
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Autumn - At Last

Aussie Landscape quilt and Butterfly Kisses air drying in our bright sunshine

Maze and Vale sample pack and left overs

Spin Spin Fabric Sample Pack

As our long, long summer slowly comes to a close we are breathing a sigh of relief, and looking forward to time in the garden being enjoyable again.

Our new Camellia Sasanquas, Paradise Vanessa, have begun to flower with pretty touches of bright pink around the edges of their petals. The hardy native everlasting/paper/straw daisies delight me with their daily opening and closing, growing larger with each day. The children have helped me with some well overdue garden maintenance too.

With cooler days, it's been time to wash quilts ready for use and hand quilting is once more a pleasant task. My blue and white Set Free quilt has been 'finished' for several months, however I've decided it needs some extra quilting to secure it well before I can confidently trust it to the washing machine! Looking forward to being able to wash it, ready for use, in another week or two.

I've been contemplating using a mix of natural/neutral organic cottons, hemp and linen, all hand printed in Australia, for a new project. Several possibilities in my mind, yet no urgency - just enjoying their pleasant earthy hues, clean smell and wonderful textures.

Last week also marked a family milestone with my husband successfully completing a gradual return to work, finishing his first full time work week in over two years! The balance of his health is still delicate but things are looking very hopeful.


  1. Lovely autumn... With many things. We have Now Springtime here in Germany :)

  2. I live in Germany as well (as the above commenter does) and yes, we are having spring here. But autumn will always be my absolute favorite.

  3. Love your camellia and your straw flowers. Wonderful photos!

    Love your new fabrics too. Whatever you decide to do creating with them will be lovely.

    What wonderful news about your dear husband. May he continue to grow stronger with each new day.

    Have a great upcoming week ~ love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  4. Its always so funny when you are talking about autumn when we are going into spring. Of course we know but still.

  5. Lindas fotos, lindos registros e teus filhos estão grandes! bjs, chica

  6. Changes of seasons: so fun and enjoyable! I had to laugh in that we are now looking forward to spring. Camilla plants blooming there now are also blooming here now in Maryland. Your new palette of fabrics is so different than your usual bright & clear colors. How fun it will be to work in a different mode. I'm so happy for your family that your husband reached the benchmark of a full workweek. Hopefully, this will continue.

  7. Thank you Christine. Yes, the colours are a change to those I normally choose, yet I think this is part of their appeal too. I’ve been quite taken by the textures, tactile features and appearances of hemp, linen in their various weights and combinations. There is a raw goodness in their organic natural state which draws me.

  8. My eyes are twinkling at the wonderful colors in your post today. Your flower images are lovely. The quilts brighten my day with their wonderful colors and patterns. We are still in the midst of a snowstorm here, so your textures and colors are a feast for my spirit. I'm so glad to hear that your husband is better. I hope his health continues to improve.

  9. We have Spring - At Last. Your new Camellia sasanquas has lovely flowers and you have such a beautiful variety of fabrics. Wish you lots of success and fun with your new project.

  10. And we are saying, "We have spring, at last!!!"

    Karen, the very best news is hearing that your husband is doing well. This is indeed a milestone, and I am thrilled for your entire family.

  11. Oh my! Such gorgeous images of those flowers! Most wonderful news on your hubs! Happy happy for you and yours :)

  12. Beautiful flowers are with you in the fall. Well, the children help in the garden. Finish your beautiful quilt. I am very happy with the husband back to health. Regards.

  13. So many gorgeous blooms in your garden! Your quilts are beautiful and I'm sure will add some lovely colour to the bedrooms.
    How wonderful that Jim is back to work finally. I know it's been such a huge process for him!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Welcome Autumn even though we are still having summer temps up here. Lovely shots as always. Well done to Hubby.

  15. So much joy....beautiful quilts.....thankful your husband could work. I hope to return too someday. I cling to our faith, second by second. I can't wait to be hot....glad you look forward to fall.


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