
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My First Quilt

I guess there's a story behind every "first quilt". Let me share some of mine.
A little over a year ago a beautiful baby girl was born, the first grandchild of a good friend of many years.  In fact, I had helped look after her own babies when they were tiny and I was only a teen. Now one of these "babies" had a baby of her own. I was so thrilled, I wanted to send a handmade gift, but what??? With a demanding toddler of my own who hadn't slept through even one night yet, and seven other children, homeschooling etc, how would I find the time to make anything? Covering all daily basics took every bit of my time and energy.

Quilting was something I had long been interested in but thought I would have to leave such an activity until  many years into my future when I may have some "me" time again. But then it hit me, I can't presume upon tomorrow, or next year. Maybe if I could find some nice fabric and a pattern I'ld make enough time to sew a quilt. Our local fabric options are rather limited but a quick look revealed a range of fabric I loved at first sight. That night I had a quick look online for a baby quilt pattern and found this beautiful and often used Moda Bakeshop Pinwheel Baby Quilt pattern. The decision was made!

 Although I had sewn many items over the years, mostly little girl dresses in recent years, I had never heard of charm packs, rotary cutters, basting, batting, binding, stippling, darning feet etc. I began with my Moda Bakeshop printout in hand and gradually over three weeks, with a few trips to our two local fabric shops, raiding a few of my sewing remnants, searching a few tutorials online and skimming some library books, my first quilt became a reality..... and I LOVED it! In fact I loved it so much, I bought some extra pieces of my favourite fabrics in the hope of making one very similar to keep someday.

 It was wonderfully satisfying to send this gift, yet very hard to part with it. Knowing the quilt is well loved has been reassuring. I knew it wouldn't be my last quilt. Over the coming months I delighted in making another, and another, eventually discovering there is a huge range of online fabric shops offering fantastic fabrics at a fraction of the price we pay here in Australia (even after adding shipping costs). The internet also provides such a wealth of design ideas for inspiration and tutorials to help understand various techniques.


  1. what a lovely story, the quilt is beautiful!

  2. What a lovely quilt and story. I am sure it is well loved and used often!

  3. Love the quilt, love the story. You do know you are slowly inspiring me to maybe take up quilt making, I've always loved the thought and stories behind the designs.

  4. Hi Amme! The beautiful little baby girl this quilt was made for will become a big sister in a few months, so I guess the quilt will continue to used and loved by one or both littlies.

  5. Erin, maybe there'll be a time when you will be telling your own quilt stories.

  6. Your quilt is a beauty!! I adore the pinwheels and all the little triangles in the border. And may I say that wow! the free motion quilting you have done is amazing!! Great job!

  7. It's simply awesome! Great job! ooxx`jodi

  8. Hi Jodi, thanks for dropping by. Thanks again for your design and your wonderful blog.

  9. Your quilt is just adorable!
    Well done. :o) And such a special
    story coupled with it. :o)
    I have not learned to do prairie
    points yet and have marked Jodi's
    tutorial for reference. :o)
    They add such a charming touch!
    Sincerely, Trish

  10. Hi Trish, I noticed on one of your posts you list prairie points on your "Learn" list. They are quite fun to make.

  11. You did an incredible job on your first quilt. I am so impressed. I can tell you have been bitten by the bug. Happy quilting! ~karen

  12. That's lovely, reminds me of those done by my mother in-law !

  13. I stumbled upon this post tonight while reading your blog.
    WOW Karen! You put me to shame. I began a very time consuming hand-sewn American quilt about 20 years ago. Our church at the time had a craft group and 2 ladies taught American quilting (we learned one 9 inch square block per week). After Bec was born, life was so busy and I never managed to finish the last 2 blocks... Then I became a single Mum and just never had the time for me.
    It's still partially completed and now I just don't have the motivation to finish it.
    I don't know how you do it!! xo

  14. Beautiful Quilt! Beautiful gift! I could stay here all day! Back to work - Quilting! Enjoy your day!

  15. What a beautiful quilt this is, and how VERY wise to realize that we are never promised tomorrow. That what we want to do , we need to do in this moment! Have you ever thought of doing a wall hanging. There are many lovely ideas, and they take a bit less time.

  16. Your first quilt! I am so stunned at how gifted you are. YOUR FIRST ONE and its perfect right down to the stitches shape. This needs a place of honor hanging on a wall to keep it from wear and tear. But I know quilts are to be used but this one... its too perfect. I know how hard it is to part with your first one, I know the mixed feelings you had. And nothing will be like your first but it was going to a good home.

  17. I was having a little look through your finishes (gorgeous!! Wow, Sunlit Treasure Quilt!!!) and thought it was neat that we made the same first quilt. I made this same Moda bakeshop Baby Pinwheel. (I just realized that I did not include it in my blog - I will have to do this!)


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