
Friday, January 13, 2012

Insect Booking Sheet

Large Citrus Butterfly - Australian

"I'm thinking that the insects and small creatures in your garden are fond of your camera - it's almost like one of them has a clipboard with a booking sheet and they're all scheduling in a time amongst each other for when they're going to be on show incase that nice human comes out with her camera." 

So read the first half of a comment by my lovely friend from Seeing Each Day in response to Monday's post.
 I'm beginning to wonder if there may almost be some truth in this!

Early yesterday morning I had the pleasure of capturing some photos of a Large Citrus Butterfly as it hovered over our plumbago, never once sitting still.

Yesterday afternoon two red dragonflies kept flying around and resting on the garden in our pool area.

Spotted Flower Chafer

Early this morning I found this beetle sunning itself on an everlasting/straw daisy. I have never seen one of these before.

It must have had some thistle seed "hairs" stuck underneath.

Reaching over to open our garden gate to camera-check the front yard, I felt something....then I looked. I think I'll look first from now on! He was still there an hour later.

 Now this variety of green grasshopper which I also found today is much more to my taste (visually) in grasshoppers!

This morning (notice the everlasting daisy is still closed up - they open each sunny day and close again) even a fly looked pretty in the sunlight.

Here's a flower on the same plant (I don't think it's the same flower, but it could be) this afternoon, fully open to the summer sun. So can you spot the insect? It was only as I zoomed it on the computer that I realised there is a tiny insect in the middle of the front row of yellow stamens.

Australian Native Bee

Last but not least on today's insect booking sheet is an Australian native bee. They are smaller than European bees and more efficient pollinators. Apparently there are around 2000 species of Australian native bees, most solitary (don't build bee hives). Some are stingless, others have a mild sting and are supposedly non-agressive. However as I tried to take several photos, about five of these little bees started buzzing all around me, I wasn't about to test the information I had just read, so left them in peace.

Sharing at Look Whooooo's Snapping (butterfly photo  chosen as a favourite), Shoot.Edit.Submit.


  1. oh my have to be getting paid for this!

  2. You should be getting paid for these!! What incredible captures! They never fail to take my breath away! Fantastic! I do hope you and your family have a lovely weekend!


  3. Paid in satisfaction and joy. All the better if I can add a little joy to someone else's day too!

  4. Including lots of weeds. Maybe that's why the insects feel so at home!

  5. Great job- definitely think you need to do some cards or a calendar or something!

  6. I am in AWE!

    You images definitely bring joy here. I love your bee photograph so much. It is so sweet. You are an amazing photographer. :)

  7. Thanks everyone. Deanne, I did have some calendars made for Christmas gifts, they turned out so well I ordered a few more to share. They were the undisclosed subject of this post.

  8. your pictures make the bugs look interesting and beautiful. I usually loathe them.

  9. I LOVEE the first shot, butterfly is so gorgeous and I almost feel sun warming me up through the picture:)
    Have a lovely weekend

  10. Wonderful macro's Karen..... very nice photo work.

    Greetings, Joop

  11. Oh, welch wunderbare Macros. Sehr sehr schön!!!

    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz


  12. Ohh, so so beautiful Macro.
    I like to see your world.
    Greetings from Switzerland

  13. Wow, you have quite a collection of insects in your garden... superb captures.

  14. Your close-ups make some of these creatures look like they come out of Jurassic Park!

  15. I've sent you a separate email but as well HAVE to comment on these, nothing less than spectacular photos - this could be compared to watching a quality wildlife documentary and I say that with sincerity. That first photo - oh my goodness, the softness and the similar colours and the slight movement you've captured of the butterfly's wings. Also especially love your 3rd photo because of the clarity in the petals which seem to highlight the beetle even more. And that camouflage like shot with the grasshopper in your 6th shot is looks so unique with all the textures. What a way to end the week with posting photos such as these.

  16. Wow! Your photos blow me away. I love the Spotted Flower Chafer and the flower he is sitting on (why did I decide that he was a he?)

  17. Ale "nałapałaś" tych owadów, gratuluję. Piękne zdjęcia, co jedno to ładniejsze. Oczarował mnie zielony konik polny, na zielonym kwiatku. Pozdrawiam.

    But you have these insects, congratulations. Beautiful pictures, what one is nicer. Charmed me, grasshopper green, a green flower
    :-). Yours.

  18. Stunning. How I love to see through your eyes.

  19. That is quite the impressive list of insects! I wouldn't want to tango with a bee either!

  20. They do seem to come out and "pose" for you. Wonderful shots of all of them. The daisy is just beautiful. Have lovely weekend. Mickie :)

  21. Hi
    Came across your blog by chance but I am so happy that I did.
    Your photos are amazingly beautiful, sharp and full of colors and life. Loved them.
    Going to follow you.. :)
    Greetings from Portugal and have a wonderful weekend.

  22. Karen, I definitely agree with our good Blogger friend Seeing Each Day! Your insect macros are delightful and amazing to view each week. I find myself wishing we owned this house so I could plant a beautiful garden like I had at my own home of 10 years... oh how I miss that garden & house. God knows I guess.
    Your blog is probably my absolute favourite to visit - the wonder & awe of your images, the relaxing music, your adventures.... all so beautiful & cheerful. Definitely "Pieces of Contentment"!
    Thank you for sharing your lovely world with us.

  23. Oh wow! Those are some really beautiful macro shots! I am really loving the colors and detail. Thanks so much for sharing at "Life as this Mommy knows It"!

  24. That butterfly is just stunning!

  25. Indeed, flowers make ANYthing more beautiful, even the lowly bugs! These shots are fantastic and I especially love the butterfly one. What a lovely card this would make!

  26. .. very nice photo work, the little critters you've captured beautifully....wonderful colors and super quality...
    Greeting Karin.

  27. You captured the insects beautifuly.
    My compliments.

  28. What a beautiful world! Those colors..., I love the first capture but especially the 3rd one!
    Best regards, marion

  29. Wow, gorgeous shots!
    Have a great weekend.

  30. These are all amazing pictures but the first one is my favorite.


  31. That comment rings so true when it comes to your photos! You are blessed with so much wildlife and you know exactly how to capture it.

  32. Piękne zdjęcia a motyl najpiękniejszy :)

  33. These are absolutely stunning pictures. That you find them (the insects) is amazing, but then you also take the most wonderful pictures as well. Thank you for sharing.

  34. I think your lovely friend is oh so right! and how lucky are we that you are there with your camera to capture it all!!!

  35. What a wonderful variety of close-up nature images. I love the grasshoppers shots especially!

  36. You do get the most extraordinary photos of these tiny creatures, it's not something I've ever had much success with.

  37. the beetle looks distinctly related to the giraffe in design though not size or shape :)
    what a great designer our God is!

  38. Your photo is being featured at this week's "Look Whooooo's Snapping" photo linky party! Thanks so much for participating! I welcome you to link up again :)



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