
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Pleasant Distractions

Cathedral Rock National Park was the distraction of choice by Master J on his journey home from Uni yesterday for mid year break. This is a place I have driven past over the years but never stopped to explore. His photos have convinced me I need to visit one day.

Monday's public holiday was perfect for our annual homeschooler's sports day - great winter weather and many dad's were able to attend as well. Lots of fun for all, even the parents had a chance to literally pull their own weight!

Miss E is busy making Lego movies with my camera whenever she has a chance, with super heroes and villains featuring strongly.

In today's cooler weather I caught Miss O enjoying some quiet reading time with a quilt for warmth. The children all love using the hammock, the current favourite 'study' spot.

I have recently discovered a treasure trove of Down Under Quilts magazines available for loan from another town's library. When I was new to quilting I often sought inspiration from magazines but have relied on the internet over the last four years. It has been quite refreshing to reacquaint myself with the benefits of magazines. An EPP basting tip has seen me thread basting these new 3/4" organic fabric hexies, some pleasant winter busy work.

Sharing at WIP Wednesday, SkyWatch Friday.


  1. The rocks they look amazing. It's nice that the children participate in sports games and even parents. I am glad that it will have on their sewing quilts through magazines. Regards.

  2. Lucky you- "Down Under Quilts" from your library?! That must be a treat- I love a good quilting magazine. Even better if I don't have to pay for it! A movie maker in the making too! Sounds fun!

  3. Lindas fotos, céus e brincadeiras das crianças.Isso é muito bom! bjs, chica

  4. Gorgeous hexies! I'm recently addicted myself, and they're so fun!

  5. The park looks awesome The rock formations are cool. And your cute Miss E is having a great time. Your quilt pieces are pretty. Have a happy day!

  6. I'm usually the one who ends up playing legos with our boys, so this sounds like a perfect future project with them.

    I really love Elizabeth's fabric... great for hexi projects! We are just starting to see the long awaited beginning of summer, which makes it sound so funny that winter is just starting on the other side of the globe. Enjoy snuggling in!

  7. Those rocks look like a fun place to exploe. It is amazing what treasures the libraries have available. Love your hexis and your daughter in the hammock under a quilt. perfect.

  8. Hard to go past a good magazine.....the Internet will never replace a hard copy for me.......and borrowing from the library is the best way. There is a lot of peace to be found in prepping hexagons, yours are very pretty.

  9. Great photos.
    Love the round rock with the sky all around.

  10. ohhh Lego, brings back good memories :-)

  11. All such fun shots Karen, but have to say that my favorite is of miss o in that hammock. Such a darling photo! Hope you are doing well, and think of you very often

  12. A lovely series of distractions!

  13. Wonderful distractions!
    Exploring... sigh!
    Sports days... memories.
    Quilting... a distant memory of something I enjoyed before my chronic injuries & nerve damage. Now I just marvel at your creativity! :)

  14. Cathedral Rock looks beautiful, and reminds me a bit of the rock formations out here in Joshua Tree. A fun post!

  15. Another great post, I enjoyed reading this.
    Cheers, Heidrun

  16. Those rocks look amazing!! And breathtaking views. I hadn't heard Cathedral Rock Nation Park but I'll add it to the list of places I'd like to see one day. I bet the lego movies are fun to watch. Happy hexing, I like borrowing quilt mags from the library too.

  17. Great shots of your pleasant distractions and what a variety there is. I have recently been playing with lego with my grandchildren in LA. It is amazing what is available these days . Has your daughter seen the "Lego Movie" quite amazing.

  18. O Karen, your winters look like summers to me ;) So wonderful! Cathedral rock, that name alone would want me to visit the national park. Must be so unbelievable and amazing judging from the pictures. So much beautiful nature where you live!

  19. Ah sports days were so much fun growing up!! I can't believe that it's winter for you since it looks like summer where you live! I bet we both have the same temperatures right now :)

  20. You could be right Preeti. We have mild winters but then our homes are built to cope with summer more than winter (no basements, no central heating etc). Our lowest minimum so far this winter has been about 33f (0.5C) with days warming up to 70+f (20+C) if they are sunny and not wet or cloudy. Surely is mostly pleasant.

  21. thank you for the step into your world today. I have enjoyed my visit and "meeting" you. Have a great week and thank you for stopping by my blog this week.

  22. Many wonderful distractions here. Love the image of Miss O reading in the hammock. So cozy!


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