
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Had Thought.....

I had thought of starting a blog.....a little.....but.....

I had thought I would have little to share, maybe posting every week or two or three.
I had thought hardly anyone would bother to read my blog.
I had thought blogging was time consuming.
I had thought setting up a blog would be a bit too technologically challenging.
I had thought it may be something of a chore to keep a blog.

Then six weeks ago I thought I would have a little look (without telling any of my blogging children) at blogger to see how hard it would be to start and run a blog. I thought of a blog name to reflect what I might blog about one day. Then it all just happened so easily and my blog was "made".

Six weeks, 45 posts and 27 followers later I would have to say I am thoroughly enjoying having a blog. I have surprised myself at how much I love being able to share my photos, thoughts and creative projects. Blogging has proved to be a delight in so many ways. It has been satisfying to fine-tune the looks and workings of my blog, all by myself (except for the help of my wonderful eldest daughter, Elise who added the music for me).  I am gaining great pleasure from the journey, thank you for sharing it with me.

To celebrate I would love to send this Fresh Flowers charm pack to a blog reader who would really like it. Maybe you have been inspired by my own "Fresh Flowers Quilt" or maybe you have an idea of your own in mind. If that sounds like you, please leave a comment below saying so. I will randomly choose a name (if there is more than one) about 72 hours from now, Friday Eastern Australian time. Thank you :)


  1. I love the fabric! It's gorgeous!!
    And I love your blog and all the beautiful things you make...very inspiring :)

  2. I am glad you are enjoying blogging!

  3. You have a lovely blog. I came here through your daughter's blog: Ribbons of Light, though I don't always comment on there I enjoy reading her posts. Your blog is just as delightful, I love your quilts, especially your fresh flowers quilt, so would love to make one similar to it!!'
    Thank you,

  4. Thank you Alice and Deanne, it's so much more fun knowing people like yourselves read and enjoy it too.

  5. Hello Amme! Thank you for your kind words about my blog and also Elise's. Lovely to hear from you.


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I will try to answer any questions within the comments section here.