
Saturday, January 7, 2012


Lego, one of those toys with a timeless appeal. The last few days the three younger girls have enjoyed having the Lego accessible all over the lounge room floor (on a sheet for easy pick-up). Accumulated over the years, some of the pieces are from my own small childhood collection, some 40 years ago. Love seeing it being played with again and again.

An Australian Lucid Beetle which I found in our yard this morning, this one was on our Grevillea Lavendulacea bush. Apparently short lived and not a pest, they are toxic and offensive in taste to most predators. I love the texture on his wing covers (elytra).

Roses also have a timeless appeal. This one, still in its pot, was given to me by a special friend three months ago.
This morning the long-stemmed bud was beginning to open. As I looked down on it, guess what I saw?

No, not another insect......I saw a heart of petals! Gorgeous!

This afternoon it is a mass of tightly ruffled petals.

One last find for the day, a dainty little damselfly, enjoying flitting around in our pool area.
The marvels and joys to be found in God's creation, timeless indeed.

Sharing at Foto Friday, Today's Flowers.


  1. I see others play LEGO 35-40 years ago, our family cannot afford it, now i buy them for my kids a d i love it myself !!!

  2. Lego is so much fun - our boys and us parents had a thrill when we went to Legoland last year. SO much fun! :-)

  3. Thank you for this walk around your house and garden. Happy to see Lego are still being enjoyed in this world of video games and so on.
    As for the rose, it surely was a marvellous gift from a very special friend!
    Happy New Year to you Karen :)

  4. gorgeous pics {as per usual!}...I LOVE the colour on the rose, you have captured it beautifully...and the heart shape ;o)

    Happy New Year sweetie...


    hello gorgeous xxx

  5. these are very bright and beautiful! Cheers.

  6. Gorgeous shot!
    What a beautiful rose, love the color and heart shape.

  7. Wow, that insect looks like someone knitted his wings. Very cool!

  8. Beautiful!! My granddaughter just loves her legos, and did mention when they came last night for the weekend that she couldn't bring them with her :)

  9. a world of lego! amazing the things they can create with lego.
    Love the photos, such richness of colour and texture in nature, inspiring

  10. Neat to see a toy with such a fascination from one generation to the next. Our grandchildren are four and five years old and extremely excited about legos. Over Christmas during their visit, their uncle came and pulled out totes full of legos that we've stored all these many years.... what a time was had. In fact, we saved all the uncle's and the boy's father's toys.... from Starwars to transformers to John Deere equipment to matchbox cars. They can hardly wait to get to Grandpa and Grandma's house and the "toy stash". Larry

  11. although my girls don't play with them anymore...we still have a stash of legos hanging around. And your photos are awesome

  12. Laying a sheet down underneath those legos is such a fabulous idea! I remember how much it HURT when an errant one was left on the floor and you stepped on it....OUCH! I should have put a sheet down :)


  13. I love the visit to your home and garden! My four loved their Legos, too, nearly 40 years ago!! The roses are exquisite and even the beetle and damselfly are delightful! You do get superb captures! Hope your weekend is going well!


  14. Happy New Year!
    Beautifully flowers series with brilliant colors,
    here in northern Norway, it is winter and cold
    Have a nice day

  15. Oh my!! Your pictures are beautiful!!! They take my breath away!!! Have a grand day!! Cathy

  16. Oh yes! Lego! I still love to play with them and I am, er . . . 40 something years old! Hah! ;) A timeless toy.

    Your photographs are stunning. Absolutely stunning. So colorful and glorious! It looks like you've got a macro lens. I have one too. I love it. :)

    Beautiful garden, too. Just look at all that lavender!!

    You have a very lovely blog!

    Angie :)

  17. Love the heart roses, they are beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing!

  18. LEGO is always fun - and wow! love those roses!

  19. Beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  20. It is indeed timeless, but I have never played with it. Love the thrid picture.


  21. Alsolutely loves your photos...especially those macros. The one bug looked like his wings were knitted!

  22. amazing shots! love the details!

  23. A beautiful series as always Karen. Lego is such a wonderful timeless source of entertainment for young (and old). Your roses are lovely and the insects so intricate.
    As I scrolled down your post I was delighted to see your Australian Lucid bug. I took a photo of one on the side of the house last year while Michael was cooking the BBQ and I have looked everywhere to identify it. After reading your post the other day with the beautiful insect dhots I was going to post mine and ask if you knew what it was... no need now. Thank you!

  24. Gorgeous macro of the bug and rose, I love them!

  25. Love your shots of insects and roses - in the posts below too. And the pictures from your holidays - LIKE:)

  26. Wonderful post! I remember the days of Lego vividly. Those first two photos brought back a lot of sweet memories. Your flowers are exquisite. I saw the heart in the rose too, gorgeous shots, and I also enjoyed your pretty insect close-ups very much. The detail in both shots was incredible and I not only liked looking at the texture on the beetle's wings, but also its antennae was very interesting. Can't believe you actually got the little hooks on the ends of its legs. So impressed with these macros. Happy New Year!

  27. you have some of the most amazing insect pics!!


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