
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sharing the Joy

Miss E with her jacaranda tree, birds and flowers

She decided it needed a rainbow

Miss E's stitching

Miss E's stitching

My stitching

It is wonderful to enjoy creative pursuits ourselves, yet in many ways it is even more fulfilling to see our children become inspired to walk in our footsteps as they explore their own creativity. Seven year old Miss E, our youngest child, has been very keen to try out her father's new art supplies and also some hand sewing, just like mine. She didn't want to try something 'easier' or larger, she wanted to sew just like I do - and so she did. Miss E chose her little 'macaroon' of basted pieces and with a little help she has completed half a flower so far. You actually have to look quite closely to tell her flower from mine - partly due to her surprising stitching skills and largely due to the excellent Gutermann Extra Fine thread

I've added four flowers to my English Paper Piecing long term work in progress - a pleasant change of pace after recently completing two quilts, Aussie Landscape and Set Free. Some gentle hand stitching suits this busy end of year season.

Sharing at WIP Wednesday.


  1. Miss E made the flower wonderful. Compliment! And yes, I believe it's a great pleasure to see the children in the own steps growing.

    Greetings by Heidrun from old town Augsburg

  2. Miss E is quite artistic and her stitching is wonderful!

    Happy Creating to both of you ~ FlowerLady

  3. I love it! Miss E's stitches are fantastic! great job!!

  4. Miss E's birds look to be inspired by your recent fabric printing foray...her drawing is so sweet and fun, especially so since it is on the heels of your recent Jacaranda photos :) Thank you so much for sharing these joys...those hands!! and her determined decisions as to what she wanted to stitch are all just so charming! Happy stitching, Miss E, please do appreciate with whom you get to sit and stitch!

  5. I believe children feel secure and happy when their parents create and allow them to also create. Now, as a Grandmother, I see my grandchildren wanting to help with and learn the activities that give me pleasure. You have a fine budding artist and patient hand-stitcher in your youngest.

  6. Miss E is an excellent student, she has made a wonderful start on her sewing. It's lovely to share your sewing with your daughter, I treasure the memories of stitching with my sons when they were younger. It's good to show children that technology isn't the only way to occupy themselves too.

  7. I am impressed with the presentation skills. Great presence.


  8. I can't get over your piecing. Do you constantly iron? My one piecing quilt, a pine tree design, just wasn't pieced consistently. These look perfect! How fun to see your daughter following your footsteps...and doing so very well!

  9. She does it SO much better than I ever would, that´s for sure! :-)

  10. It is fulfilling to see them follow in your footsteps. She is very talented for her age, pretty too.

  11. this is so sweet! and her skills are incredible. i tried to get one of my older girls to help me with some epp last year but after she had a hard time getting the shape basted well, i let it go. i suppose she needs more fine motor development!

  12. She was happy to choose from the shapes which were already basted - but did baste one the following day. She still hasn’t come back to finish it yet….


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