
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wet, Warm and Well Fed

The rain continues, thankfully it's mostly light rain today as everywhere is very wet.

Miss E (19) made some delicious Apple And Cinnamon Spiced Danish Pastries for dessert tonight. The pastry contains yeast and is very similar to croissants, filled with fresh apple, sultanas (raisins) and cinnamon.

They were quite sweet enough without icing on top.

After dessert I tried out one of our new umbrellas and took a quick walk while the rain was lightest. There won't be any fishing at this jetty for the next few days.

The river is at minor flood levels at the moment. All boats in the sailing club were removed early this morning. It's built below the levy wall and designed to withstand floods (after the previous building collapsed under the weight of silt following a flood a few years ago). The view is quite different from  "normal" yet the river height is far from a serious concern for the town at this point. Although still rising, the rain has eased in most catchment areas.

 Something pretty to finish with - I saw these flowers on my walk. They look rather much like hibiscus flowers but the leaves don't resemble hibiscus.

Does anyone know what shrub this would be?

Update: I have since met the gardener and she says this shrub is a Rose of Sharon. The bud opens white in the morning, turns to pink during the day and then drops off the tree. It sure is pretty.

Sharing at This or That Thursday.


  1. Niech już Wam przestanie padać. Już za dużo wody z nieba spadło. Pięknym kwiatom może to i nie przeszkadza, ale Wam zagraża. Osłodą tego deszczowego dnia, były z pewnością ciasteczka.Pozdrawiam ciepło. *** Let you stop raining already. It's too much water from the sky fell. Beautiful flowers and it can not hurt, but you threaten. The joy of that rainy day, were certainly cookies. I greet warmly.

  2. Your flowers are gorgeous and the pastries look delicious. I know the rain is needed but it looks like you got a little too much there. I hope the water is receding now. Great post, have a nice day.

  3. Hopefully this rain will settle over the next few days! Great pictures of the floods in your area though; and of course your beautiful garden shots. Those pastries look devine; I too LOVE to cook :) xx

  4. Lovely post Karen. Miss E is a wonderful ccok. The dessert looks delicious. Yum, my mouth is watering!
    I was wondering how you were faring with the rain down there. We have many homes/businesses/drivers stranded. Not as bad a last year on the whole, but some areas hit much worse than last year... and it's not over yet. More storms and rain forecast well into the weekend.

    The flowers are beautiful.

  5. it is so nice to visit your blog full of suprises ! love it !

  6. Your flowers are gorgeous! So sorry about that flooding, as that water looks pretty high and damaging. And where is the recipe for those yummy looking rolls.

  7. Oh Yum!!! Your flooding reminds me of our river back in Illinois when it flooded. Great shots!

  8. Hi Karen,
    Rain, rain please go away, do no more harm I pray.
    My mouth is watering over Miss E's delectable delights.
    Be still my heart, what a lovely sight these soft pink beauties are.

    Pam :)

  9. I have the first flower in my garden. The pastries look yummy!!

  10. your flowers are beautiful! great post:)

  11. Lovely flowers. I would have said that your "mystery" flower was a Rose of Sharon, but, you are right, the leaves are a little different. Too bad the rain doesn't fall equally for all of us--we need it so badly and it looks like you have had a little too much. Your rolls look scrumptious! Mickie ;)

  12. Beautiful flowers and colors and, of course, I LOVE the pastries! Miss E seems to be a very talented in the kitchen! They do look delicious! Hope the rain goes away soon -- for you and me!! Hope your week is going well. Stay dry!!


  13. Looks like no one knows what flower that is...I don't either, but it's beautiful!
    Amazing how well your music fits with many of your posts. Love it, makes me feel like I'm right there. :)

  14. You can send some of that rain my way. I love the rain! Why I live in the desert, Who knows... Your photos are gorgeous..

    Hugs, Linda

  15. Hope you are not going to get so much rain that the river will raise again.
    your doughters pastry must taste great.
    Have a lovely day

  16. Oh the desserts look so amazing, Karen. Miss E must be proud. :)

    Looks as though you've certainly got your fair share of rain there, I hope it subsides soon so things don't too flooded. Rain is good, but only in moderation really.

    Beautiful flower images. Your blog always makes me feel gentle inside. :)

  17. Lovely first image. Your older Miss E is showing great skill in the cooking area - if she ever writes a cookbook I know of someone in her local vicinity that could do the food photos!

  18. Piękne kwiaty ale pogoda to deszczowa jest jak widać. A u mnie pojawił się śnieg :)

  19. Rain is good, but not too much. Sure made those flowers look beautiful with those raindrops. And those desserts look really yummy.

  20. Pretty little flowers and delicious looking desert.

    Hope the rain subsides and you don't get a repeat of last year's floods.

  21. Lovely pictures of beauty and comfort. What a contrast with the floods and rain. You have been blessed with an amazing cook (I'm assuming one of your children?) and you have wonderful photo skills. Thank you for your wonderful pictures every day.

  22. The rain makes for beautiful photos but I sure hope it doesn't cause any problems! Yummy dessert! :) Not sure what that last plant is... it's pretty though!

  23. Great pics - and yummy looking sweets! :-)

  24. I give the music by this posting a big plus with the rain in the background. Well done

  25. Miss E. can come over and bake yummy rolls anytime! the first photo is really lovely :)

  26. I think your little girl must blog about what she bakes and cooks!! I for one will definitely be her follower!! She amazes me...:-)

  27. Wish I could bite into one of those scrumptious desserts! Well Done Miss E! Wishing you safety from flooding.

  28. These pictures are so pretty. They are making me feel peaceful : ). I can almost imagine how delicious those apple biscuits are. YUM!

  29. Love the waterdrops on the flowers! Gorgeous images!


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