
Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Passion Flower

As the Autumn showers lifted the sounds of bird song filled the air this Easter Sunday afternoon, enticing me outside. Then I noticed the unmistakable fragrance of a fresh passionfruit flower. Even though summer is over and some of the plump, delicious, purple fruit already enjoyed, the vine continues to surprise with these beguiling tropical blooms.

A little google search led me to interesting origins of the name of the Passionflower or Passionfruit, so named by 15th and 16th Spanish Christian missionaries due to the symbolism they found within the flower's structure to Christ's final week and particularly his crucifixion. (You can find more here under Etymology and Names).

Symbolic or not, I surely enjoy their fragrance and visual delights - as well as their wonderful seeds! 
A very joyous Easter to all!

* An earlier post featuring the amazingly quick opening of these flowers can be found here and while more details of their beauty can be seen here.


  1. Your photos are resplendent as always. We had the first passionfruit of the season from our vine this morning, the perfect start to Easter Sunday.

  2. Maravilhosas fotos ! Feliz Páscoa e tuuuuuuuuuuuuudo de bom, sempre! bjs,chica

  3. Your climate is so different to here, even though we are in the same state - ours was likely one of the last for the season. Or maybe they are just different varieties of passionfruit. Regardless, they are beautiful!

  4. What a gorgeous flower and lovely images. Happy Easter to you and your family!

  5. Lovely photos!
    Happy Easter! ☺

  6. Thanks for sharing this lovely flower -- hope your Easter was blessed!

  7. I love these flowers. They have an awesome shape. I wish your family the whole Joyous Easter.

  8. how perfect for Easter Sunday :-)

  9. Karen, these are gorgeous! It is trying very hard to get to be spring here, but so far not much success. We had snow today. :-(

  10. Gorgeous serie of photos and beautiful flowers !!!
    Happy Easter !

  11. Wonderful pictures of the passion flowers. Wish you all happy Easterdays.

  12. Such a beautiful flower and just right for this weekend.

  13. Your photos are so beautiful. Happy Easter.

  14. Your photos certainly do these lovely flowers justice. We have them growing on our farm. Such an intricate flower.

  15. amazing flower. so alive in the picture.
    nice to know the story too:)
    I am back again after a long vacation:)

  16. Fantastic pictures, Karen. I love the Passion Flower to. The heart of the flower is so beautiful, especially when you see it through a macro lens. Really well done. Greetings, Joke

  17. It sure is a flamboyant flower and very photogenic. You have got some great captures. I hope you had a Happy Easter.

  18. Incredible macro shots! Such beautiful photos of a beautiful flower. I don't see the references to Christ's crucifixion but I am glad it made them think of Christ when the flower was named.

  19. I have always loved passion flower ever since childhood!! Best flower with so many intricate details :)

  20. Our vine is laden at the moment with green fruit of all sizes and stages, some of the first are just beginning to blush red. And it's still covered in flowers. I love these flowers, they are so unique and interesting!

    Hope you had a good Easter,
    Sarah x

  21. Years ago as I walked the long graveled driveway that led to our farm, I would spot this flower beside the cow pasture fence. It would delight to the uttermost! Your close-ups are not quite up to the delight of seeing it before you, but are on the scale of beautiful delight.

  22. I totally love these passion flowers. I have a garden trellis that is filled with these every summer. They are amazingly incredible , and interesting how their glory lasts such a very short time.

  23. These Passionfruit flowers are gorgeous, Karen. The details are lovely.


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