
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

April Days


Easter came and went with grown and flown children coming and going. It's always so good to see each one, no matter how short the visit may be. On Good Friday evening our church hosted a screening of 'Risen' (and Prince of Egypt for the younger children). Many strings of popcorn were made (while baking hot cross buns was underway) to hang over the popcorn and lollie bar. Jess and Jose made it 'home' in time to join us of the movie night.

Easter Saturday we had a family picnic at a riverside park on the edge of town. The weather was perfect and we had the park entirely to ourselves - apart from a very playful resident German Shepherd dog who chased the frisbees until he was exhausted.

My shoulder has been gradually healing from the dislocation three weeks ago and much to my relief I have discovered I can manage some gentle hand sewing. Two more blocks for my Ice Cream Soda quilt are now complete and I've returned to the shabby chic classic hexagon quilt I began over a year ago. Having the fabrics already chosen and many cut into hexagons made this a possible task while mostly resting my right arm in a sling.

I am discovering how useful my phone camera is as using my 'real' cameras poses serious safety issues to the shoulder for now. Most the photos above were taken with my iPhone 5S, with some editing - including the kangaroos in our church grounds.

We celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary in April. Our daughters surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers to celebrate the occasion - they know......

As the autumn weather is now pleasantly warm and not hot, Miss O has regained her enthusiasm for gardening. As I type this the younger three girls are preparing the ground for planting. We've enjoyed time this morning examining and sketching various seeds and seed pods which will soon be planted in the soil. The poppy seed heads were saved from last year's plantings. I love the details made more visible with my phone camera. I think I'll head downstairs and see how they are going.  :)


  1. such beautiful photos!glad you enjoyed your family through Easter. Beautiful blcoks too! I received some extra fine Gutermann thread today. I can still see my stitches though.. I have to explore which method you use for EPP!

  2. The quality of your photos is amazing. The flowers and poppies especially.

  3. Grate photos...kangaroos at church...I have never ever seen that one...

  4. A wonderful series of images, Karen! You really do have a gift of recording the life and memories of your beautiful family. I am glad to hear that your shoulder is healing, albeit slowly. God bless.

  5. So glad your shoulder is healing. Those kangaroos are a delight to see.

  6. Hello Karen,
    Beautiful pictures!
    Congratulations with your wedding anniversary! Same amount of years for me and my husband on November the 9th this year. I'm glad your shoulder is feeling better too.I also had a few problems with my shoulder and right arm lately. Apparently from too much sewing! Some physio treatment and slowing things down will do the trick.
    Thank you for the inspiration.


  7. Karen, I am so glad to hear that your shoulder is better.
    These are such wonderful photographs, especially the first one.
    I just love that one,
    Happy Anniversary! And many happy days ahead.

  8. Oh Karen, I have been praying for your shoulder! xx

  9. Happy anniversary, Karen!! So glad to hear that your should injury is healing slowly. Enjoy this time of rest and autumn's bounty!

  10. So amazing to see those kangaroos out on the lawn. So sorry Karen to hear of the shoulder dislocation and hoping it is healing nicely. Hard when you don't have use of your shoulder! I well remember my surgery last year.

  11. Glad you are able to sew a little gain. the phone photos are terrific love the seed ones.

  12. Beautiful photos....I can only use mostly my iPhone 5 for is remarkable. Your quilting inspires...happy anniversary, and oh those kangaroos!

  13. Have not seen you here for awhile Karen and thought I would just stop by and say hello! Hope your shoulder is back to normal and that your season... ??fall?? is a lovely one. Best to you and think of you often


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