Monday, February 16, 2015

Point Lookout

We felt like we were up with the clouds - and for very good reason. Point Lookout often is literally in the clouds, nestled in mist at a height of 1560 m/yds, it is the highest point in northern NSW. On a clear day you can see the Pacific Ocean to the far east. 

This magnificent lookout in New England National Park is only 100m from the carpark and is wheelchair friendly. The air is noticeably cooler and damper than at Wollomombi Falls, our previous stop, even though it was only a further 45 minutes drive. 

After enjoying the views we ventured onto the Eagle Nest track which is definitely not wheelchair friendly!

That's Master J you can see at the lower end of the hand rail. The walk is rated as 'difficult' and takes about two hours if you complete the loop. We walked as far as Eagle Nest lookout and soon after turned back to retrace our path which was wet and muddy in places, but not as wet as the track further ahead on the shady southern side.

I could have easily stayed much longer (and walked slower), soaking up the beauty and photo opportunities along the way. It was however 4pm already and we had more places to visit on our adventurous day out.

Sharing at Our World Tuesday, and Sky Watch Friday.


chica said...

Um show de lindas fotos! bjs, ótima semana,chica

diane b said...

I have just caught up with your last posts on your trip around the Armidale area. Discovering the little town by mistake was a bonus for you and your camera. All of the shots are fabulous especially the last ones and the parrot. We came through the Waterfall way last time we came back from Sydney. It has some amazing scenery.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a wonderful place!

SarahZ said...

I never tire of seeing Australian landscapes! And I may have said aloud, "I am so glad Karen takes her camera and loves to take pictures!" We have seen and experienced many wild places here in the States, and it makes the uniqueness of Australia that much more special...thanks so much for sharing this day, and these places!

Michelle said...

What a beautiful walk and your pictures are just breathtaking!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow these are some absolutely breathtaking views!!!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, breathtaking these are indeed!! What an incredibly beautiful place to be able to walk and take pictures, of course!! Thanks for sharing the beauty!! Have a great week!

Rachaeldaisy said...

Absolutely beautiful!! I love the way you gave us views from above the clouds and then tooks us down under the trees along winding paths.

Janneke said...

Breathtaking views from Point Lookout and a wonderful walk!

Juliana said...

Чудові відображення хмар на кронах дерев!

xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

Tony said...

Precioso paraje...estupenda serie. Saludos Tony

Unknown said...

So Beautiful.. I Love the way those clouds look so close to the mountains. It must have been a beautiful site to see in real life, because your photos are gorgeous.

My Happy Place

Susan said...

Beautiful views and walking track. We often stop in the Blue Mountains and always end up staying longer and walking further than intended.

Ela said...

Wow ! What a gorgeous place and beautiful photos !

Laura said...

beautiful views… looks like a wonderful adventure!

liniecat said...

Stunning views!
lush n lovely vegetation too : )

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! What a vista and lovely nature photography of a beautiful place ~ both of them!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

SewPsyched! said...

Stunning, stunning, stunning!! Now the kids are grown and out of the house, I really miss the walks together :) But we share pics of our walks with eachother!

Erin said...

Stunning, stunning photos!!! Your skill just keeps improving!!

Jarek said...

Wow! What a wonderful place! Stunning photos!

Seeing Each Day said...

Oh Karen, these photos are just glorious in a breathtaking way. It looks like you've had a break away from your everyday - which you well deserve. PS Has anyone told you you are great at taking photos?....... Renee.

Molly said...

Wow, what truly amazing scenery!


Giga said...

Lovely walk, though tiring. Great views of the mountains. Regards.

Joy said...

Wonderful trip in an amazing place! Lovely!

Linda W. said...

What views! Looks like a great hike.

Julie said...

What stunning views. Do you have to worry about snakes or other horrible critters lot when you are walking tracks like thisS

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Hi Julie,
I guess it’s so damp and cool in the mountain regions like this that snakes would be less common and less active. On the other hand we do need to watch our for leeches and ticks.

Cathy said...

I felt as if I took a walk with you...
Loved daughter's bright patch of red, and were those purple shoes?, that popped in your photos too

EricaSta said...

Oh, Dear Karen .... I enjoyed this fine way through the nature. It looks so fantastic. It's my wish to see one day this, to wayfare to Australia ...

Greetings by Heidrun

Anonymous said...

I've had the most delightful time catching up on all your blog posts especially the ones with your day trip adventures! I'm looking forward to the next post in this series and also about what you will be making with your new Cloud 9 stash :)

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Hi Cathy- that's very observant of you. E had been wearing velvety ballet flats in black, she hadn't realised our plans included so much bushwalking. After our first walk I offered her my purple leather everyday shoes with nonslip soles ( the shoe shop didn't have my size in black) while I put on my walking/runner lace- ups which I had brought for the longer walks.

Aimz said...

absolutely amazing scenery! looks similar in some photos to how it is here.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, gorgeous views of the mountains. Looks like a beautiful place for a hike! Wonderful series of photos. Have a happy weekend!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful views of mountain peaks and bushy countryside. Those steps in the bushland look as if they could be slippery in wet weather.

Anonymous said...

That scenery is gorgeous!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks like an incredible location! Great photos.

Photo(Geo)grapher said...

What a lovely shots.

**Lih** said...

Lindas fotos! A natureza é um espetáculo!

Photos by Stan said...

I love the beautiful and very 'painterly' landscape images. Excellent composition with good framing/foregrounds] and depth of field. It's clear you gave some thought to shooting these images. And, thanks for the bonus walk.

Valerie said...

Thank you for sharing part of your adventurous family day out - a delightful series of shots. My favourites are those of the mountain with shadows of the clouds falling over them.

HansHB said...

Lovely post for SWF!

Lisa Gordon said...

What a wonderful place to be, Karen!
The view in the first photograph is just beautiful.

flowersandhome said...

Wow, Karen, this is truly unbelievable! Australia is so beautiful! How I would love to visit there once.

Fun60 said...

Those views are absolutely stunning.

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