
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Busy Brights

The Rainbow Lorikeets' noisy call announces their arrival - they are having a wonderful time feeding on the nectar of the Bottlebrush in the backyard. Winter broccoli and the coriander are beginning to flower, as are the Pig Face succulents and many other plants. Birds, bees, butterflies, hoverflies and many other insects visit everyday. The garden is certainly alive! Just yesterday I found the little  pot of pink flowering cactus lost beneath the pink Pig Face so I rescued it to enjoy it's dainty flowers at closer quarters.

On the sewing front, I am about half way through attaching the binding on my Set Free quilt. The fabric is another from Cloud 9's Moody Blues collection, called Sashiko Trees. The more I work with it the more I love it. The little trees bear tiny pomegranate fruits! I'm in no hurry to finish as I'm greatly enjoying the fabrics and gentle hand sewing, especially in the early morning light. Some steady progress was made on my Australia  designs quilt over the weekend too - hoping to return to it soon!

But for now I need to scamper down to the garden and pick some of that almost finished broccoli and some kale, spinach and parsley to add to the lamb bone and barley chowder simmering in the cooktop for tonight's evening meal!

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.


  1. Your garden sounds a great joy. Most of the flowers in mine our coming to an end as the trees turn to gold before finally shedding their leaves.

  2. In spring you so wonderful and beautiful pictures of gardens you showed. I see that another quilt is in the process of sewing and has nice colors and patterns on the material. Regards.

  3. What wonderful pictures of your spring garden. Your photography is amazing.

    Your quilting projects are lovely as always.

    Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady

  4. Gorgeous photos. Even the names of your flora and fauna are so interesting and different to me (up here in Canada!) That fabric line looks great, lovely works in progress.

  5. Ah, glorious captures they are indeed!! Such beautiful colors and I do love the bird -- the most colorful of all!! Thank you for sharing! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  6. I am so excited to see you so close to your finish on your Set Free the name you've given perfect! And love what you are doing with your Australia prints! And big thank yous for taking me often to your beautiful garden...come to think of it, my favorite garden in the world :)

  7. så fargerik post, fuglen er kjempe vakkert !

  8. That will have been a delicious meal with lamb and veggies from own garden!
    So nice to see that funny lorikeet in your Bottlebrush and the sewing goes on and on, the Set Free quilt, a wonderful project!

  9. You seem to have flown through your Set Free quilt, I can hardly believe your up to binding already. Your Australian quilt is looking great. Isn't it wonderful to cook with vegies that you've just picked from the garden. I bet dinner was delicious.

  10. Thanks Rachael, yes dinner was delicious, with leftovers for lunch today. In the oven for tonight is an egg/vegetable bake with more of the same garden produce…. :)

  11. Both your WIPs look lovely! Looking forward to seeing them finished. What a colorful bird enjoying his snack!!

  12. Love your bright spring colour shots. Your garden looks lovely.The quilt is looking beautiful, I can almost feel its softness. You seem to be such a well organised person.

  13. Fabulous colors, like the first picture.


  14. Well, dinner sounds great! For the first time I am making plans to have a small garden on our new property. I have plenty of time to plan, we had our first hard frost this weekend. I can't imagine having real life rainbow lorikeets flying around my garden! Wow!!!!


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