
Saturday, October 1, 2016

A Touch of Tamworth

Early this week we had a mini holiday with a purpose. Tamworth was the location of our state Women's Country Cricket Championships, Under 15's and Under 18's, this year. With my husband's health improved on recent years, we made plans to attend as Tamworth is only a few hours drive away, closer than the Championship's location most other years. As Grace is now 18 she has been assisting with coaching and transporting her younger sisters to various training sessions around our region during the winter months. The North Coast teams were amongst teams from eight regions to play four 20:20 (20 overs a side) games over two days. They were delighted to win this year (again). The friendships established and encouragement they each give and receive have been wonderful to see. They all have so much fun!

Those of us not involved in the cricket took a little time for sight seeing while in Tamworth. Miss E (8), our youngest child, requested a visit to the Big Golden Guitar which she was familiar with from our Australian Monopoly board game. She was unaware that Tamworth is Australia's country music capital and the huge guitar is actually a replica of the miniature golden guitars awarded at the annual country music festival each January.

We had a quick visit to the Tamworth Marsupial Park (free admission), especially enjoying their free-flight avery and I would have loved to linger inside the avery longer but I soon discovered to my surprise that Miss E was rather anxious a bird might land on her and wasn't at all comfortable in there. I quickly snapped some photos of the King Parrot (top - we have had these visit our home garden), Princess Parrot (named in honour of Princess Alexandra of Denmark who married the Prince of Wales Edward VII and eventually became Queen of England on 1901) and the Red-rumped green grass parrot. We do have some beautiful Australian birds! 

Thankfully we were greeted by the beautiful sight of a peacock and peahen roaming around outside the avery - another first for Miss E and a delight to the eyes. Then we came across the large cage of talking birds. Miss E thought I was making up stories about birds talking but then she listened and couldn't believe it! Several of our Australian birds can be trained to talk or mimic speech. The white Corella was very friendly and had a lovely 'chat' with us. 

Gouldian Finches are glorious yet tiny while the emus, second in height only to ostriches, were taller than me. Loved seeing some emu eggs - what an amazing colour! We had hoped to see the newly hatched emu chicks but had trouble locating them and needed to head back to the cricket for the final game which was a very exciting win! 


  1. Dear Karen,
    there are such lovely birds in this Post! I Must try to draw them...

    ...congratulations for winning the game!

  2. What an excellent win for the girls! I would have enjoyed the aviary!

  3. Beautiful pictures. So fresh, like real real life, not photography. Greetings Justyna.

  4. the Guitar is cool :-) very nice photos !

  5. What fun, Karen, and those birds are really so beautiful!

  6. Such a joy to see so many colourful Australian birds in this post, love it. And than your mini-holiday to Tamworth Cricket Championships. I wondered where I knew Tamworth from, but now I know, a long time ago our eldest daughter M. was backpacking in Australia and she spent 2 months on a farm in the neighbourhood of Tamworth.

  7. Your 'quick' photos are so abaolutely amazing. What a fun visit this must have been for all of you!

  8. You have an affinity for photographing birds. You capture them perfectly. The cricket games sound fun, and it's a bonus they take you on adventures to other places too.

  9. Amazing colorful captured them beautifully!!

  10. What a great day for you all. Congrats to the cricketers and to you for your great bird photos.

  11. Congratulations to your girls! Love all the colorful birds, so much beauty.

  12. You made such an interesting piece to read, giving every subject enlightenment for us to gain knowledge. Thanks for sharing the such information with us to read this... accountant in tamworth


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