such a beautiful place.

    Thanks so much for sharing with us.


  16. Love the Koala signs - so cute! Agree that the trees look magnificent, such an interesting place!

  17. Love the green in the first picture. It is exceptional.


  18. I had a giggle when I saw the koala sign - I work at our local university and we have similar signs relating to the university's duck population.

  19. What a beautiful place...I am always amazed at how different our plants and trees are...everything look so tropical and GREEN!

  20. Красиве доглянуте місце! Особливо запам'ятався дорожний знак з коалою))))

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

  21. Great collage showing the pine (?) cones and other greenery.

  22. Imagine going to uni at such a wonderful, beautful location!!! That's is unbelievable here. Such a difference. Here uni isn't buildings all at one place, the buildings are scatterd all over a big city, in between other buildings. Both our sons are already at uni, both in different cities as well. It's such a difference at home, it wasn't easy to get used to it and it looks like next schoolyear our daughter will be away for a week at the time as well, since she wants to study something she can't do close to home. I try not to think about it too much and enjoy the time she still is at home every day.


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