
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lush and Wet

Summer showers and rain are keeping the garden very green and wet. This morning I bought some decent sized umbrellas to help keep us dry. Miss E thought they were wonderful!

Our folding umbrella snapped at the handle yesterday. Master T had fun making an umbrella hat from it today.

Love this fern frond in a corner of the garden. It will soon look like the beauty below.

This native Blue Wren was taking advantage of a break in the showers this morning and so was my little butterfly friend.

I don't know the name of this plant but suspect it's poisonous. The flowers close each night and reopen in the morning. Here it is in some sunshine last Friday and below, one of the last bell flowers this morning.

I love the colour and beautiful shape of the buds.

Hoping we won't need to give the new umbrellas too much of a work out just yet. Some areas in our state and the next have have much more rain than us and are carefully watching rising rivers.....

Sharing at Foto Friday.


  1. Beautiful pictures, especially the fern is lovely.

  2. Lovely shots Karen...... very well done

  3. Hi there - great set of pictures.

    The difference in the upper and under wings of my butterfly is strange - neither seem to offer much in the way of camouflage.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  4. Oby parasole nie były za często potrzebne :-). Uwielbiam paprocie, szczególnie gdy nie są jeszcze całkiem rozwinięte liście. Motylek i ptaszek - słodkie, a zdjęcia kwiatów śliczne. Pozdrawiam ciepło. *** May the umbrellas were not needed too often :-). I love ferns, especially when they are not yet completely developed leaves. Butterfly and bird - sweet and beautiful pictures of flowers. I greet warmly.

  5. As always, absolutely stunning captures, crystal clear and vivid. Lovely.

  6. love this post! I could smell the garden and feel the rain and the drops... hope it won't turn out into a nightmare.

  7. As always your post is wonderful - such gorgeous colours in your garden, lovely shots of the girls enjoying those new umbrellas (I only own "Golf" unbrellas now as they are so much better), Master T doing what boys do best, and your creatures. I love that Blue Wren!!

    Thank you for your prayers. They are much appreciated :)

  8. Hope the rain will not last long but I have to say it gives beautiful shots and happy memories.

  9. You killed me with that picture of the fern!!! I had forgotten what one looked like(when tender). What is it with us plant lovers? I get all nostalgic when I see plants that I once had...:-(

  10. girls are adorable :)! very nice images!

  11. Lovely photos...fantastic flowers pictures.. so lovely the kids..
    Greeting Karin

  12. Beautiful, happy children, a lovely garden, delightful plants/flowers, gorgeous bird and butterfly!! Wow! Life doesn't get any better! Hope your week is going well, it certainly looks as though it is!


  13. Love the blue wren and the capture of the butterfly! Your children are lovely!
    Best regards, marion

  14. These are breathtaking photos, but that blue wren is STUNNING! And I love your son's inventiveness with the umbrella.

  15. What lovely childeren you have. Love to see them smile. I hope you don't have to use your umbrella to often.
    The ferns are gorgeous and the bird a great work of mother nature.
    You captured all beautifuly.
    Have a lovely evening

  16. Der Farn, einfach großartig.

    GLG Marianne♥

  17. Absolutely stunning shots! I feel very relaxed now. Thank you.

  18. Very creative umbrella hat, I love that bird...and I do believe that butterfly is the most beautiful lacy design I've ever seen on one! It looks unreal.

  19. That's a really sweet picture of Miss E with the laughter in her eyes - she looks so excited! Love how that mind of your Master T works, he is so inventive and imaginative in his thinking. I showed Rosie the photo of your bluebird - it's so pretty. Your last shot is my pick for the day.

  20. Funny with the umbrellas.


  21. Those shots with the umbrella are so fun... And Your macro shots are just breathtaking...

    Hugs, Linda

  22. Gorgeous pictures. My cherubs love to play with umbrella's as well.

  23. Got a chuckle out of the unbrella hat. Love all the photos, but the blue wren is my favorite. Wrens are amoung my favorite birds--had no idea there are blue wrens in other parts of the world!

  24. wow... beautiful shots.. Your girls look adorable... Love the snaps of the blue wren and the butterfly... However my favorite is the last shot - You have captured the flowers so well... Are these flowers Hyacinthoides ?

  25. What cute pictures of the children, especially Miss E`s happy face :0) You've capture her moment ;0) Beautiful bird, and i like the flowers - love the blue color also..;0)
    The flower looks similar to one flower my mum have in her garden, if it is, its poisoning - so be aware. Have a nice day !

  26. They are all so beautiful, I can not pick a the little bird.

  27. Sweeter Miss E's big and little never existed. You are truly blessed, Karen.. but you already know that.

    *Just when I think I have finally made up my mind, I visit you Karen and 'blown away' by your stunning photos.
    Now I feel I am back to square one.. fz35 vs fz150.. hmm, which way do I go? I do not know?

  28. I hadn't seen your blog before. You have very lovely pictures and it's a treat for me right now to see a ray of sunshine since I'm on the wintery side of the world. I like all your photos but the one of the butterfly made me 'ooh' out loud. I would not have thought of that composition but it really works! Then I scrolled down and saw the same butterfly on the purple daisy on Sunday's post. Awesome.

  29. We can't do much about the rain so it is great to see the kids having fun with it.
    The blue wren is drop dead gorgeous and the butterfly and flowers are dreamy, thanks for this shot of colour.

  30. Those are huge umbrellas!
    And the wren is so beautiful!

    Thanks so much for sharing,

  31. Those umbrella shots are just to cute . Love the one with the bird also very pretty.

  32. That umbrella hat may be a marketable idea. :)

  33. Such gorgeous photos--that blue wren is so pretty! (And your son might be on to something with that umbrella hat!)


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