
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Humbly Remembering

12th Jan 2011
The Sailing club is built below the levy wall, designed to cope with flooding.

Exactly 12 months ago today our town had a very near miss with major flooding. Many other Australian towns didn't fare so well last January. This afternoon I took a quiet photo walk, humbling remembering and thanking God for sparing us. We have so much to be grateful for.

Today, 12th  Jan 2012

12th Jan 2011

Today, 12th Jan 2012

12th Jan 2011

12th Jan 2012

I shared more on this near-flood experience last July. The media coverage of other towns, cities and country-side which were badly flooded, as well as lives which were tragically lost, added to our own sense of vulnerability. In my July flood post I mentioned some of the changes and impact this had on me/us. It was in the wake of this experience which I started this blog, a concrete reminder to help me focus on the good and positive things surrounding me, choosing contentment and gratefulness everyday.

Sharing at This or That Thursday, Sneak Peek Friday.


  1. It was good to see these before and afters and to remember with gratitude what God has done!

  2. We had only been in Australia a few months when this happened but even when we arrived we were told it hadn't stopped raining. I think everyone was shocked at just how bad it all was. Watching it on tv was heart renching to say the least. There's nothing worse than watching people suffer and not being able to help then and there.

  3. These are great photos for comparison.
    It really brings home how much water there was.

  4. These were amazing photos of contrast between last year and this year. I did go back and take a look at your July photos...shocking and tragic! Thankful you were spared flooding this year.

  5. Must have been terrible such floadings.
    gr. Marijke

  6. These are very interesting after/before photos. That was bad flooding. So sorry to learn of the deaths. Your site music is enchanting too - Dave

  7. Acceptance of Mother Nature's rows of anger is sometimes difficult but necessary.
    Have a good day :)

  8. Nice before and after pictures and I see a real dike behind your clubhouse. It looks a bit like Holland.Thanks for showing.

  9. You captured some amazing photos of the floods. Nice to see the contrasting ones too.

    It must have been very scaring to see the water rising like that. My daughter was there on holiday and we were very worried she would not be able to get out.

  10. Woda ( rzeki, jeziora, morze )jest wspaniała, ale to też żywioł, który robi straszne szkody i ludziom przynosi nieszczęście. Ciekawe zdjęcia - teren nie zalany i zalany. Pozdrawiam.

    Water (rivers, lakes, sea) is great, but it is also an element that does terrible damage to people and bring misfortune. Interesting photos - the area is not flooded and flooded. Yours.

  11. Terrible flood. Your pictures capture the wide difference.

  12. Very scary when something like that happens and so much devastating damage. Our cabin is on a river and the flooding can be pretty amazing. Thankfully your home was spared last year.

  13. Oh, my! Entire buildings were completely submerged! Nature is beautiful and devastating at the same time. Wow. Happy to hear you were spared.

  14. Amazing the power of mother nature ...loved how you shared these photos.

  15. WOW- what images. So good to see the after as well.

  16. Such amazing photos. So glad you shared the before and after shots. I remember seeing the flooding on the news. Sounds like you chose to find the good in a scary situation!!

    Hugs, Linda

  17. Wow!! What a difference! You've captured it perfectly! So glad you're having a better summer this year! I do love the last shot! A perfect day! Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend!


  18. What a dramatic difference in the water level. Glad things are back to normal.

  19. Beautiful words and advice, thanks for your blog.
    Best regards, Marion

  20. We followed this in the news in Europe, it is just terrible. Such a event makes you think that everything is so fragile. We all have to enjoy living today, nature or your health are things you can not always control.


  21. I'm happy you doesn't have so much water today.
    Greetings from Switzerland

  22. Karen...Happy new year...happy to see that you are spared this time....saw all your previous post...I have been away for some...your holiday pics r great and ur zinnias look beautiful...can't wait enough for spring.

  23. Great to see the difference and remember that time in our lives, thankful that the predicted floods haven't arrived this year!

  24. Wow...some rain I can see...
    Happy dry Friday!

  25. Those kinds of experiences can be so eye opening, and good reminders not to take things for granted. Thanks for sharing!

  26. So grateful that you were safe, and that you are finding joy and passing it on.

  27. isn;t that just unbelievable! you got great pictures!

  28. Oh my . . . That must have been some walk. And I can see why you're feeling so humbled and grateful.

    Very thoughtful post.


  29. Amazing contrasting photos. I was making a quick trip with Rosie up to Mum's in Brisbane at this very time - we left the day before the river flooded there. On that Monday, we had planned to meet my cousin half way who lived in Toowoomba - but cancelled it due to the closing of the roads. She & I ended up chatting on the phone for an hour that morning as a substitute. I couldn't believe that afternoon when we saw footage on the news of the rapid waters that had rushed through the town and how it felt in the pit of my stomach that it could have been her with her 2 young kids in the street as they live quite close to that area and she'd made mention of having to get nappies for her littlest. But the fact that it was still other's lives that were lost didn't make it any better. Thanks for the gentle and considerate reminder.

  30. Flooding or any natural disaster to a place you are familiar with makes it so much more real/awful . How much more so for you when you were almost in the midst of it that very day.

    At least we knew the water was coming, although no one thought it would keep rising to the height it did.

  31. What a beautiful post to remind us life can change at anytime, so we better enjoy it and the beauties it offers before we can't anymore.
    I am happy to read you again after a 10 days break.

  32. Wonderful images. It is great to see the comparison between flood and everyday.
    It was such a tragedy. In Brisbane, we were the lucky ones who lived high on the hill last year... just as we were back in April 1989 when the Clarence river broke its levy banks. Both times we had friends severely affected. But January 2011 was certainly the worst I have ever experienced. It was amazing to see the churches and communities rally together & residents working together to help one another. Our church (Hillsong Brisbane) is still helping families to rebuild. It really was so far reaching, so humbling.

  33. You are so right; it is good to remember His faithfulness to us, to tuck it away in our hearts, to remind others of how He keeps His promises. Amazing photos today.

  34. WOW! Our area experienced some major flooding this past fall. Our old home located near a little creek was hit by a strange tidal wave of water, possibly from a pond collapsing upstream. The owners managed to escape safely, but the house suffered major damage is now condemmed. It just as easily could have been our family, and it would not have been as easy for us to escape with little children. God definitely was taking care of us- sometimes we just don't realize how much so.

  35. Wow - what amazing before and afters! Really makes you grateful for blessings! Boy that sun also looks beautiful! Dealing with snow over here today!

  36. I too am grateful that although this was such a tragic time it has spurred you to bring a little piece of the beauty you find on a daily basis to enrich our lives as well.

  37. This was just amazing! I think I remember (barely) that flood...places look a little better one year later!

  38. I'm sorry your towns had to go through this.

  39. Oh I'm so sorry. We are experiencing severe winter drought in Canada. Nothing has fallen since ?? months and months gee I can't recall! I hope the world turns around a bit. We are losing wildlife here.
    all the best

  40. We had some horrific flooding near us this past year as well. It is so devastating. Such a helpless feeling. Blogging to focus on the good and positive things surrounding you is such a great goal! Love it. Thanks so much for sharing.

  41. That was a huge lot of water!!! Nature stunnes me... It must have been scary last year...


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