Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Closer View

Raynox lens which comes with the snap-on universal adaptor, beside adaptor ring (right).

As many of you know, taking macro photos is a great joy to me. My fixed lens superzoom camera does a great job with macros shots but sometimes I have longed to be able to come in even closer with macro photography.

My camera

A couple of weeks ago I read of an exciting possibility on Amanda's new blog -the Raynox Macro Conversion Lens (DCR-250). As I googled and read very positive reviews I realised it was possible to use this lens on my "little" camera (which is not a DSLR) with the addition of an conversion adapter ring.

Camera with adaptor ring and lens

That night I sourced both products on ebay for a total of just over $100 including shipping. My husband was more than happy for me to purchase, we could call it a belated Christmas gift. Both parcels arrived during the week and I have had lots of fun playing with my new "toy".

Here are some of my favourites, none of which have been cropped. With some of these I haven't even fully maximised my in camera optical zoom either. As with all macro lenses there is a very shallow depth of field and I think I will be looking into buying a tripod or at least a mono-pod. A new realm of macro photography is opening up in front of my eyes, a sheer delight.

NB For a regular size DSLR camera no adaptor ring is required, only the snap-on universal adaptor which is supplied with the lens. The actual lens piece arrives with a plastic cover over each side. The lens screws into the universal adaptor which then snaps on and off the camera lens of your choice, making it easy to carry it in your pocket (maybe within a little bag/pouch to protect inside of lens from dust and lint) when not in use. It comes carefully packaged within a solid plastic container for safe storage.

Sharing at I Heart Macro, Macro Monday.


Marijke said...

I wish you a lot of joy with your new lens.
gr. Marijke

Nadege, said...

It does an excellent job and I find a tripod definitively helps with macros.

Unknown said...

Pistils seem too flowers.
Macros that allow you to feel the texture of the subject.
Look at the pictures and you seem to hold the flower in hand.
Photos intense.
Thank you.
Best wishes ..

Unknown said...

That is cool, you got very close. I have to investigate this.


Wunderbare, grandiose Macros...

Grüsse aus der Schweiz


geanina said...

that is cool! excellent work :)

Gabi said...

Wow !!!
Piękne makro... też lubię je robić , ale niestety... muszę dokupić obiektyw.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Gabi this lens may work for you too.

Isabelle said...

Very cool; the macro is excellent! Thanks for the tip I might get one pretty soon :)
Have a lovely Sunday...

Anita(Anisia) said...

Thank you for visiting my blog :)
A beautiful blog, I feel poetry and sensitivity to beauty ...
and thank you for the music and the singing of birds

ally said...

You know I love my macro lens - I have to really think about taking it off and seeing the bigger picture sometimes!

s.c said...

Wow. This equipment does a real good job. Hope you will have lots of fun with it.

Anonymous said...

I can see that you are going to enjoy getting even closer to your nature!..... Thank you for your investment too because we will all benifit......:)

Rosie Grey said...

Oh, wow, these photos are amazing, fantastic!!! I can't wait to see more of your macro shoots!

Tammy said...

How exciting! Your shots are beautiful. Congratulations on your new toy.

Amanda said...

YAY!! I'm SO glad that you love it!! You pics are AWESOME! I know I for one won't be spending $500.00 and over for a macro lens when my little raynox snap on does the job! I do have a tripod ordered as well, cant wait to test that out!! :D :D

Sylvia K said...

Oh, these are awesome! I'm so excited for you -- nothing like a new toy and particularly one that performs so well!! I can see I have some exploring to do!! Have a great week and lots of fun with your new "toy"! Aren't they wonderful!!!


Lynette said...

Absolutely breathtaking ability there :) Look at those details! Things we could never see with our own eyes. :)

Marty said...

I love macros so much ! how beautiful are these images !
I think you will enjoy this work !

LindyLouMac said...

Fabulous photos,I must investigate this possibility.

mariondejong said...

Wish you lots of fun and success with the new tool, the first captures are most promising!
Best regards, Marion

Talibra said...

Też używam Raynoxa do macro i jestem bardzo zadowolona. Piękne zdjęcia Ci wyszły.

