
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Wonder and Grace

Miss G and Miss N - 18th birthdays this week

Miss G and Miss N - June 2005 aged 7

Fig Tree Avenue is one of my favourite places to walk, especially when it's quite enough to walk down the middle of the road. These particular fig trees are huge as they are growing very close to the river. They are Ficus microcarpa 'hillii', a weeping fig native to Queensland rainforests, Australia.

This week was one of extreme heat so I was surprised to find a beautiful magnolia flower one morning and an elegant fungi amongst the dew another morning. Neither survived the daytime heat very well. On the very hottest day our beautiful twins turned 18. The extreme heat of that day, the hottest of the year, lingered on well into the night. I have since made plans to have our broken air conditioner replaced. It was a special day, yet my husband was far away in Sydney having yet another eye operation that day. Your eldest two were also in Sydney, one sitting her last uni exam of the year, the other providing transport for my husband. Today we are all together, the first time since July. It may only be for a few days here and there but these days are like gold, particularly for our youngest (seven year old Miss E ) who absolutely loves having all seven of her older siblings with her!

Life continues on with its many twists and unexpected turns so I will continue to keep the many moments of wonder and grace close to my heart.

Sharing at Our World Tuesday.


  1. Congratulations for the twins.... Greatful to see the children and now the young ladies.

    Wish you, dear Karen and your family a good Time!

  2. On hot days walk in the shade of these magnificent trees of pewością is a pleasure. I believe that the operation is successful husband and quickly return to you. All the best for the twins to celebrate 18th birthday. Best wishes.

  3. Simply gorgeous photo of Fig Tree Avenue. I can imagine that it would bring a lot of calm and peace amongst such magnificent trees. Happy birthday to your girls, and best wishes for your husbands recovery too.

  4. Happy Birthday to the girls. xxxx
    Actually got a shock, a certain other Miss 7 looks quite like her sisters, which I knew but still..
    How wonderful to have all your children home:):) Enjoy {{}}

  5. What a lovely tree lined & covered street! So peaceful.

    Happy 18th birthday to your twin beauties.

    I hope your husband's recovery from eye surgery is complete and swift.

    How wonderful that you are having a bit of 'all together' time with your family. A rare and precious event. Memory making times.

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  6. Those fig trees are magnificent as are your photos of them. Happy Birthday to your twins. Of course, I always love seeing the yummy cakes you bake!

  7. You have lovely girls. Wishing your husband a speedy recovery.

  8. That's wonderful that you could all be together. I treasure those times with our large family. Christmas is our next big hoopla!

  9. Happy 18th to the twins! They are such gorgeous girls.
    I hope and pray that Jim's operation goes well.
    God bless you all! xxoo

  10. Wow - so beautiful!

  11. Those fig trees are magnificent. What a joyous occasion to have the family together. Moments to treasure.

  12. A tree arched lane is one of the most enchanting things to me. How I would love to walk down this one! I've never actually seen a fig tree growing outdoors before, they are majestic trees.
    I see such resemblance of your little Miss E in the twins' seven year old photo!
    Thinking of you and your family, Karen, at this time of celebrating birthdays, and recovering from surgery. I hope the Gold Coast is treating you well with rest and recovery time together!

  13. So much to be thankful for, yes, hold them near your heart! I'm glad you are all together, it doesn't happen often does it? The fig trees are magnificent!

  14. It's so important to cherish the moments as they seem to fly by at an ever-increasing rate :) Beautiful post!

  15. The fig tree avenue is a delight. Your twins are beautiful even when hot. I'm glad you have a few days altogether. Get the air conditioner fixed its going to be a hot summer.

  16. I think you are right Diane about a hot summer. We had the air conditioner repaired last summer but were advised it’s too old to do any more work on. At least it made it through the rest of last summer but then no heat in winter and now no cooling functioning. We are all booked to have a replacement installed Monday morning! :)


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