
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Green and Gold and a Touch of Blue

Our intense summer heat gave way to cooler showery days this week - much to everyone's relief. The garden looks more vibrant and the surrounding dry countryside is looking fresh again, a pleasant break before things heat up again in the next few days.

Miss V spent most of this week in a nearby city (130km/80 miles away) for a cricket carnival. This was her first time away without any family. She managed very well and had some great successes in the field too. Some of us traveled up to watch her on two separate days. We enjoy the quiet back roads rather than our major coastal highway, especially during the busy summer holiday season. The Australian 'bush' is refreshing to the soul, especially when Master T drove the long home stretch of 100km from the next town to ours both days while I relaxed and took some photos. 

After several false starts last year, I finally found inspiration for utilising the beautiful blue half square triangle off-cuts from a quilt I finished over a year ago. Hoping to share more of this one soon.

Signing off with a couple of kookaburras spotted on my neighbourhood walk late this afternoon.  :)  


  1. Wish you a healthy and happy New Year!🎈

  2. At your green, flowers, beautiful birds, and me snow and harsh frost. Regards.

  3. All beautiful! Happy New Year!

  4. W are in the midst of a very cool spell in NZ at present too - certainly not feeling like summer. Love your kookaburras.

  5. Oh my, intense summer heat sounds SO good right now. We have been below zero for 3 days now and will have to endure one more before any relief.

    Good for Miss V!! And I am so glad you were able to enjoy the ride and make some photographs on the way!

  6. Your garden is looking god despite all the hot weather.

  7. Beautiful photos! So nice to see nature in full bloom on the other side of the world. We are deep in snow here - so much snow that the views from our ground floor windows are almost totally obscured, and we still have about 4 months left of winter!

    What type of camera are you using?

  8. Hi Kathye,
    We never have snow in our area and as much as the novelty would be nice, I think we would find it very trying after a few days.

    The photos in this post are a mix from my entry level DSLR, an older Lumix Superzoom fixed lens camera (FZ35) and my iPhone 5S (the ground level photo of the fungi).

  9. She is wearing Australian colours already, maybe one day. The bush looks good after the rain. A beautiful Kookaburra. The blue and white looks great.

  10. How nice to see your summer to offset the cold we have here. Maybe a compromise would be nice. : )

    Kudos to Miss V. Hope you have a wonderful new year. God bless you.

  11. I've so missed visiting your online space, Karen. Love your quilt block and as always, your images are so wonderful!

  12. Lovely scenery, flora & fauna from your part of the world. Wishing you a very happy & belated New Year.


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