
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Midway 2015, Keep Dreaming

Let your dreams be bigger than your fears,
your actions louder than your words,
and your faith stronger than your feelings.
                                                                              author unknown 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Yuraygur, RedCliff, Brooms Head

It had been two years since we had been to Brooms Head so we chose this as our destination for a family day out before J headed back to uni. Winter is often the perfect season here to enjoy a day at the beach with less heat and sunburn to content with. As long as the sun is shining the day is bound to be pleasant - and it was! 

It was even more beautiful than I had remembered and I am keen to return again soon! I long to walk further along the tracks, to enjoy the thick native grass under foot again (barefoot of course) and to just enjoy the untouched natural beauty once more. 

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Layer Cake Anyone?

Would you like a piece of layer cake - or perhaps a macaroon? How about a cupcake, freshly 'baked' this morning?

I have had such fun playing with my basted hexies and stitched hexie flowers. Some of you will remember the journey of my Fresh Fields hand stitched English Paper Pieced quilt which I began in January 2014. The colour palette has been refined along the way and in March 2014 I explored the qualities of Botton Line thread, being unconvinced that it was what I was looking for. In May 2014 I was introduced to Gutermann Extra Fine* polyester thread and found it to be my perfect EPP thread.

Other quilting projects took the spotlight and my Fresh Fields makings have been neatly tucked away. This week I have brought them out again and am delighting in their colours - and their delicious appearance! Splashes of summer tones amongst our mild winter days are welcome too. This morning I made a 'cupcake' pincushion to add to my pleasure. I must say I love looking at these plates of goodies as they sit (now perched on top of my sewing machine in our lounge/dining room) enticing me to stay and stitch some more.....

*Available for worldwide shipping here with a Base rate of International shipping which appears to fit up to 25 reels/spools. 

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Coastal Village

Coastal villages have a charm all of their own. For some of us it had been over two years since we last visited Iluka, the village my in-laws had retired to and where we had frequently holidayed. 

The exercise park is a recent addition, the Iluka-Yamba Ferry a familiar sight, the little wooden boat on Iluka Bay an unexpected delight. We detoured via the Iluka Bluff beach and lookout on our way home. A very beautiful winter's day out with hardly another person to be seen!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Pleasant Distractions

Cathedral Rock National Park was the distraction of choice by Master J on his journey home from Uni yesterday for mid year break. This is a place I have driven past over the years but never stopped to explore. His photos have convinced me I need to visit one day.

Monday's public holiday was perfect for our annual homeschooler's sports day - great winter weather and many dad's were able to attend as well. Lots of fun for all, even the parents had a chance to literally pull their own weight!

Miss E is busy making Lego movies with my camera whenever she has a chance, with super heroes and villains featuring strongly.

In today's cooler weather I caught Miss O enjoying some quiet reading time with a quilt for warmth. The children all love using the hammock, the current favourite 'study' spot.

I have recently discovered a treasure trove of Down Under Quilts magazines available for loan from another town's library. When I was new to quilting I often sought inspiration from magazines but have relied on the internet over the last four years. It has been quite refreshing to reacquaint myself with the benefits of magazines. An EPP basting tip has seen me thread basting these new 3/4" organic fabric hexies, some pleasant winter busy work.

Sharing at WIP Wednesday, SkyWatch Friday.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Winter's Golden Glow

Tonight's sunset over the river. 
The rowers went so far then just stopped, drifting in the golden glow, soaking in the beauty of the moment. 
And so did I...

Sharing at SkyWatch Friday.