
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fun In The Shade

Headless Jellyfish???

Too sunny to swim in the middle of the day today so our Terrific Trio did some more lateral thinking.
They constructed the roof of our shade gazebo and perched it over one end of the pool to provide the required "shade".

 Snacking on frozen raspberries, they had a wonderful time for hours in their shady "sauna", without being sunburnt!

Sharing at Weekly Top Shot.


  1. Now that's what I call ingenious thinking! Smart jellyfish indeed! :)

  2. Ingenious indeed! How wonderful for all of you and what fun!! Wish I were there to share it! Your photos are the next best thing!


  3. Clever - and just the thought of having a pool makes me green of envy, lucky kids! :-)

  4. Like the upper two the most. Never thought that shadow in a swimming pool could be necessary. But your weather is so much better then ours. I am a bit jealous.

  5. Ingenuity is the mother of invention, and their mother's homeschooling taught them well.
    Your cute jellyfish should patient their unique idea, Karen.

    Have a blessed Sunday,
    Pam :)

  6. Clever thinking...look like they had a wonderful time.

  7. ce frumos va distrati voi! sunteti de invidiat:)!

  8. Is it so warm in Australia? Here it rather cold.


  9. It's mid-summer here Filip. Last night it "cooled down" to 23c/73F, today's forecast is for 37c/99F, which will be our warmest day this summer. The pool water temperature may become too warm as well as the dangers of sunburn.

  10. Love this series of shots! Why don't you come enter it in my Weekly Top Shot meme? We're on Week #11 and I'd love to see you share with me! Here's this weeks' link:

  11. Love how you called them the terrific trio - they do always seem very inventive! Your children must get so much use out of your pool. Also glad your younger ones are enjoying their lego, I might just send Tom up for the day, honestly you wouldn't even know he was there if he had that much lego to build with. There is mess - including lego from one end of the house to the other at present, with the two kids room vacated for the painting. And even though I'll be finishing the last touches off today, we're getting carpet hopefully on Thursday (I've requested that day instead of the originally booked following Monday), so it's a bit pointless moving stuff back in, and instead will be moving more stuff out of the other 2 rooms instead. Ahhhh, keep calm, keep calm.... Hope you have a good start to the week.

  12. Now that's thinking outside the So creative!

  13. Come play Scavenger Hunt Sunday with all of us! :) You'd love it. You're so amazing with photography - I would so love to see you there. Just thought I'd mention it, you can find the link for it on my blog, and if you've time, come play! You don't have to do it every week, it's not one of those 52 projects, but it sure is fun participating in.

    Angie :)

  14. Necessity...the mother of invention!

  15. What a great idea, that shady retreat looks very inviting.

  16. Wow, this looks like an incredibly fun time. Kudos to their ingenuity.

  17. What a clever idea! They look like they're having a great time.

  18. That looks like a lot of fun to me!

  19. That is such a great idea. These photo make me smile!!

    Hugs, Linda

  20. I'd be happy with just a pool - DIY shade or not! Looks like a lot of fun.

  21. Thank you, Karen for sharing this week on 'Weekly Top Shot! I love the beautiful blues you've captured... so lovely! I hope you'll come share with us again


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