
Friday, April 29, 2016

Thank You Miss E

Tuesday evening, just on dusk, a surprise visitor walked in our back door! Our eldest daughter, Miss E, had travelled all day by train from Sydney, then walked from the train station to surprise all of us!!! She only has a one week mid-semester break in her studies and her work load had been looking ominous. We had all accepted the fact that it really wasn't practical for a trip home, although there had been a few tears shed by our youngest, eight year old Miss E. These things happen. Then on Sunday night there was a change in circumstances, but none of us except eldest Miss E knew.....

Wednesday and Thursday were precious as we soaked up Miss E's wonderful presence in a flurry of hugs, conversations, movie watching (at home), kitchen treats cooked by Miss E etc. We squeezed in a visit to our favourite local park too. 

Then this morning the inevitable happened - we had to say our goodbyes. Almost 16 years separate our two Miss Es, the first and last of our eight children - they have a very special bond. There were tears at the train station, just after the last two photos, yet we have so much to be grateful for. We won't see her again until September as her five week, midyear break will be spent in Europe - part study, part touring, all very exciting. Thank you Miss E for being you - and being with us.


  1. Beautiful words & photos of the love your famy have for each other ~ what a wonderful surprise for you all. It is so hard to have our children (even though they are young adults) so far away, our daughter went to live & work in Scotland for 2 years, we couldn't bear the thought of not seeing her for so long, so we made the trip to the UK.

  2. How sweet! It makes tears fill my eyes.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful family and countryside.


  3. The love and their great bond between your eldest and youngest shines out from both their eyes - lovely

  4. Oh my, so precious! Safe safe travels for Miss E, the elder. It is amazing to watch your beautiful girls grow.... <3

  5. It certainly was a very big surprise and gave everyone a lot of fun. It is valuable to stay with her daughter, although two days. The sisters also were certainly Lucky. Again, you will miss her, but she still will come again. Regards.

  6. så herlige bilder, gjør meg skikkelig glad :-)

  7. Time shared is so precious and photos recording the moment bring the memories to life time and time again. A beautiful post.

  8. So pleased she made it home. Your two Miss E's certainly do share a close bond {}

  9. Such beautiful children with obviously loving and giving natures! I hope Miss E continues to spread her wings and make her mark on the world.

  10. What a lovely surprise, and this year I have a much better understanding of how special it is! I feel for your youngest, my big sister is eight years older too and I always cried went she left too.

  11. You understand well Susan. This time our youngest wouldn’t let me comfort her, she just wanted grieve by herself, so I let her choose a couple of small flowering plants at Bunnings on our way home, pretty little pansies.

  12. Karen, this post quite simply brings me to tears, and makes me smile, all at the very same time. Hard for me to find the words to describe just how much I love these photos, and this post.

  13. Your photos are alway amazing but the one of your oldest and youngest is priceless. Beautiful girls.

  14. What a wonderful surprise. Both Miss E's are beautiful girls. The eldest one is on the brink of an exciting adventure. Lovely photos.

  15. Beautiful pictures. Big family is fantastic.

  16. That first picture could be a painting! So beautiful--as are your girls

  17. If your daughter is looking for a room in Switzerland while touring Europe...She is welcomed to stay a few days at our place...

  18. Wonderful photo's. I am dreading the day my daughter's choose to fly the nest xxx

  19. That’s very kind of you Mary. Unfortunately her time is very limited, centred around a 10 day course in Rome, and Switzerland won’t be included in her travels this time. Thank you very much for your offer.


  20. What a wonderful surprise this must have been! Especially for the little miss E. How great that they have that special bond. So exciting to hear the oldest miss E will come to Europe. I wonder what countries she will be visiting. I wish her a wonderful time here.

  21. What a wonderful surprise for you all to have Miss E visit for a few days! It warms my heart to see the bond between little Miss E and Miss E.
    While I don't understand from the perspective of a sister, I do understand this from the perspective of a daughter... I love seeing my parents either up here in Brisbane, or down on the Mornington Peninsula and I am always sad to say goodbye.
    Beautiful image of the two Miss Es

  22. How wonderful that she got to come home and surprise you, and the girls look so sweet together. How wonderful that they have such a great bond!


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