
Friday, March 24, 2017

Every Day

Perched on our avocado tree

The fig trees are a species native to Queensland - ficusmicrocarpahillii

Every day we have the opportunity to choose a positive attitude, to be the change we want to see and to encourage ourselves and others to face the future with faith and hope. There is always something to be grateful for, always some grace and beauty to focus our attention on, always new dreams to dream and work towards. Life is an incredible gift. What I see and capture through my camera reminds me to focus on all that is beautiful, excellent and praiseworthy - and there is never any shortage of those things if I will but take the time to look.

(Details of each photo will appear as you hover over them with your mouse/touchpad)


  1. Todos os dias lindas fotos e momentos a registrar! bjs, lindo fim de semana,chica

  2. Thank you for this post. Beautiful photos with encouraging & uplifting words.

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. The world around us is beautiful. However, you need to be aware of it. You see it and there are wonderful pictures. Regards.

  4. Your focus on beauty uplifts us all!

  5. Beautiful words and photographs, thanks for sharing!

  6. This is all so very true, Karen, and your photographs are wonderful.
    Have a great week ahead!

  7. Your eye for photos always astounds me, makes me look at my town in a fresh light

  8. Thank you for the thoughts with this post, and for putting up these posts full of beautiful shots that always bring a spot of peacefulness. :)

  9. Such an important message. One I needed tonight and I found it here. The photos are wonderful....glad you had your camera.

  10. A beautiful post and so true. Thank you so much.

  11. Karen I have missed seeing you as i have been on a pretty long blog break, but love seeing you here and your ever present reminder for us all to CHOOSE positivity. Yes that is a choice for all of us every day, and what a God given blessing photography is as a reminder to daily see all of the beauty all around us. Hope that you are doing well and would love to hear from you.... Jeanne

  12. It's interesting that you mention the Jacarandas flowering long past their season. We have noticed the very same in Brisbane over the last few years. Jacarandas have their usual profuse blooming in October/November but they continue to flower throughout the rest of the year to a much lesser degree. It is a lovely sight though.


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