
Sunday, August 21, 2016


Growth and change, challenges and blessings, sowing and reaping. Year by year our children increase not only in age, but wisdom, ability and vision. 

Miss O is persevering with her new garden, nurturing it daily, and it is rewarding her beautifully. The snow peas and sugar snap are beginning to flower, the garlic and herbs are growing well and the first petunia flower opened today. 

Grace's music dreams are slowly become more real in very exciting ways.

Grace and Miss O baked cakes to surprise three birthday girls on this weekend's cricket camp. Pictured above are the Cinnamon Crumb Apple Cake and an amazing Raspberry-Swirl Cheesecake just before it went in the oven. They made  a rich frosted chocolate cake too - there was something to please every taste.

Every day I find myself observing and supporting, seeking wisdom, quietly content and overflowing with gratefulness.


  1. How wonderful Karen! And so similar to my own experiences except maybe the taking care of her garden by Miss O. This is so lovely to hear. No gardening enthousiasts among my three kids (sofar) but they each have their very own interests and it's so great to see how they are making their way towards what they want to achieve and become in life. They are all three so creative, each in their own way and I love it.
    Have a wonderful sunday dear friend ❤ ,

  2. It’s quite fascinating to see each one develop their skills and individuality, wonderful to hear you find this true for your family too Marian. It means continually changing roles as parents but in exciting ways. Hoping you have a wonderful Sunday too :)

  3. Stunning photo's, especially the cakes ;)

  4. Those cakes look and sound delicious, the Cinnamon Crumb Apple Cake has been pinned for trying later this week. As usual your flower photos are so beautiful.

  5. Your photos are absolutely beautiful and it is wonderful to read about your girls doing so well.

    Have a lovely week ~ FlowerLady

  6. Your words, attitude, photos and wisdom are always wonderful to experience....thank you for your lovely blog, Karen.

  7. Strength and beauty - beauty and strength

  8. I never leave here without a smile on my face.
    You truly have a beautiful family, Karen, and indeed do have so much to be grateful for.
    You have a wonderful week ahead, my friend. xo.

  9. Wonderful photos of happenings in your life. So good to hear that your children are doing well!


  10. Lindo blog, amei suas postagens!!Maravilha!
    Siga-me e pegue o meu selinho!!!


  11. Wonderful moments Karen! I thought of Miss O when I saw the swirls on the that her work or another's? I also notice the very soft palette of your piecework...a noticeable change from the saturation of your most recent finish :) I just love the fresh crinkles on the opening flower, too! Many smiles given in this post, thank you!!!

  12. Very perceptive of you Sarah - it was indeed Miss O who created the lovely heart swirls with the fresh raspberry sauce, making the cheesecake even more beautiful than the recipe image. I am really enjoying working with soft pink fabrics, sewing a baby girl cot size quilt for my Etsy shop.My shop is in need of some pretty pink! :)

  13. The orange flower emerging is just stunning!!

  14. Amazing photos, Karen!
    Another great post!
    That's good to know that all is well...
    Enjoy your week!


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