
Friday, February 10, 2017

And They Said "I Will"

Behind the church

I have never seen a bride as relaxed, happy and friendly as Jess. Our eldest son, Master J - or perhaps I should call him Mr J, is delighted to have found such an amazing young lady to be his wife and we are absolutely blessed to now have Jess as part of our family.

Last Friday we drove up the Armidale up on the tablelands in preparation for the Saturday's wedding. Jess and J took us for a quick drive to the Dangarsleigh Hall where the reception was to be held, a country hall which Jess has fond childhood memories of. Then it was back to the wedding rehearsal in the chapel on campus - the church Jess grew up attending with her family and the church Mr J has been involved with since commencing his university studies a few years ago. The weather was unusually hot and humid both days for Armidale. 

Jess's mum had reserved tables at an historic hotel in Armidale for all family members both sides who were in town Friday night. It was an excellent opportunity to meet some of Jess's extended family prior to the wedding - and all of them are treasures! So honoured to be joined by marriage to these wonderful people.

Everything about the wedding and reception was beautiful, relaxed, simple and friendly - and mostly organised by Jess, her sisters and their friends and church family. The sticky, uncomfortable heat of the day thankfully gave way shortly after the service to cool breezes as thunderstorms circled around but kept at bay. The afternoon and evening was one we will never forget - for all the right reasons!

Just when I was about to stop smiling and come back to reality from the excitement of the celebrations, guess who walked into our home yesterday with a bunch of flowers for his mother! Mr J and Jess took us by surprise and dropping in for lunch as they traveled from their first honeymoon destination to their second! So I'm still smiling - and so were they!


  1. Oh Karen, how blessed you are. Everything looks so lovely. I'm so happy for you. Armidale is my favourite town in Australia! It's sooo pretty. How wonderful to be married there. Lots of love
    Anna xx ( sorry about the Anonymous.. don't know which other option to use)

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment Anna - Armidale sure is a beautiful town and one which is rarely humid and has four genuine seasons. Both Jess and J love it there - and plan to call it home for another couple of years (at least) while completing studies etc.


  3. It was a wonderful experience for the whole family, and especially for a young couple. It was a wonderful day. Happy Honeymoon for a new way of life. Nice to look at your family and you see there. Regards.

  4. Dear Karen ~ How wonderful, and congratulations and much love and happiness to the sweet couple. They look so young, must be what people thought of my hubby and I when we got married. :-) Lovely pictures of the bride and groom and family.

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful, love filled event.

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  5. Congratulations to them and your family. It was fun to see the day through your lens. I've enjoyed seeing your posts of your family as well as your quilts.

  6. Everything about their wedding day looks absolutely wonderful.. simple, special, and with family and love at the center of it all. Congratulations to you all on this happy union!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing their day with us. They both look so happy.
    What a beautiful setting for a wedding and reception.

  8. As I am smiling too as I read this. So happy for you, and thank you for sharing this wonderful event! I have the blessing of a beautiful daugther-in-law also, nothing quite like it.

    And it is totally unnecessary to say, but I will say it anyway, they are a beautiful couple.

    Blessings to you Karen!

  9. That's wonderful! The couple looks so happy and relaxed - what a wonderful day!

  10. Thanks for sharing, have been looking forward to seeing the pics. It looks like such a fun, relaxed day, just perfect :-)

  11. What a beautiful couple they are!
    Congratulations to everyone, and thank you so much for sharing this very special day here, Karen.

  12. oh Congratulations to your wonderful family. Your son and his new bride look just beautiful together, and such an exciting event. It is such a blessing to have a new member in your family and one that you love.


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