
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Everyday Marvels

I spotted this colourful little fellow on a passionfruit late yesterday.

Our largest passionfruit really are larger than a tennis ball.

Covered in pollen, yesterday's caterpillar was enjoying nibbling on some passionfruit leaves today. 

Four new bromeliad flower spikes are beginning their adventure.

The largest tadpoles are beginning to turn into tiny frogs.

Loving my new macro lens! The closer I look, the more miraculous I find the everyday happenings in our garden. My eyes only see a tiny sliver of all which is continually unfolding, I marvel at God's creativity.

Sharing at Shoot.Edit.Submit (last photo chosen in Weekly Top 5), Sweet Shot Tuesday.


  1. Gorgeous shots - you are rocking that macro :-)
    Those passionfruit are on steroids!!

  2. you manage to capture nature beauty so amazingly well in your pictures! I simply love the last shot, which macro lens did u get? I am also into marco pics:-)

    happy+sunny weekend from tulip/crocusland:-)

  3. Hi Jana, my macro lens is a Raynox super macro conversion lens. Click on "new macro lens" above for a post I did on the lens last Sunday.

  4. Gorgeous macro shots, love them!
    Have a great day.

  5. GREAT macro shots...... very well done.

    Greetings, Joop

  6. Zawsze mówię, że to co zobaczy aparat, nie zobaczy oko ludzkie. Dałaś temu dowód na swoich pięknych zdjęciach. Pozdrawiam. *** I always say that what the camera sees, not the human eye sees. You gave this proof of his beautiful photographs. Yours.

  7. Your photos and blog are inspiring! Marveling at the colors, blue, lavender,yellow and black in the bottom shot!

  8. Diese Raupe gibt es auch bei uns, ist ein Schlehenbürstenspanner. Deine Makros sind fantastisch.

    LG Mathilda

  9. Wonderful macro shots. The caterpillar is really cool looking. Neat capture of the tadpole. Awesome photos, have a great weekend!

  10. Love the soon-to-be-frog and the way you captured it. Beautiful! As you enjoy doing th macro I (we) enjoy looking at the amazing results, thank you, Karen :)

  11. gorgeous macro shots! great work :)

  12. I am also enjoying your new lens! What amazing shots - it's a good teaching tool for your children, too. The idea of looking closely (and then, more closely still) opens new worlds for all of us. Keep those fabulous pics coming!

  13. Oh, I love getting little glimpses from your side of the world. Lovely! That purple flower macro is nothing short of stunning <3

  14. I always love your colorful macro shots and speaking of color that is a colorful little guy isn't he? The passion fruit looks delicious! Hope you and your family enjoy a lovely weekend!


  15. Excellent shots, love especially the caterpillar!
    Have a nice day, Marion

  16. Parabéns pela nova lente, a última foto está maravilhosa.


  17. What is this on the last picture. It is amazing.


  18. Love the flower photo. I marvel at His creativity too:)

  19. Love the unusual caterpiller. But maybe it isn't unusual to you. So colorful. I'm enjoying all your wonderful flowers that we can only see here in greenhouses.

  20. Loved this macros!!!

    Have a nice Sunday.

  21. you are the queen of macro!
    I wonder what your frog will look like mature....
    your caterpillar looks like a hairy strand of cooked tomato! Love the flowers too and how much your passion fruit have grown. May our passion for the Lord continue to increase as well

  22. From the first shot I was thinking I would ask if you've been using your new lens in these shots , which of course was answered by the end of your post. That is lovely you're getting so much enjoyment from it - as are we the viewers. Can't believe the size of those passionfruit!!

  23. You are capturing some wonderful things with that new lens, I am so glad that you are sharing with us!

  24. Such a beautiful "treasure" to discover on your passionfruit vine. I am enjoying the fruits of your new lens :)

  25. Really really beautiful photos! I hope the caterpillar isn't going to lay your passionfruit foliage bare! He's a pretty caterpillar and I bet will become a gorgeous butterfly as well.

  26. wow!!! Youir passion fruits are huge. I've never seen anything that big. Hope it's delicious too ;)

  27. Beautiful shots! I envy your new lense...I gotta get me one of them real soon!

  28. Your new lens gives us even more beauties to witness, these caterpillars shots are fabulous!

  29. I love the macro photos of the beautiful flowers....just gorgeous to see the detail that would otherwise be missed :)

  30. Amazing detail...and that tadpole is adorable!

  31. Just found your blog - it is wonderful - so glad to see the gardening efforts & ecosystems for all the critters to live in. Beautiful macro shots!

  32. Gorgeous pictures, you're right, they are everyday miracles.

  33. I love the pollen covered caterpillar. That tadpole is pretty cool, too.


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