
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Afternoon Reflections

A frosty morning, the warmth of grace at church, a hot lunch with parents-in-love and a glorious afternoon. Much to be grateful for. Exploring with a Camera's current topic is Reflections in Glass. I caught this sunny reflection in a window at my parent's-in-love's this afternoon. Nice view but the double curtains leave you wondering about what lies inside. This photo is straight out of the camera (SOOC).

Ok, one more Reflection in Glass, just because it looks so inviting....even though I feel like this one is bit of a cheat as this door (see the handle and frame on the right) is coated with reflective film so it's really more like a mirror.
Nice mid-winter's view!

Sharing my winter "down under" at  the Good Life and Weekend Reflections.


  1. great shots. Looks nice with the curtain. :)

  2. Both are great shots but the first one is just so amazing!

  3. Reflections can be a challenge for my brain;) I really have to consentrate to see the pictures as reflections. Well done!

  4. Hi!
    Great shots! Love the first one. The curtain leaves you wondering what or who else is there. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  5. HOLY COW! I love that first picture. Beautiful.

  6. Love your reflection photo--having the curtain softly hanging over part of the window makes for an excellent photo. I love your "frosty" shots too. Kind of nice to see them when it has been over 100 degrees here in Kansas for the last couple of weeks. Mickie :)

  7. I was thinking more of screening on a porch - and then I read curtain.

  8. Lovely photo and perfect for reflections in glass!

  9. I love that double image of the curtain and reflection. You do really wonder what's inside! How cool! Great capture. Thanks so much for linking in to Exploring with a Camera!

  10. a beautiful supply of afternoon reflections. The photos tell their own story.

  11. Beautiful pictures! What a nice blog,too:)

  12. Afternoon reflections is simply divine!! Thank you for sharing your blessings.

  13. Lovely shots, thanks for stopping by Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays and sharing.

  14. Both shots are really nice but the one with the curtain is excellent!

  15. I love the curtain reflection - just lovely!

  16. Thank you all for stopping by. It's so much fun being able to share photos.


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