Giga said...

Teraz to już będziesz mogła całkiem do środka "wchodzić" kwiatkom :-). Śliczne. Pozdrawiam. *** Now that you'll have quite the center "enter" kwiatkom :-). Beautiful. Yours.

Larry said...

Add me to the list of those who are excited about this post... I've wanted a macro lens but couldn't justify the cost versus the number of plants I could buy with that money!! I'll definitely check this out... thank you, Larry

T... said...

beautiful shots, love the detail....
have a wonderful week

Cary said...

Simply awesome!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Lovely macros....

lovely visit as always.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

PS... I always feel like I've come to a little bit of Eden.

Laura said...

how wonderful!!!! These photos are exquisite!

Bethany said...

Gorgeous macro photos! They're really great.

Barb said...

What a great find - thanks for the info. This sounds more "usable" than a regular macro lens - I dislike carrying multiples when I'm hiking. Your pics are stunning!

Unknown said...

WOW!! What gorgeous shots.. Looks like it was well worth the money.. What a great deal!!!

Hugs, Linda

Teresa said...

Amazing! It looks like this is a wonderful addition to your photography equipment.

Jama said...

I have this lens, previously I used on my prosumer camera Canon S5 and when I upgraded to a DSLR, I still use it regularly.

Kim, USA said...

Beautiful photos!


Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

That's good to hear Jama, you must have been pleased with the results. I thought it would be an investment which could transfer to a new camera one day, seems to be so.

Stewart M said...

Look like a good new toy!

Splendid first set of pictures.

Stewart M

magda in queensland australia said...

Hi Pieces of Sunshine,
Am truly pleased for you. Your photographs have been improving anyway, now you will be able to give even deeper sensitive photos, because your feel for what you see grows with almost every Posting.

If you don't mind a suggestion... if you are able to alter your f.stops... when doing macro like you are now exploring, try using f.stops of at least f11. If you can go to f16, 22 or 32 will be even better to increase the depth of field and detail.
By investing in a tri or mono pod, will benefit immensely.

Would end with have fun, but I think you already are and will continue to do so...
We your visitors have much more to enjoy as you continue to evolve with how you see and record all that is around you to share.

Love the green tones happening with the Bud, and the first photo feels like I've just snuzzled into a flower and am seeing the experience instead of feeling it.
Seeing the intricacy within the centre of the flower is quite awesome.

Lovely presentation you've given with this new adventure too.

admiration and respect felt.

Herding Cats said...

Wow! Those are stunning. I really need to get myself a DSLR.

Ocean Soul said...

Okay, your shots before were amazing, but now...OH MY WORD!!!! Even more stellar! You are blowing us out of the water!

Utah Mommy said...

Such a sweet cool macro! I love macro myself and of course nature is my first choice! Great shots!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Congratulations on your new lens!
Your macro photographs are great.

Regards and best wishes

nanny said...

Beautiful shots.....wonder if that lens would fit my canon? It is an awesome one!!

Kala said...

Fabulous details and colors in these macro images.

Happy MM

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Appreciate the great review, and even better macro photos. Excellent!

Kris said...

Your photos are incredible. The details you capture are just beautiful. I'm feeling very inspired. (love the calming music too. I want to stay here all day.

Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment.

A Colorful World said...

Your new camera and lens are wonderful! They are helping you create more beauty than I have seen in photos in quite a while! But, the talent is all yours! Just amazing photos!

Liz said...

Amazing shots Karen!
I long for a macro lens but the cost is extreme (even more than my camera cost!)... I might look into another avenue and add it to my birthday wish list.
I love the details you have achieved... amazing!

Christina said...

Oh So Beautiful :)

genie said...

Such fab shots. I read all of your info about the lens...I have heard of Lens Baby but not this one. I have a Canon XSi so guess it would work without the adaptor. I am curious to know if you bought it off of EBay and if so from whom you got it. genie

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Looks like we have hubby's that think well of our work to gift us with camera equipment. Let me say, your work is jaw-dropping-eye-popping. You are truly gifted with an eye for Macro. Yes, a tripod is a must for macro. Will be looking over your site for more of your work.

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