
Friday, February 13, 2015

Not Alone

Early this morning I had just picked the last of the late summer cucumbers when I turned to look at our only standing sunflower stalk, bowed over with age and plump seeds. It was then I realised I was not alone. This brilliant Australian King Parrot was quietly enjoying a leisurely breakfast of sunflower seeds, less than 2m/yards from where I stood.

I watched, stunned, soaking in this moment. He didn't fly away but kept feasting, deftly removing each seed and removing the flesh from the outer husk. Leaving quietly to return with my camera, he continued eating. Over the course of about 15 minutes, seven of our children also came downstairs to have a close look. Eventually he flew away, most likely no longer hungry. At no stage did he make any noise except for the sound of husks being removed and dropping. I'm wondering how many other mornings he has been a silent visitor, totally unnoticed......

Sharing at Saturday's Critters #61 and Wild Bird Wednesday.


  1. Karen:Incredible photos and such a beautiful creature. Thank you for sharing. He'd make a stunning art quilt!

  2. Such an amazing bird and what an incredible opportunity to photograph this absolutely amazing bird. Beautiful shots Karen!

  3. Oh my goodness, i really cant imagine having something so beautiful in my yard...and to get these wonderful photos too? Unbelievable!

  4. Que maravilhosas tuas fotos!Adorei as cores! bjs, tudo de bom,chica

  5. Wow, what stunning photos of your beautiful, quiet visitor. The colors are amazing and eating upside down like that is quite a feat.

    Happy Valentine's Day ~ FlowerLady

  6. Really a bird from paradise. Now its sound. Great shots.

  7. He ate a delicious breakfast and did not care about Your presence. Wise bird. Regards.

  8. What a fabulous site that must have been. Such great photos my friend.


  9. Wonderful Bird ..... Exzellent captures.
    CHeers, Heidrun

  10. What a handsome fellow and an acrobat, too!

  11. WOW! From any angle this bird is beautiful. Happy St Valentine's Day and have a lovely weekend.

  12. What a beautiful bird! Lucky you and what a great sighting.. The photos are awesome.. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy Valentin's Day weekend!

  13. What a lovely bird! We have lorikeets in our yard sometimes..but don't think I have ever seen one of these beautiful birds. Great shots too.

  14. Beautiful shots of the King Parrot. We don't get them here. How I would love to spot one in the wild.

  15. Yes such cracking pics and more proof of Natures incredible colour palette!

  16. Such a gorgeous bird! The colours are amazing.

  17. Such beautiful coloring and photos too. One of the reasons I think I love birds is all the color. Wish we had more colorful ones here in Colorado.

  18. Wow what a wonderful morning greeting!!

  19. Wow! Amazing photos of this incredibly beautiful bird! How nice he came to visit and stayed a while!

  20. You've captured such a wonderful moment in your amazing photos. What a delicious feast that sunflower must be. We watched a family of King parrots eat our tomatoes yesterday, they were so beautiful to watch we couldn't bring ourselves to chase them away.

  21. What a gloriously coloured fellow he is; just breath taking!

  22. How beautiful to see something this colourful in the garden with you.

  23. oh, Karen! What a magical moment! So glad you shared!

  24. WOW! I'm so jealous. This is such a lovely sight to behold.

  25. Hi Shey. He’s been back at least two mornings since too. The seeds are nearly all gone now. The children are wanting to buy sunflowers needs to encourage him to keep visiting.

  26. Who knew that birds can be so quiet!! Your photos are simply gorgeous. I love his eyes.

  27. Super post. Great photos. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a nice day.

  28. What a handsome fellow. My Mum has King Parrots come to visit her place. They don't come for food but for the company I think. They happily come up close and just check you out. Very inquisitive birds.


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