
Friday, January 19, 2018

Sudden Departure

"So who's going to get married?" was the half-joking comment as we began to say our goodbyes on Boxing Day. We had just enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Day - all of our children had been home and both grandmothers had been part of our Christmas Day too. There was a sense of not wanting to wait another six or twelve months before being together again. A wedding would definitely bring everyone home! ;)

In the wee small hours of the very next day my mobile phone woke me from sleep. It was the aged care home - she had buzzed - needed help - passed away before the ambulance arrived. I was dazed. Joan, my mother-in-love was in fine form Christmas Day, as usual. Talking about New Year's resolutions, and participating in happy banter around the afternoon tea table, increasingly forgetful as the years moved on. Gone. All our plans changed in an instant. Joan was never afraid to die and would speak of being reunited with her wonderful husband of 57 years and eldest son whom I never met. Heaven holds many precious family and friends. 

January has certainly taken a very different turn to anticipated. Tomorrow most of us head back to her previous home on the coast to attempt to make some more headway in gradually emptying the house - quite a daunting task. Her room in the aged care centre was challenge enough.....she didn't throw anything out! Amongst trying to sort her paperwork for the last five years, communicating with her accountant, solicitor, real estate agent, mail redirection etc, life goes on. Next week I hope to devote largely to our homeschool recording, planning and preparations - an abridged version may have to do for now.

Early morning or late afternoon walks are a valuably time to clear my head and fill my eyes with more of nature's wonders. Still finding beauty, joy and contentment in my everyday life.

Further details of many photos will appear if you hover your cursor over the image.  :)

*** You may also enjoy my Instagram feed which I add to several times a week. You don't have to join Instagram to view - just click on the little blue square camera logo under my blog profile (top right hand corner).



  1. Sorry for your loss but so glad you had time with your MIL so recently. Her smile tells me she was a wonderful lady and I bet she is right now enjoying her reunion with loved ones. I wish you and your family a time of strength and fortitude which will be required to clear out the home. I have done it myself more than once and I was fortunate that in both cases the occupants had done some sorting of their own. It was still a lot of work.

    Your photos are beautiful. Hugs xx

  2. Dearest Karen ~ So sorry for the loss of your dear MIL, but so glad you had a wonderful get-together with her earlier with the whole family. Glad she is now reunited with her dear husband and son. She looks like she was a lovely, happy lady.

    I love your photography. You are blessed with the gift of that talent.

    Love, hugs & prayers for your family at this time ~ FlowerLady

  3. I am very, very sorry that you have lost a loved and loved person. The only consolation is that you spent the whole family time with her, just before she left forever. Now the memories remain. Regards.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. She had a beautiful smile that I hope will stay with you and your family forever. I also love how you refer to her as your mother-in-love. That speaks volumes.

  5. I read this with longing to weep with those who weep. I am sorry for your family's loss of a very important and valuable person in your lives. What joy you must feel for having known her; yet you will miss her so much.

    Your" head-clearing" times and the trained eyes behind your camera tell a story.

  6. So sorry to hear of your sudden loss. It was good that you all saw her at Christmas time. I don't envy your task of sorting out her belongings and doing all the paper work as well as organise homeschooling.

  7. I am so very sorry, Karen.
    It is wonderful that you were all able to be together for Christmas.
    May your memories of your dear mother-in-law bring comfort to all of you at this difficult time.

  8. Sorry for your loss Karen, I hope you have many happy memories to look back on, a life well lived.
    Wishing you strength.

  9. Beautifully written... I’m so sorry, what a horrible way to start the new year. I’m pleased that you have many wonderful memories to hold on to, though.

  10. Oh my goodness, one is never prepared for this earthly loss. My mom is 90, my MIL is 93. Such wonderful people. Your pictures are so beautiful. There is still beauty around us and today you found it. So thankful you have those pictures of you times together too. So so sorrry to read about this unexpected loss.

  11. So sorry to read this Karen! I have had a much needed break from blogging over the Christmas/New Year period as we have had a couple of funerals of friends sons and also a dear friend of mine. Thinking and praying for you, Jim and your precious family.

  12. I am regrettably late in offering my condolences, Karen. And I am terribly sorry for your sudden loss. Prayers and hugs from Montana.


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